This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 810 Akali is Weak Guan Chengzi What's the matter?

Chapter 810 Akali is Weak Guan Chengzi What's the matter?

Jokes aside, Chovy still banned the chaffinch on the third hand.

At the beginning of the selection, DWG locked the crocodile in one second on the blue side.

Lin Cheng was still showing off in the voice, "Look! I said I want to ban the Rock Sparrow, but the other side just wants to hit the upper half."

KT first locked Sett on the first floor of the red square. This kind of three-way swing hero can always be played on the field as long as the strength is right.

Peanut: "Should I grab Nidalee first? If there is no rock sparrow jungler on the opposite side, I will definitely choose Nidalee."

Lin Cheng: "No, no, my hero pool is not afraid of Nidalee + Renekton."

Little Peanut: "It may not be possible to give you a counter position, if you mention it, you will be easily caught."

Lin Cheng was very confident: "Don't worry, my Seti only hits women, I'm not afraid that Nidalee will catch her."

"Don't talk nonsense like that."

Although many Koreans don't know what it means for Seti to hit a woman, Mr. Dai quickly reminded Lin Cheng not to talk too much.

After all, the words in the microphone are not completely confidential. What if there are moles hidden in the official LCK staff?
"Fine! Just leave Nidalee alone."

Lin Cheng didn't continue joking anymore, he didn't want to let the team fall into the center of the whirlpool because of his nonsense.

The female boxing extremists in South Korea are simply a group of lunatics, and ordinary people are really afraid of being targeted by them.

Of course, even if they punched Lin Cheng indiscriminately, they wouldn't be afraid, and someone would come to help him without his taking a shot.

The difference from the domestic situation is that there are people in South Korea who specifically check and balance these boxers, and the men who are angered by these extreme boxing organizations turn out to be even more exaggerated in their fighting power.

They copied the opponent's boxing score, and started to counterattack as sensitively as a mad dog according to the opponent's routine.

These male boxers are well aware of the principle of striking first, and it is better to stigmatize female boxing than to be stigmatized by the opponent.

If anyone is labeled as a female boxer, it will be overwhelming cyber violence and human attacks.

Female boxers will be scolded if they do something wrong, and they will be scolded if they don't do something wrong, and they will be scolded if they show a little kindness to the female boxer.

Even the dog licking was forced by the struggle between the two sides not to fall to the female boxer.

It is true that magic can defeat magic.

The extremism of equal rights not only inspired Korean women, but also Korean men gradually.

The female boxers probably didn't expect that the degree of bewilderment developed by the male boxers was even more exaggerated than theirs.

Not only did they want to beat the female boxer to death, they also wanted to kill the dog licking.

Male boxers strike out with heavy punches, and female boxers have almost become street rats in South Korea.

Then, a very strange thing happened.

In South Korea, from the president to the common people, female boxing has become a label that everyone can't avoid.

The boxers who often see boxing in China are reversed in South Korea. The most frequently beaten people on the Internet in South Korea are those who are labeled as female boxers.

Of course, there are still some extreme boxers who have not given up resistance, and the male boxers are still relentlessly continuing to encircle and suppress.

In fact, the phenomenon of boxing is very common all over the world, but it is really a special case like South Korea, which uses male fists directly and directly.

On the other side, the Japanese men are already lying flat and rotten, choosing an operational strategy to defuse the attack of female boxing.

The current boxing stage is probably that Japan is operating, South Korea is fighting, and the country is pulling.

Back to the topic, KT locked Akali on the second floor of the red square without choosing to target Leopard Girl.

Like Sett, Akali can also swing, which will make it easier to pick and choose behind KT.

The second and third floors of the blue team selected Leopard Girl + Lucian. This middle field was placed in the T0 level of the World Championship version two months ago, but the priority is not so high now.

The red square KT locks Olaf on the third floor. The strength of the current version of bloodthirsty + bloody hands makes all warrior heroes very fierce.

At the beginning of the second round of BP, KT dropped the big tree + female tank in the red square BAN, and chose to target the support.

Beryl's big tree support can be said to be a unique skill. In the entire LCK, only Keria and Beryl can play big trees, but Keria's big tree support is not as effective as Beryl.

The last two BAN positions of the blue side are given to Quinn + female gun.

Obviously, DWG does not think that KT's first three moves must be the upper middle field, and it is still necessary to protect Hanzi's laning.

In the match against Han Hua, Lin Cheng used Quinn to torture the Morgan crocodile insanely.

In fact, KT has indeed decided to send Sett to support.

The main reason is that Seti + Olaf + Akali's hands in the upper half are too short.

In the second round of selection, the fourth floor of KT first took Jhin to Mr. Dai.

This move can be regarded as a substitute for BAN.

Without Jhin, DWG chose Aphelios + Thresh in the last two hands of the blue side.

This bottom lane combination is actually very strong, but it is always difficult for Ghost Emperor's Aphelios to make people believe that he can play a big C effect.

It is the turn of the red side to make the last move.

After discussing with his teammates, Lin Cheng still felt that it would be better for him to take Akali on the road.

In fact, Akali herself has a hard time facing Lucian or the crocodile in the middle and upper lanes, but the crocodile is not a long-handed hero, and Akali is not too afraid of being caught on the top road.

Therefore, KT finally chose Syndra for Chaowei.

Syndra and Lucian were the first brother and sister in the mid lane position for a long time last year, but the priority of the new version in the mid lane is actually relatively low.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue Square DWG:

Top Road: Khan (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungler: Canyon (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Lancer, Lucian)
Bot Lane: Gohst (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Beryl (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Stranger Thorn, Akali)
Jungle: Peanut (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid laner: Chovy (Darkhead, Syndra)
Bot lane: Deft (Jhin)

Support: Effort (Wu Hao, Seti)

In the Chinese-language commentary seat, the two commentators began to analyze the lineups of both sides.

Remember: "Come on! The fateful duel between DWG and KT is staged again! Last year, DWG was defeated by KT in the most important finals. Let's see if both sides can break the curse after lineup adjustments?"

Zeyuan: "This year should also be the last year of Brother Khan, let's see if Khan's champion face can come back?"

Remember: "Speaking of the lineup, I still prefer the blue side more in terms of the lineup. This lineup is very strong no matter the lineup or the early, middle and late stages of the team. The only disadvantage is that it may not be stable enough after starting the team."

"I'm also more optimistic about the lineup on the left, but in fact KT is not bad here, but Akali may be at a disadvantage against the Crocodile in the early stage, but..."

After a pause, Ze Yuan changed the subject:
"Akali's weakness against the crocodile is Akali's problem. What does it matter to me, Brother Chengzi? Akali's weakness doesn't mean Brother Chengzi is weak!"

 There are book friends who explain too much and barrage talk too much, which affects reading. How does it look like?
(End of this chapter)

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