This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 804 Advancing to the K Cup Final

Chapter 804 Advancing to the K Cup Final

After finishing the interview and not interested in staying to watch the evening game, the KT team returned to the base by bus.

Today is Christmas, and the guys who just finished the game worked hard to decorate together and held a small Christmas party.

The two BO3s of six to four were all played in one day, and the four teams confirmed to advance to the semi-finals of this year's K Cup are KT, DWG, NS, and GEN·G.

The predecessor of NS was the DYN team that came up from the secondary league this summer. It was acquired by the Korean food industry giant Nongshim Group and changed its name.

I have to say that the boss of DYN was lucky, he happened to catch the last train of the alliance, and he sold an LCK spot at a good price backhandedly.

It is worth mentioning that after receiving the sponsorship from Kia Group, DWG also announced two days ago that they will officially change their name to DWG·KIA next season.

Originally, many people thought that DWG, as the team second only to KT in the LCK this year, would find it difficult to maintain the original lineup until the contract expires after the players have shown their value. They may not be able to renew the outstanding players in the team with high salaries.

But getting Kia's title sponsorship is different.

Title sponsors are different from ordinary sponsors. The investment of title sponsors will be greater, and in the official announcement of DWG, Kia will assist the club in brand management and operation.

Of course, DWG did not choose to keep Niu Bao despite getting Kia's investment.

Having money doesn't mean you have to spend it recklessly. How much is Lin Cheng's contract? It is impossible for Nuguri to stay in the LCK to get such an exaggerated contract from the LPL.

In addition to Nongshim and Kia, another large group that entered the LCK with a high profile is KB Kookmin Bank. They reached a cooperation agreement with Sandbox. Next season, SB will be renamed LSB.

The impact of the alliance process of the LCK this year is indeed great.

Many big companies in South Korea began to invest in the competition with confidence. Even many companies that did not acquire LCK seats have reached sponsorship agreements with the club.

With more sponsors, the club will naturally have the money to buy people, and the treatment of the players will increase accordingly.

The strangest thing in the transfer market this year is Hanwha. The alliance started to increase investment in the headquarters. As a result, Hanwha Club took the money but couldn't buy anyone, which is a bit embarrassing.

With such a big move by all parties, it is not surprising that KT will spend such a large amount of money this year.

After two consecutive years of failure of the Galaxy Battleship, KT had already given up hope on the road of spending money to achieve results, but the birth of Lin Cheng gave KT executives a glimmer of hope.

They all dream of competing against rival T1 in the League of Legends tournament. The brand value created by T1 is enough to make all clubs jealous.

Even if they didn't make it to the T1 World Championship last year, they still received far more sponsorship than other clubs. Although this is inseparable from the management of T1's top management, it is mainly because of T1's brand value.

Therefore, the KT headquarters is determined to retain the team's banner Lin Cheng regardless of the cost, and while vigorously recruiting to ensure the results, it also intensifies business development efforts to speed up the pace of catching up with the arch-rival.

Aside from the digression, KT has just advanced to the semi-finals and then the semi-finals of the Kespa Cup. KT ushered in a duel with NS.

Compared with when NS was still called DYN in the summer split, the lineup has changed a lot. Only the storm triple champion Rich and the bottom AD player Deokdam are still in the lineup.

Nongshim has brought in Blank, the black king who returned from Japan, in the jungle position, and the rookie Bay in the mid laner, with Kellin as the support.

Judging from the previous K-cup matches, Nongshim's signings this year are actually quite practical.

In addition to the fact that Bay looks a little stretched, Xiao Heimeng's return to the top is a bit like a younger generation. Although Kellin didn't compete for the first time when he was in GEN·G, he was actually more spiritual than Laifu when he was stable.

Of course, he was even more aggressive than Laifu when he started delivering.

Since GEN·G's champion support CoreJJ left, all the players in the support position are the kind of guys who are supernatural. Samsung fan Guan Zeyuan often complained about this.

In addition to the performance of the new jungler and support, Deokdam itself has a strong Carry ability. This NS team only lost a small round to DWG in the previous K Cup match.

Of course, although NS has shown a good state, most people think that KT, whose state has improved significantly in the last round, will easily defeat the opponent.

However, this is not the case.

In the semi-finals of BO5, KT encountered a hard fight as soon as it came up.

And Xiao Hei, who returned to the LCK, was amazing. In the early stage, Xiao Hei's rock sparrow was very insidious in the field of vision and caught Xiao Peanut's chance to complete the jungler after turning in his skills to complete a solo kill. The effect keeps KT's rhythm from getting up all the time.

Not only the KT audience couldn't believe it, but even the T1 fans couldn't accept it.

Xiao Hei has changed. Is this still the Heihuang who caused SKT to explode in three lanes with the reverse gank?
In the first game, under Xiaohei's perfect rhythm, NS tenaciously defeated KT.

The scene in the second game was still anxious, but because the KT lineup had no coordination ability, they finally lost the game.

After losing two games in a row, KT seemed to wake up suddenly.

In the following games, KT's players began to exert their strength.

Rich's signature sword demon was continuously beaten by Lin Cheng on the top lane, and good news continued to come from the top lane.

Chovy even let the rookie mid laner Bay experience his terrifying suppression in the middle lane, and he also completed consecutive solo kills just like Lin Cheng's encouragement.

Little Peanut also froze. Facing the bloody outburst of the little black who had squeezed himself into the bench, he stopped choosing the wild nuclear brush and directly ate the blind monk, chasing him in the wild.

On the other hand, Mr. Dai and Little Reaper were a little bit interesting in the lower road. First, they killed the opponent in a line, and then sent them away suddenly for no reason.

In the end, after adjusting, KT chased three games in a row, won the game by allowing two to chase three, and advanced to the Kespa Cup final.

KT fans are now looking forward to and worrying.

The anticipation is because KT is very tenacious to complete the second to chase the third, which makes people see their resilience and makes fans believe that KT will become better and better as Lin Cheng said.

But worry is inevitable.

Compared with the previous generation of KT's destructiveness, the operation decision of this KT team is very confusing. It does have a very beautiful decision to pull the tower and change the line, but at the same time there is no lack of cerebral hemorrhage like a gourd baby saving grandpa.

Fans of other teams are gloating that KT's dominance is gone, and their chance has come.

In fact, during the post-match replay, the KT players also discovered the team's problems. The main reason for them is that their thinking is not unified enough. It is difficult for the five players to respond tacitly in the first place when the situation is changing rapidly.

Due to the different styles of the teams they belonged to before, the players' playing styles are different, and the players' judgments on the situation are not necessarily the same, which often leads to disconnection.

This situation can only be improved by a lot of running-in, but fortunately they still have a lot of time.

Lin Cheng firmly believes that KT is still invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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