Chapter 815

Lin Cheng hit the road and completed two solo kills, and Peanut immediately went to the lower half to control the first little dragon while the duo pushed the line.

Canyon was decisive, and reacted after discovering that Xiaolong had been killed. The leopard girl went around the field of vision and touched the vanguard to activate it, and at the same time called for cover in the middle.

But Xiao Peanut didn't go home after taking Xiaolong this time, and ran to the river by himself.

Little Peanut didn't notice that Pioneer was passive at the first time, and was attacked by Lucian and Leopard Girl when he was in line of sight with the grass in the central river.

After being hit by a javelin, Olaf flashed decisively when he saw the leopard girl rushing forward.

Peanut: "Pioneer! They are playing the vanguard."

Effort: "You can move in the bottom lane, do you want to fight?"

Little Peanut: "Hit! I saved my big move."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, don't worry! I'm not old, so let me harass you first."

Little Peanut directed the vanguard team head-on, and Lin Cheng hurriedly made his teammates more stable.

Akali is not big and Olaf was flashed, KT's random picks are prone to accidents.

The best way to deal with it is to wait for the opponent to move the vanguard, and seize the moment when the KT duo arrives first to play more and less.

However, Lin Cheng had a good idea. In such a tense situation, it is easy to have the problem of inconsistent thinking.

The vanguard who was pulled out of the river has lost its blood, and the red team has reached the middle.

It happened that Syndra's EQ hit Leopard Girl, and Chaowei directly smashed down a set of skills to press the blood line, beating Leopard Girl into residual blood.

"I'm on it, I'm on it!"

Before Lin Cheng could stop him, Olaf of Little Peanut rushed forward with his ult and wanted to slash.

As a signal, while Olaf opened up his ult, Jhin set up a gun at a long distance in the grass in the middle.

Teammates are all on board, and at this time the most taboo is not to be unified.

Lin Cheng tapped the explosive fruit and got off the Dragon Pit, ready to follow Olaf into the arena.

However, Olaf, who took the lead in the charge, was like a fool, and walked straight up to eat the leopard girl.

Lucian emerged from the shadow of the river and opened the holy gun baptism.

The crocodile hits the face and hurts.

Olaf didn't dodge, went up to punish the vanguard and healed his blood, but he couldn't stand the damage from the other side, so he died suddenly in the river.

Just when Olaf was set on fire, Lin Cheng had already found out the dragon pit, sprinkled the clouds and accelerated to approach Leopard Girl.

Leopard Girl was slowed down by Jhin's big move, and even though she recovered blood when she punished and killed the vanguard, she was still passively disabled by Akali's Q skill.

Jin took the leopard woman's head with a long-range snipe.

Lin Cheng continued to pull in the Xia formation, waiting for his teammates to come to support him.

However, when Sett rushed over to support the front, Jhin, who was holding a gun in the grass in the middle, had just fired the fourth bullet before being driven into Thresh's flash hook in the middle.

Jhin, who was left behind and helpless, was quickly dealt with by Aphelios, the red and white sword, and Mr. Dai even handed in a flash of death.

The DWG duo wraps towards the river.

Since Sett was not yet level six, he came forward and flashed the E skill to hold the crocodile, forcing Lucian's flash.

Akali and Syndra teamed up to keep the crocodile's health down.

The crocodile is very fragile, Lin Cheng cooperates with Syndra and Sett's damage to take away the crocodile's head, but soon Aphelios' big move Qinghui Yening hits Sett and Syndra.

"Run! Run!"

Lin Cheng decisively left his two teammates and ran towards the top road, knowing that it was impossible to pass the fight.

Aphelios' ult continued with a full-body flywheel. In this situation, even if Akali used his ult, he would end up being killed in seconds.

The ghostly Aphelios moved forward like a god of war, and Effort took the initiative to sell himself to his teammates for a way out.

In the end, Aphelios scored a double kill, and Akali and Syndra survived.

If he hadn't withdrawn decisively, he might have killed the Ghost Emperor four times.

