This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 814 I Like Development

Chapter 814 I Like Development

Because of Lin Cheng's TP handling the pawn line, there are a lot of red minions on the field. Just now, the crocodile's ordinary Q did not kill the minions. Now that the red angry Q goes down, only two of the original eight or nine red minions are left on the field. up.

The crocodile's red anger Q returned to a quarter of its blood volume, and if Lin Cheng hadn't crossed the opponent, he would have recovered more.

Brother Hanzi made a good plan, first scratched Akali with white anger, then pinched red anger W and held on, just flattened the blood line of A, while Lin Cheng beat the blood of the crocodile, his own blood volume was only three Two-thirds of the blood is gone.

Regardless of Lin Cheng's huge advantage in blood volume, this kind of angry crocodile has a strong ability to fight back.

During the pull, the crocodile Q just finished cooling down, and brother Hanzi had stored more than half of his anger. Under such conditions, the crocodile could easily release two red anger skills.

Akali, who has no defensive equipment, has actually entered the crocodile killing line.

Moreover, Akali has no energy for the time being, nor does she have Xiazhen and E skills, so she is easily taken away by the crocodile.

However, that's about it.

Lin Cheng had long been on guard when he saw Brother Hanzi's poor acting skills. Although he still couldn't resist the temptation to come up, the key was that he had one more flash, that is, he had room to manipulate.

Lin Cheng dodged downwards, just blocking the way for the crocodile to retreat.

This position represents Lin Cheng's determination to kill.

Although three Qs were used to drain the energy provided by the Xia array, the energy recovery of this version of Akali is still considerable under continuous passive play, and Lin Cheng can wait for the next Q skill if he pulls for a few seconds.

Brother Hanzi knew it was bad when the red angry Q was dodged, but he had no choice. At this time, Akali's position made it difficult for the crocodile to run.

The last wave of Olaf turned against their stone men, and this wave will definitely appear in the upper half after returning to the city. If the crocodile runs in the opposite direction, there is a high probability that it will be blocked by Olaf.

I can only fight.

Seeing Akali step forward after flashing, Han Zige's [-]nd paragraph E pierced through the only two remaining soldiers and rushed to Akali's face, AW made a move.

Just when the anger turned red again, the red anger W directly cut Akali's blood volume to one-third.

The crocodile W's self-control mechanism is disgusting. Without E, Brother Han knew that it would be difficult for him to run, so he chose to stand still.

Lin Cheng wasn't afraid either. When he got up, he pulled back while pulling back.

Rarely, Akali stacked full of Conqueror and Crocodile stacked full of Conqueror are fighting hand-to-hand on the road.

The crocodile's hand-to-hand combat ability is indeed very strong, and Akali will lose blood after chasing two knives.

However, Lin Cheng took a few steps and waited for the energy to recover, and he backhanded AQ to complete the kill first.

The atmosphere group led by Peanut has already called 666.

"Lin Cheng is amazing! Killed alone."

"Is this the gold content of the world's number one top laner? Brother Donghe is getting old."

"Nice! Why was the opponent solo killed just after shaking someone?"

The teammates were all very excited, but Lin Cheng still had lingering fears.

"Fuck! It's scary."

Although he used the flash operation to get a solo kill, Lin Cheng's pants were almost wet this time.

The crocodile hero is still fierce in the early stage.

If Lin Cheng was killed by Brother Han's blood, he would have been laughed at by those black fans for a long time.

Fortunately, I have a better skill.

This wave of PK in the imperial city on the road also let the audience see what the speed of light changes.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Brother Hanzi is sick, and he was dragged into numbness with a large wave of soldiers! Chengzi flashed and dodged Q very beautifully, so I want to kill alone... eh? But Akali doesn't have the energy to beat him, I'm going to be counter-killed... Hey! The energy is good! I still kill alone!"

Remember: "Twists and turns! In this wave, both sides wanted to operate, but Cheng Zige was ahead of a flash operation and succeeded. In the last wave, he did not flash and escaped. It really became a foreshadowing."

"I have to say that Brother Chengzi is really brave. Seeing the crocodile almost full of anger, he dared to go over. I thought he would wait until the sixth level before attacking him. I didn't expect him to kill him at the fifth level."

Zeyuan paused, and suddenly his tone became more relaxed, "Look! I just said that Akali is weak and Guan Chengzi. What's wrong with Brother Chengzi? After being messed up by others, he only killed the angry crocodile. I'm sorry, Brother Hanzi! Times It has changed, the world's number one top laner has changed."

"Laughing to death! Brother Cheng is not reconciled to not milking him to death, is he?"

"Brother Chengzi was persecuted crazily, and his family rushed at him."

"Why can he dodge the crocodile Q by flashing? I tried several times, but I can't react at all."

"Brother Hanzi can do it! Almost single-handedly killed the current Shiyi! This operation is already very good."

"Red Anger Q is empty and almost kills with a trace of blood. Needless to say who should buy it?"

"Is this the crocodile's killing line? You are outrageous."

On the other side, Brother Hanzi, who failed in the operation, felt depressed for a while.

"Ah~~~ Just a little bit! Just a little bit, if Q hits him, he will die."

After finishing speaking, Brother Hanzi pinged the key information: the opposite Akali did not flash.

Ghost: "Brother Donghe, don't worry, don't fight with the opponent. Brother Xia Quan always suffered losses before, just stay steady."

Brother Hanzi sighed, he used to be the world's number one offensive top laner, has he fallen to the point where he can be stable?
But the key is, can it be stabilized?
Brother Hanzi is famous for occasionally likes to send a wave, but he is not a steady top laner.

After only 2 minutes, Brother Hanzi gave him a chance.

The push-back line of the red side happened to be stuck outside the tower. The crocodile wanted to push the line back into the tower to return to the city, but Lin Cheng seized the opportunity to consume it continuously.

If this wave line is not sent in, it will be very stiff.

There is a TP difference between the mid laners of the two sides, and Leopard Girl has also begun to focus on protecting the lower half. If this wave of lanes is not sent in, the alligator will not dare to eat lanes for a long time.

But Lin Cheng is a person who likes to develop, and at the same time he doesn't like to let others develop.

If you dare to push the line, I will kill you.

I saw Brother Hanzi bit his head and pushed forward with the belt line.

Lin Cheng, who already had an advantage in blood volume, hit the limit-range Q skill, and confidently made a move in the pawn pile, and accurately hung the falcon dance mark on the crocodile head among the soldiers.

Brother Hanzi who found something wrong opened up in time, the W skill was stunned, and he went up to the second stage E to play the passive Akali.

However, no amount of minions can help this bloody crocodile.

Lin Cheng came up at a gap between the crocodile skills, and Brother Hanzi couldn't use the red anger Q to create miracles. He wanted to run back, but was taken away by Akali's second-stage ult move with the Q skill.

"Let you shake people!"

After finishing the solo kill again, Lin Cheng was finally elated.

In fact, the pace of the early stage of the game was not fast. There were a total of three kills on both sides, all of which were related to Lin Cheng.

Get killed once, complete solo kill twice.

Little Peanut: "Lin Cheng is amazing! Two solo kills, and you were originally allowed to develop online."

"It's been said that I like to grow."

Lin Cheng's face was very arrogant: "The last wave of Jin Donghe actually interfered with my repairing the cannon car. Now I kill him, and no one will stop me from developing."

(End of this chapter)

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