This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 816 Have you had enough trouble?

Chapter 816 Have you had enough trouble?

Lin Cheng pushed the line into the tower, confirmed that the crocodile returned home and Akali ate a layer of tapioca and decisively touched the middle road.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! Brother Hanzi's laning performance in this round is not ideal. He can't hold the crocodile against Brother Chengzi anymore. Akali is going to go to the middle lane."

Remember: "In the early stage, the crocodile couldn't stand the line. It's a bit unreasonable, but after all, the opponent is the world's strongest top laner."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is still soft-hearted. I felt like I was killed in the big wave just now, but the crocodile wave is actually the same whether it is dead or not. His TP is not good yet."

At this time, it was only more than 12 minutes, and the flash that Lucian's vanguard handed over was still not ready.

Lin Cheng communicated with Chaowei, and deliberately went from the wild to the middle.

"Zhixun, the other side probably didn't notice me, let's see if we can find a chance to go first."

"Leopard Girl may be nearby."

"It's okay, I can kill."

This wave of mid lane is Lucian's forward push line, and Canyon does cover near the lower river.

Seeing Akali approaching from behind, Lucian leaned against the grass in the river below.

Syndra had already grabbed the Dark Ball in advance, pressed forward and threw it out.

With a three-point shot, Chaowei directly pressed the Q skill while the weak retreated from E.

The trajectories of the two magic balls at an acute angle are pushed out one after another.

When Xu Xiu saw Syndra WE's attack, she had already slid with her E skill.

However, the Q skill condensed by Chaowei's backhand was pushed over and just hit Lucian after the slide.

"Wuhu~~~This prediction is so handsome."

Lin Cheng was ready to make a big move with Flash, because Chaowei decisively saved Flash with this operation, and rushed forward to kill Dazzling in the watch.

Lucian, who didn't dodge, couldn't operate at all. After being close by Akali, he cooperated with Syndra to easily kill him.

The leopard girl next to him gave him a sip of milk but failed to save Lu Xi'an, but was targeted by Lin Cheng instead.

Akali's second-stage ult moved towards Leopard Girl, sprinkled Xia array, adjusted her position and played passively.

Mr. Dai just leaned against the entrance of the wild area to set up a gun and was far away from the support. The perfect curtain call of the bullet deceleration Leopard girl allowed Akali to win a double kill.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! Brother Orange's classic top laner gank in the middle, and the victim is your Showmaker again! And this time, it was a three-way attack. Jhin set up a gun below and Canyon didn't run away."

Remember: "This wave of Chovy's operation is very good. Syndra, who is generally proficient in pushing the ball, really can't play it. The pressing position is too beautiful."

Zeyuan: "This is the charm of top players. Although the cooperation may not be so tacit, and there was a scene of the team battle of the vanguard team that was seriously out of touch just now, but there is always someone among them who can stand up and play beautiful operations to drive the rhythm."

"Too classic and spicy! Top laner gank in the middle!"

"Xu Xiu is really numb, isn't he the mid laner who gets gank the most? Hahaha."

"This wave of Ultra Vicindra looks really good."

"Kuro Syndra is also amazing, and Chaowei finally sees the shadow of Kuro."

"Super Weixindra is okay, but his czar doesn't have the taste of Kuro."

"It seems that if you want to be teammates with Chengzi, you must know Syndra's unique skills."

"Broiler also has Syndra, isn't Brother Cheng going to IG next year?"

"Where is Mr. Sun? You want to usurp the throne, right?
"Teacher Sun can switch to AD, so I don't need to look at the status of #Wink# in the future."

This wave of killing the opponent's middle field, Lin Cheng immediately helped Syndra push the line to eat a wave of tappis.

Because Jhin ran to support, Aphelios, who was pushing the line below, released the Canyon Herald on him, and almost pulled out the First Blood Tower directly.

But as long as the first blood tower is not lost, this wave of KT will be profitable.

And because of the death of the blue Fang Nakano, Little Peanut quickly and easily controlled the refreshed second dragon.

The situation on the field is still quite anxious, and the red side is slightly ahead in economy.

The blue side Aphelios leads in development, while the red side's economic lead is concentrated on Akali.

The gap in the equipment on the road was too great. Brother Hanzi was forced to go home by Lin Cheng before the Shinhwa pretended to come out. Olaf took advantage of the opportunity to help unplug the first tower at 14 and a half minutes.

After taking down the tower and returning to the city for repairs, Lin Cheng already had the canyon maker, magic shoes, and a 10-story murder book on him.

After a period of time on the field is relatively dull.

Brother Hanzi started to double row with the second tower on the top lane, Lin Cheng just kept cruising in the wild area to put pressure on the opponent, so that Xiao Huasheng could live more comfortably in the wild area.

