This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 807 Lin Cheng's Only Record

Chapter 807 Lin Cheng's Only Record
Entering 2021, Lin Cheng played with Enxi until the afternoon on New Year's Day, and he returned to the base near the evening.

It's not that he went back to the base to prepare for tomorrow's game. The main reason is that Mr. Dai invited everyone to have dinner at the base today. Lin Cheng reluctantly gave up Ruanxiang and came to get closer to his teammates.

Of course, another reason is that Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong are getting tired of being together recently, Lin Cheng can only guard the empty room alone even if he is at home.

That being the case, this one doesn't matter!
Last time he cheated on Xiao Tong's bed all night, but Xiao Tong guarded him like a thief and occupied Sister Shuyan.

Lin Cheng secretly calculated that he must find a chance to snatch sister Shuyan back, and at the same time show some color to the little wife who is always obstructive.

On January 1, the day when the Kespa Cup finals started.

In the early morning, Lin Cheng got up early, dressed in thin clothes, and prepared to exercise on the lawn of the base.

As soon as he stepped out of the base building, Lin Cheng shivered when the cool wind blew.

"Fuck! This Tiansha pen is only for training."

Lin Cheng resolutely rolled back and changed into a thick down jacket.

Workout canceled, go out to breakfast instead.

After breakfast, Lin Cheng thoughtfully brought some smiling face candies to his teammates.

Smiling candies have the effect of relieving hangovers. Those guys drank alcohol at dinner last night. Although they all drank a little for the atmosphere, Lin Cheng was inevitably worried that his teammates' state would be affected today.

It will be troublesome if the teammates in the finals are not human.

This is also a point that Lin Cheng is relatively speechless. Koreans, regardless of whether they are male or female, almost cannot do without alcohol. Drinking more or less is a matter of emotion.

When Lin Cheng returned to the base and knocked on the doors of his teammates one by one to let them eat smiling faces, the entire base was full of resentment.

"Lin Cheng, is there something wrong with you? How big is it to drink two cups for one person? Why are you smashing the door?"

"I'm really sleepy. I didn't sleep until five o'clock in the morning. What do you mean by knocking on the door at eight o'clock and asking me to eat candy?"

"Brother! I beg you, don't do this next time."

The teammates all ate the smiling face candy full of emotion, and then went back to sleep.

Lin Cheng was very pleased.

Don't thank me, this is what a captain should do.

The atmosphere of the K-Cup finals in the past two days has also been gradually heated up. After all, it was the reunion of the champions and runners-up in the S10 finals not long ago. Many people are curious about the strength of the two teams after changing the lineup.

DWG retained the rest of the original lineup except for Khan who knocked out Niu Bao. Obviously, they are still a top team, and their previous performances also proved this point.

The current strength of KT is a bit incomprehensible.

We have been stumbling all the way since the group stage. If it weren't for the fact that there were two bad guys in the same group, KT might have drowned in the group stage based on the state of the previous few days.

Entering the knockout round, KT actually played very fascinatingly. Although the six-to-four made one chase two and the semi-finals made two chase three look very passionate, but it is inevitable that people doubt that they have lost their dominance in the summer split.

The strength of each team in the new season is not clear, and there is also an advertising youth army T1 that is rumored to be very fierce in the training match. The audience is wondering whether the new season will be a duo between KT and DWG.

However, the fans of the two sides in the K Cup final have not yet faced each other, and the T1 fans and KT fans fought first again.

T1 fans who have been rubbed for a whole year saw KT's performance in the K Cup, and couldn't wait to start mocking:
KT spent a lot of money on the new lineup but played like a headless chicken. The guy who called himself God is just an ordinary top laner after losing his original teammates. He still can't win if his teammates send him.

And KT fans said:
What qualifications does T1's trash have to laugh at us?My own K-cup game doesn't count at all every year, but the fans of T1 are still jumping up and down all day long.

After winning the K-Cup championship, Cheng is the only player in the entire LCK who monopolizes the annual championship. This record is a new milestone. Sooner or later, the king of KT will bury Faker in the ground.

In fact, not only the LCK, but since Riot's League of Legends professional league was formalized, there have been no players in the world who monopolize the annual championship.

This monopoly refers to winning all the championships in the competitions that year.

KT has never lost the championship in the competitions it participated in in 2020. If it wins the K Cup again, it would be an exaggerated record.

Stronger than when SKT ruled the world back then, they still couldn't achieve this.

In 13, SKT lacked the OGN Spring League champion, in 15, it lacked the MSI and K Cup champions, and in 16, it lacked the LCK Summer Split champion and K Cup champion.

The rest of the championship teams lack even more.

Only S10 champion KT is currently expected to set this record.

The old teammates who fought with Lin Cheng have left the team, so if the new KT wins the K Cup again, Lin Cheng will really become the only player in the world who monopolizes the annual championship.

This gold content is too high.

It is very likely that this will be a record that belongs to Lin Cheng alone, and it may be difficult to break this record in the future.

Therefore, KT fans are very eager for this year's K Cup champion. They are eager to see KT's banner create an unattainable record. This record will engrave Lin Cheng's name into the history hall of League of Legends.

Naturally, T1 fans are not happy to see this result.

This guy Lin Cheng calls himself a god. If such a record is created, why not kill a god to celebrate?

So, the war began.

The finals did not start, and T1 fans and KT fans had a big tear that shocked the LCK on the Internet.

In the beginning, it was just arguing around the K Cup.

Obviously, neither can convince the other.

Some people were angry, and some people started to curse.

From history to current situation, from players to coaches, from management to fans, everything has become a topic of contention between the two sides.

Among them, the flag figures of both sides were naturally dragged out as targets.

The fans of the two teams are like this. When T1 fans mock KT, they always like to step on Lin Cheng by the way, and when KT fans fight back, they also have to stare at Faker.

Although the two players have a good relationship, the fans have automatically regarded them as enemies, the kind that are irreconcilable.

After cursing and cursing, only Lin Cheng and Guapi's injured world appeared.

Fortunately, both of them are in a good mood, so they sent a message to agree to eat hot pot next time.

Of course, this hot pot requires Lin Cheng to treat guests, otherwise Li Ge will not go out even if he is beaten to death.

This time the scolding was so fierce that both sides scolded the official accounts of the other clubs, which attracted the clubs of both sides to come down to try to persuade them to fight.

Although the rhythm gradually subsided due to the efforts of the club, some troublesome fans still called this vigorous tearing as the first jihad of the news agency.

There is a first time and there is a second time. On the way to KT's rise, it is obvious that fans will inevitably have to fight against the triple crown.

The historical background predestined them to be natural enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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