This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 809 Chaowei: Today I just want to see more deaths on the road

Chapter 809 Chaowei: Today I just want to see more deaths on the road

It was close to five o'clock in the afternoon, and the two contestants met at the back of the entrance channel when they were about to go on stage.

Every time they met, they were beaten violently. The four middle and lower wild brothers from DWG were a little numb when they saw Lin Cheng, but except for Canyon, who was a little shy, everyone else was quite friendly.

Brother Hanzi, Peanut, and Effort have all been teammates, and they have a lot of acquaintances, and they greeted each other to show their friendship.

"Hey! Lin Cheng, today I'll show you the real number one top laner in the world. I, Jin Dongha, are back."

Although Brother Hanzi was often beaten up by Lin Cheng in RANK, his hard-talking skills can almost match Lin Cheng.

Like Lin Cheng, Brother Hanzi is also a talker.

However, all the flirty things Lin Cheng said came true, and brother Han Zi's flirtatious words often ended up being slapped in the face.

Brother Hanzi said in 18, "I am the number one top laner in the world, all top laners in the world will kneel down in front of me" was very arrogant, and then an MSI went back and dreamed of iron hammers and sheep bleating.

Facing Brother Hanzi's provocation like a joke, Lin Cheng chuckled.

"Okay! Later, you must be gentle."

Play with me!See if I cut it or not, and you're done!

"It's settled, Wang Hao don't come on the road later, let's fight real men on the road."

Little Peanut wasn't fooled, "It's okay if I don't go on the road... Brother Donghe, you can't secretly call me a jungler, I know you too well."

Brother Hanzi laughed and stopped talking.

It's impossible not to shake people. I, Jin Donghe, the world's number one shaker top laner, is it for nothing?

The top lane advantage depends on shaking people, and if it collapses, it will be the jungler's fault. This is my game philosophy of Kim Dong-ha.

The two sides talked and laughed, and finally stepped onto the stage.

Stepping onto the stage and looking at the familiar scene, Lin Cheng suddenly became motivated.

There are no spectators at the scene, only the surrounding cameras and lights,
When he stepped on the field for the first time, the scene was almost the same as now, as if it was just yesterday.

I'm sorry Brother Hanzi, you are still only one step behind the champion when you return to the LCK.

I want to use this championship to draw an end to my 2020.

The two sides entered the competition seats and began to adjust the equipment, and soon entered the BP stage of the first game.

In the first game of DWG, the blue side is the first to BAN and choose first.

As soon as she came up to DWG, the second BAN knife girl showed respect to Lin Cheng.

And the red square KT backhand also disabled Pan Sen. This hero is not only popular in the current version, Beryl is indeed very good at playing.

On the contrary, although Effort also plays Pantheon, when he played Pantheon in T1, he always liked to take the lead and send a wave of big ones.

The second BAN position of the blue side was given to Qing Gangying.

All the teams know that Lin Cheng's sword girl is scary, but if you study carefully, you will find that Lin Cheng's other signature Qinggangying is not inferior to the sword girl at all, but is limited to one-on-five scenes where the hero's characteristics are not so exaggerated.

Seeing that Qinggangying was banned, Little Peanut began to tease him.

"Lin Cheng's Camille is very scary, and this version actually needs a BAN on the opposite side?"

In fact, this version of Qinggangying was relatively weak before it was released into the mythical equipment, which led to the current poor performance in the Korean server.

But it is because of Lin Cheng's ID that Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying was banned at a very high rate in the K cup this time.

Facing the ridicule, Lin Cheng chuckled, "Don't flatter me! How do you know that the opposite ban is the top laner Kamier? What if the ban is the mid laner?"

Chovy: "Wow~~~ What's none of my business? Doesn't your Qinggangying have a super ghost time?"

Lin Cheng: "Sorry, really not."

The team voice roared with laughter.

Lin Cheng is the number one black fan in the team in terms of the powerful 080 Camille. He remembers the bad history of his teammates clearly.

While talking and laughing, KT's second-hand BAN chose to disable Samira, so respect the version.

The blue team struggled with the third BAN position for a long time, and finally banned Kai'Sa.

Judging from the K Cup competition during this period, there are mainly two popular ADs, Samira + Kai'Sa.

This version of Kai'Sa has a high priority because the skill evolution is too early. Although the laning ability in the first few levels is not strong, Kai'Sa's evolution equipment is mostly loose and the curve is smooth. After the early evolution of the Q skill, there will be a qualitative change.

The Ghost Emperor is not very good at Kai'Sa, as long as it is Kai'Sa's version, Mr. Ghost will not have a good time.

Therefore, DWG does not plan to let Mr. Dai in the case that it is impossible for the blue side to grab Kai'Sa.

The third BAN position of the red side is Chovy's turn.

"Do you want to ban the Rock Sparrow?"

"Ban it, otherwise Jin Donghe on the opposite side will keep shaking people."

Lin Cheng replied bluntly, this version of Rock Sparrow has a very high priority.

Although the wild core version made Canyon's leopard female and male guns famous, in fact, the rock sparrow has been Canyon's signature AP jungler since it started playing professionally.

Now the follow-up of the Crag Sparrow's Q skill is full damage to wild monsters. When there is only one piece of Luden, Crag Sparrow can release three Qs in 8 seconds to kill the dragon in seconds.

This kind of jungle strength is obviously a bit beyond the standard. Recently, Rock Sparrow has become the hottest jungle hero in the Korean server.

The rock sparrow itself has a strong support ability to clear the wild quickly. In addition to Luden, you can also choose Yongshuang as a mythical outfit to enhance the gank ability. Lin Cheng believes that getting the rock sparrow for Canyon will definitely make Han Zi feel like he is flying.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Chovy became naughty.

"That's it~~~ Then I still feel that the crag sparrow is better. I don't know what's going on. I just want to see how many times I die on the road today."

The teammates laughed together.

"Zhixun, don't be so stingy, didn't you just mention your super ghost Qinggangying?"

"You have to learn from Faker's atmosphere. I called 1557 during the All-Stars and he didn't get angry. He even wanted to buy me a Coke... If you don't believe me, ask Kim Hyuk Kyu, Mr. Dai, please say something. "

Deft was silent for two seconds: "I'm sorry! I'm a good person and I won't lie."

Listening to the laughter of the team members, Kang Dongxun sighed silently as he looked at the densely packed notes in his small notebook.

Mom's!It seems that I am the only one who is doing BP seriously on the stage, right?

Be serious with me.

Kang Dongxun's notebook is full of BP coping strategies prepared in advance.

What hero is good at the opponent is worth targeting, and which tactics of your own team should be adjusted in time after being targeted. These are all homework done in advance. Many coaches have such a small book.

Of course, due to Lin Cheng's flashy hero pool, Kang Dongxun's book is much bigger than other coaches.

The coaches are all small notebooks, and it would be a wonderful sight for Kang Dongxun to take a notebook the size of an A4 paper to go on stage.

They have too many tactics in reserve. In order to review their homework in time with a glance on the stage, Kang Dongxun tries to make notes before each game on one page. This is why his small notebook is not small at all. .

Lin Cheng also often laughed at his coach, saying that it doesn't matter whether he takes notes or not, you can't grasp Brother Cheng's hero pool with a notebook.

But Kang Dongxun thinks it looks professional.

At least it doesn't look like I'm eating dry food, lest some boring guy yells all day long:

KT has such a strong lineup, even a dog on the coach bench can win the championship.

(End of this chapter)

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