This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 806 Do you engage in personal attacks?

Chapter 806 Do you engage in personal attacks?
It was a simple matter of buying some materials, but in the end Zheng Shiyan packed the cart in Lin Cheng's hand to the brim with the gesture of emptying the supermarket.

Lin Cheng actually saw another side of the usually cold sister Shiyan.

She was obviously moved when she saw the fresh prawns in the freezer, but she just stopped by the freezer, and before Lin Cheng could speak, she muttered softly to herself: "Ah~~~ It's a pity that if you want to make grilled shrimp, you need Preparing the sauce is very troublesome."

At this time, the aunt of the supermarket who was tidying up the freezer next to her suddenly said casually: "No need! I can provide the sauce, if you want to buy it."

The atmosphere was silent for [-] seconds.

As if whispering from a demon, Zheng Shiyan looked at Lin Cheng.

"How about it? Would you like grilled shrimp?"

Her eyes were full of inquiry, and there was still a little expectation.

Lin Cheng almost made her laugh, and hurriedly nodded approvingly, "Yes! Yes! Our Enxi also likes to eat grilled shrimp."

Seeing Lin Cheng holding back her laughter, Zheng Shiyan turned around and calmly said to her aunt:
"Please give me some grilled shrimp...and the sauce."

At that moment, Lin Cheng somehow felt that Zheng Shiyan was a little cute.

But after Zheng Shiyan looked over with a blank expression, he felt that his thoughts just now were terrible.

Back at the apartment, Zheng Shiyan started to prepare dinner, and Lin Cheng was helping.

However, as soon as Lin Cheng entered the kitchen, he liked to give advice, and he couldn't help but chatter beside him while helping to wash and chop vegetables.

"Sister Shiyan, you cut the potatoes too small, you have to cook them a little bigger to be delicious."

"Also, is there too much sugar in the pork ribs? Too much sugar is not tasty."

"Did you put the bean paste in? This must not be missing."


Zheng Shiyan was annoyed by his noise, so she couldn't help raising the volume, "Can you do things quietly? Chop your onion carefully, and don't worry about other things, my sister doesn't need your advice."


Lin Cheng responded sullenly, and just as Zheng Shiyan lowered her head to work again, she heard Lin Cheng mutter again:

"However, I still think that the potatoes should be cut into larger pieces."

Zheng Shiyan couldn't help laughing angrily, and didn't bother to talk to him, and continued to do her work.

Soon, the two diverged again.

"Sister Shiyan, the onion has been chopped, what else can I order?"

While Zheng Shiyan was busy with the work in hand, she casually said: "You scoop up the anchovies in the soup pot, and then you can put the kelp in it."

Lin Cheng took out the dried anchovies from the boiling soup pot with a spoon, and put the kelp prepared next to it into the clear soup base.

"The kelp is ready, then what?"

"Season with pepper and soy sauce."

"Yeah? Soy sauce? It should be salt and sesame oil, right?"

Lin Cheng raised doubts.

"It's soy sauce. I've made seaweed soup for Enxi many times."

"But it turns black when soy sauce is added. The color of kelp soup is very clear. I didn't put soy sauce when I read that Sister Yan made it."

"The soy sauce should be more fragrant, don't worry about the color."

Lin Cheng insisted, "But it doesn't look good with soy sauce, let's put salt and sesame oil, it's fragrant and beautiful."

"Just do what my sister says, and don't worry about anything else."

"I do not!"

Zheng Shiyan stopped talking, lowered her eyes and flipped the ribs in front of her with chopsticks.

Without waiting for Sister Shiyan's confirmation, Lin Cheng first put a little pepper in the kelp soup, then turned to look at her.

"Sister Shiyan."

"Sister Shiyan?"

"Why don't you talk? Are you angry?"

At this time, Zheng Shiyan replied forcefully, "No."

Obviously angry!
"All right! Soy sauce is just soy sauce."

Lin Cheng felt that he should be more generous as a man, so he took the soy sauce bottle and shook it next to Zheng Shiyan.

"Hey! Look! I listen to you, it's soy sauce! Don't be angry with me."

Zheng Shiyan didn't even raise her eyes, and while continuing to work, she said forcefully: "Didn't you say you need to put sesame oil and salt? The color of soy sauce doesn't look good."

Lin Cheng was aggrieved: "Aren't you talking about adding soy sauce? Why are you blaming me again?"

"Why are you so unintentional? You are still a man."

Lin Cheng: "???"

It's a personal attack, right?
You are the mother of a child, why are you so stingy?
If he didn't dare, Lin Cheng would have to prove that he is a genuine and pure man.

Sighing, Lin Cheng simply put down the soy sauce bottle, "Hey! Since you agree, I'll put sesame oil in."

"Put soy sauce!"

Lin Cheng: "..."

The blood pressure is up!

That is to say, Sister Shiyan can't afford to offend him. If the little wife teases him like this, Lin Cheng will appoint her to do it.

Since he couldn't afford to mess with it, Lin Cheng finally obediently put soy sauce in it.

Looking at the darkened soup base, Lin Cheng always felt a little uncomfortable.

I took a sip of the soup with a big spoon and tasted it, and it was actually quite delicious.

"Sister Shiyan, this tastes good! Try it."

Lin Cheng stretched out the half spoonful of soup he drank, and Zheng Shiyan said without raising her head, "No need! I know the taste of the soup I made."

"What soup did you make? Obviously I made it, and I put down all the ingredients."

Seeing Lin Cheng being so shameless, Zheng Shiyan couldn't help but glance at him.

Lin Cheng didn't feel ashamed either, so he handed the spoon to her mouth, "Taste it! Don't worry, I've already drank it."

"You don't have to go into so much detail."

Zheng Shiyan reluctantly drank the remaining half spoonful of seaweed soup and gave her evaluation.

"not bad."

Lin Cheng cheerfully said: "When Enxi comes back, I will give her soup. I made this myself. Sister Shiyan, you are not allowed to take credit."


Hearing the smug laughter beside her, Zheng Shiyan couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.

After a while, the two wives finally came back with Enxi.

"Sister Shuyan, I miss you so much."

Lin Cheng shamelessly went up to give a big hug, wanting to embrace the two big ones and the small one in his arms.

Of course, he caught Xiao Tong's Cruciating Punch with his backhand.

The little girl was still excited, she grabbed Lin Cheng's leg and talked about what she had seen and heard on the dairy farm with great interest.

"Uncle, Enxi fed the baby cow today."

"Baby Niu has a big appetite! A big bottle full of milk will be finished in one go."

Although the little girl was a little unclear in her articulation, she still mumbled to Lin Cheng about her experience today.

When Enxi got excited and just started dinner, Lin Cheng happily announced that he made the seaweed soup at the dinner table, and Zheng Shiyan didn't expose him.

"Oh~~~It's delicious."

Seeing the little girl squinting her eyes contentedly while drinking the kelp soup, Lin Cheng grinned almost to the ears.

Seeing Lin Cheng's happy look, Han Shuyan couldn't help laughing.

Zheng Shiyan and Xiao Tong also laughed.

The little girl saw that everyone was laughing, and also smiled foolishly.

 There is no way recently, Jiageng will have to wait for a while

(End of this chapter)

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