This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 803 Fucking Lin Xiaocheng Without Rules

Chapter 803 Unscrupulous Lin Xiaocheng

Let one chasing two win the first BO3 victory of the new lineup, the KT players couldn't help but high-five each other to celebrate.

Although there are still many problems exposed by the team, everything is developing in a good direction.

I happily returned to the backstage lounge, and after waiting for a while, the staff notified me to prepare for the post-match interview.

There was no interview session in the K Cup group stage this time, and the interviews set up in the knockout stage are by invitation only. Lin Cheng and Chovy were invited to accept post-match interviews in this game.

The two stood on the stage and began to conduct online interviews with the commentators.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Congratulations to KT for winning the game with one chase and two. Today we invited players Cheng and Chovy to be interviewed. Let's say hello to everyone first."

Lin Cheng: "Hi everyone, I'm KT top laner Cheng."

Chaowei: "Hi everyone, I'm KT mid laner Chovy."

Kuro answered: "Wow! Hearing Chovy's introduction, I suddenly feel a little emotional. I also introduced myself in front of the camera like this before."

Lin Cheng said smoothly: "Look more carefully, Li Shiheng, you are now in the limelight. It is much easier to play tricks in the commentary than we are playing on stage."

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, the three people in the commentary burst into laughter.

The fact is also true, many broken coppers and rotten irons can spray the operations of the king's players from the perspective of God, and it is normal for players on the field to be complained by commentators with certificates.

Just like Dudu and Morgan were beaten like mentally retarded by Lin Cheng on the court, anyone who saw it could ridicule them, even if their Hanbok king's level of 90.00-[-] could beat [-]% of the audience.

Lee Jung Hyun: "The new KT team lineup has been greatly adjusted. What is Cheng's determination for this Kespa competition?"

"In this year, our KT won all the previous championships. Now it is the end of the year, and I want to draw a successful end to this year."

The subject changed, and Lin Cheng suddenly said: "But if we don't get a good result, I hope the fans don't care too much. We will work hard to get better."

Kuro: "Hey! This doesn't sound like something you would say. It sounds a little lacking in confidence? Lin Cheng, shouldn't you be yelling that the Kespa Cup champion is already in your pocket?"

Lin Cheng: "People will always grow! I am no longer that middle school boy... Li Shiheng, you are honorably laid off, and now I am the leader of KT, so I have to be more cautious."

Kuro retorted: "What does it mean to be honorably laid off? I call it a second venture. I'm not that unemployed vagrant like Park Yong Hyuk! I'm a person with a serious job."

The dialogue between the two not only made Li Zhenxian and Gorilla next to them laugh like crazy, but the audience couldn't hold back anymore.

Chinese barrage.

"It's too coquettish! Brother Cheng still smells like that."

"Gloriously laid off and started a second business, Kuro also has something."

"Is it okay for a homeless person? Tusin said it's very frustrating!"

"At this time, Tusin, a vagrant, is complaining in the live broadcast room."

"These two people don't seem to be interviewing, they speak so casually, haha!"

"Tsk tsk! Brother Cheng's efforts alone have distorted the style of the club, and Kuro has not recovered yet."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Let's ask Chovy again, what's the atmosphere like after joining the new team?"

Originally, Chovy endured a lot of pain beside Lin Cheng, lowering his head for fear of laughing out loud, but now he raised his head and showed two canine teeth.

Chovy usually wants to look aloof in the club, so that he won't show his canine teeth with a smile, but Lin Cheng deliberately tells some very cold jokes to tease him, which is very hateful.

In fact, Chovy's laughter is not very high, and he is always amused by inexplicable reasons. Mr. Dai persuaded Chaowei to straighten his teeth early seeing how hard he was living.

Trying to control his facial muscles, Chovy whispered: "The atmosphere in the club is very good. Although the time with everyone is very short, there are no players with particularly strange personalities."

Kuro interjected: "Hey~~~ Don't be so subtle! Lin Cheng's character is obviously very strange."

Lin Cheng stared deathly at Kuro on the screen with his eyes wide open.

What bullshit are you talking about?
Chovy couldn't help but grinned again.

Kuro: "Hey! Am I right? Isn't Lin Cheng weird?"

Chovy thought of Lin Cheng's inexplicable cold jokes all day long, so he nodded in a strange way.

Lin Cheng turned to look at him with sharp eyes.

Lee Jung Hyun couldn't stop laughing, and covered half of his face with his hands, "Haha! When I interviewed Cheng before, I often felt that I couldn't use my strength. Now the appearance of Kuro's commentator seems to help me vent my anger." .”

"Don't count on me, Lin Cheng's mouth is very poisonous, Li Zhenxianxi should ask for more blessings."

This guy Kuro has let himself go, and caught Lin Cheng to death.

Lin Cheng was so angry that he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

hateful!In the past, this guy was hacked too much, but now he is backlashed.

Seeing Kuro's anti-fan leader being madly attacked by Kuro, the audience in front of the screen laughed crookedly.

"A sincere comment from an old teammate, haha!"

"The domineering team leader Lin Xiaocheng also has today?"

"The most coquettish thing is that Chaowei nodded, 23333."

"Kuro: You're the one who blackmails me every day during interviews?"

"Kuro: It's hard to say that I was a teammate before, labor and management have tolerated you for a long time."

Li Zhenxian adjusted his mood, "Well~~~ Speaking of the game itself, KT lost the first game today. I want to ask player Lin Cheng if he has summed up the main reason for the loss in this round?"

Lin Cheng turned to look at Chovy: "Zhixun, just now Li Shiheng said that I am a guy with a strange personality, you don't think so, do you?"

Chovy froze for a moment, not knowing what Lin Cheng meant.

Seeing that he was in a daze and didn't speak, as if acquiescing that he was a very strange guy, Lin Cheng curled his lips, "I think the reason why we lost in the first game is the gap in the middle."

Chovy: "..."

This guy is too stingy!He's here waiting for revenge.

Lee Jung Hyun: "So, as the designated backer, Chovy, do you have anything to say?"

"Hmm~~~ It's true that I didn't play very well in the first round."

Chovy thought about it seriously: "But in the mid-term, there was a wave of small dragons. I desperately replaced the opposing duo. In that wave, we could have regained the situation. I think it is better to take the tower, but they insist on using the big dragon... "..."

Lin Cheng interjected: "Nabo, you are dead, why are you talking so much?"

Chovy hesitated for a second, and tentatively said, "I actually don't think your personality is very strange."

Lin Cheng changed his words: "I was wrong just now, the first round was the bottom lane gap."

This real face made everyone confused, and then burst into laughter.

At this time, Mr. Dai, who was watching the broadcast in the lounge, was already cursing with anger.

"Wow~~~ This guy Lin Cheng really has no integrity!"

(End of this chapter)

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