In this wave of proactive team battles, KT played three for two and failed to grab the vanguard. The rhythm was very poor.

The KT players who were soaking in the spring water also reflected.

Effort: "Ah! You shouldn't have moved first."

Little Peanut: "My, my, I'm anxious when I see the remaining blood on the other side."

Deft: "I was slow to react, and I was QQed by Thresh first."

Chovy: "Aphelios double-killed and still has a vanguard, which is a little bit bad."

Lin Cheng: "It's okay! Don't worry about a stinky AD, take your time and don't worry."

In fact, in this wave itself, Akali is very reluctant to fight without a big move. Even if she wants to take over the group, she should let go of the vanguard and wait for Serti to come over to take the lead, instead of the half-blooded Olaf who has not flashed forward with a big move.

In this hasty attack, Jhin was actually hit by two bullets when he set up the gun behind him. On the contrary, Mr. Dai himself was killed by the DWG duo who rushed over, leaving Syndra and Aka who were not big in the front. Li simply couldn't handle an Aphelios who was covered in flywheels and had teammates.

It can only be said that as a jungler, Little Peanut saw the opposing jungler and vanguard have blood at the same time, which directly triggered the muscle memory to rush forward. This wave seemed a bit reckless.

After calming down, Little Peanut also figured out the key point and blamed himself very much.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng couldn't stop talking loudly.

"No matter how fat Aphelios is, I will leave it to Brother Cheng to solve it. You can relax."

"Wang Hao, you have to believe in yourself, as long as you are not sent away, you will be the world's number one jungler."


Although Lin Cheng used to be the big brother of KT who used to be eccentric, but now he also has a responsibility as the captain of KT, encouraging his teammates crazily.

Advantages can be yin and yang, and disadvantages must encourage each other.

After losing this wave of team battles, Lin Cheng fought even more fiercely online.

Originally, Lin Cheng had a lot of advantages in equipment, but his Q skill stuck in the distance was getting more and more painful, and the crocodile couldn't bear the consumption at all.

The crocodile hero is only powerful if he can touch someone to exchange blood. Brother Khan was very angry when Lin Cheng even Q twice. He gathered up his anger and took the initiative to activate his E skill and stepped forward to activate W to exchange blood, but he just happened to be pulled away by Lin Cheng's reverse E.

Brother Hanzi's crocodile has a green light above its head, and it feels like it is looking around with a sword drawn.

After deceiving the crocodile skill, Lin Cheng dragged it back in detail, and activated the second-stage E when the E skill was about to enter the cooldown.

Akali flew in the air for a short time, and the green light above the crocodile's head had disappeared when she burst into the face.

The crocodile is empty W.

Akali played the passive Qianlong seal, and Brother Hanzi opened the big move first without saying a word.

He knew he was in danger.

Lin Cheng hesitated for half a second, hit a Q skill damage and did not make a big move.

The main reason is that there is no energy, this big move may not be able to kill.

The crocodile is actually immortal and unable to stand the line. Lin Cheng decided not to waste his big move.

Sure enough, Brother Hanzi didn't dare to stand on the line with one-third of his blood volume after he lost his ultimate move. Seeing that Akali had no plans to push the line into the tower immediately, the crocodile shrank under the tower B.

Now not only Akali has the leading equipment and a big move, but if the crocodile's blood volume is very low, there is a high probability of accidents under the tower, even if there is red anger in his hand.

Brother Hanzi doesn't want to fight with Lin Cheng anymore, he can't fight 0-3 anymore.

In fact, if the crocodile doesn't leave this wave, Lin Cheng will definitely kill him when the energy comes up.

For Lin Cheng, when this advantage is enough, it does not depend on whether the opponent can survive under the tower, but depends on whether Lin Cheng wants to let the opponent die.

This is also the reason why many people find that they can't mix in the face of Lin Cheng. Lin Cheng's style of play after he has established an advantage simply cannot allow the bastard to develop in front of him.

Even if it is under the opponent's tower.

(End of this chapter)

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