Originally, the hero Olaf was chosen to control the map resources in the early and mid-term. Except for losing the first pioneer, Peanut did a good job.

KT did not take the initiative to attack, and DWG wanted to gain an advantage by catching orders, but they couldn't find a chance.

When the point of the crocodile is held down, it is not easy for Leopard Girl to do things in the upper half, and Akali can't catch it at all.

And because Lin Cheng was holding the teleportation in his hands, the other half of the area was actually not easy to move, and it would be very uncomfortable to let Akali TP take over the endgame when they accidentally fought.

As a result, the two sides once started the mutual brush mode.

When the third dragon was about to be refreshed, Brother Hanzi was solo-killed by Lin Cheng on the side lane, and DWG could only let KT Dragon Soul listen to the card when the ultimate move was also played.

Except for Canyon's symbolic failure to grab the dragon, there was no large-scale battle between the two sides.

Everyone knew that the two sides were going to duel in Dragon Soul.

This game is Fire Dragon Soul, and it is impossible to play the fourth dragon DWG.

Originally, the DWG lineup had an advantage in the late stage, but it would be different if KT got the Fire Dragon Soul. In the late stage, Jhin couldn't stand up to a single shot by a kid.

In 24 minutes, the battle between the two sides in Xiaolong District came as scheduled.

In the case of standing on the river first, this wave of DWG caused a lot of trouble for KT.

Before the fight started, Aphelios with the green and white sword took advantage of Zhejing's lingering spirit and Tongbi's hand length to incapacitate Seti, and directly cast Qinghui Yening down.

If Effort hadn't turned on the W flash and ran back, he would have been sniped to death by Aphelios from a long distance.

With almost a numerical advantage, DWG directly turned to move Xiaolong.

However, KT did not choose to give up in this wave.

With the opponent standing in a good position, Aphelios' damage is already terrible, and KT doesn't want to delay it any longer.

Sett was unable to enter the field first, and when Chaowei hit Aphelios with a long-distance push, Little Peanut turned on his big move and rushed in.

Jhin holds the gun in the back.

DWG decisively gave up on Xiaolong to fight.

The lingering spirit and the open arm made the flywheel on Aphelios look very scary. Just as the little peanut flashed and stuck to Aphelios' face, Aphelios, who woke up from the dizziness, hit Olaf's with two backhands. Bloody hands.

You know, this version shows the bloodthirsty + blood hand two-piece suit is very fleshy, but it is still not fleshy in front of Aphelios and Lucian plus Leopard Girl in Fahrenheit.

Remember: "Sett was crippled by the first hand, will KT still fight? This Aphelios knife is scary."

Zeyuan: "Young people are fearless, Peanut rushed! Wow! This Fahrenheit is simply terrifying! Guigui is invincible in this wave, and this formation can win with only the A floor."

However, outside the camera, Lin Cheng's Akali has already TP circled back.

He landed on the blue triangle grass, which happened to be unnoticed by the opponent.

The attention on the opposite side was on Olaf, Lin Cheng bypassed the corner wall of the river dragon pit and accelerated into the arena, and directly rushed to Aphelios with his big move.

The crocodile with hard control is looking at the red team from the front, and Thresh is escorting Aphelios by the side.

Seeing Akali's ultimate move, Beryl quickly shot the pendulum of doom.

But Lin Cheng directly RE shot Falcon Dance in the air, and Akali tumbling over Aphelios while avoiding Thresh's E skill.

The formation of clouds was sprinkled under his feet, Lin Cheng waited for a while, and adjusted his position in the formation of clouds to avoid Thresh's hook.

Olaf struck Aphelios with an axe, and the effect seemed to be okay.

But Aphelios fought back with a flywheel all over his body, and Olaf, whose bloody hand had been knocked out, lost a lot of his blood.

The ghostly Aphelios looks like a god of war.

Coupled with the output of Lucian and Leopard Girl, Little Peanut quickly lost blood.

At this time, the interval between the two ults had passed, and Lin Cheng activated the second E skill.

Akali charged forward in the form of a green shadow, and while hitting the ground to deal damage from the Qianlong Seal, she sprinkled a cold shadow.

Emerald light traverses the battlefield.

Aphelios, who was just like a god of war just now, knelt down in the river, and the silver-white flywheels were still flying around the corpse of the ghost emperor.

During Lin Cheng's operation of RE entering the field and hiding in the Xia formation, everyone on the opposite side except Thresh focused on Olaf at the first time, and no one gave any restrictions. In an instant, Lin Cheng lost Erfei in seconds. Luce.

Ghost didn't even hand over his double moves until he died, and evaporated at the speed of light.

Under the camera of the contestants, Lin Cheng raised the corners of his mouth charmingly.

Have you had enough trouble?

Stinky AD.

(End of this chapter)

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