This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 818 Match point!Record!

Chapter 818 Match point!Record!
Remember: "Win the first game steadily, KT, the big dragon, is really stable, and there is a faint shadow of the previous generation of KT."

"The key is that Dalong manages many LCK teams well, but the decision to bring a wave of super soldiers in the end is rare in the LCK team."

It’s the most familiar link again, and Zeyuan is familiar with his family: “Other teams usually see that the Dragon BUFF is about to end, and they will go back to the city to renew their equipment, maximize their own economic advantages, and then consider ending the game. Look at last season’s T1, GEN·G and DWG all do this.”

"But KT is different. They are very decisive in this place. They often end the game with a wave at the enemy's base while the opponent is dealing with the wave."

"When operating the minion line, they were very stable, but they dared to fight when they saw the opportunity. Although KT also suffered from illness in the early stage of this round, compared with the K Cup a few days ago, they really improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. .”

Remember to nod: "Indeed! Although the characteristics of the players of this KT team have changed, the overall style is becoming more and more similar to the previous generation of KT. The taste of the Galaxy Battleship has come out."

In the lounge, Kang Dongxun did a brief review.

Originally, the former KT coaching staff rarely conducted in-game replays, but the coaching staff did not continue to play badly during the running-in phase of the new teammates, and carefully pointed out the problems on the court.

The main problem in this game is the mid-term vision and the first wave of vanguards.

In the case of winning the three dragons and mastering the advantage of pushing the line, it is not appropriate for KT to be easily robbed of the river position by the opponent when he was in the Dragon Soul Group. A round is going to be ruined.

As for the first wave of pioneers, there is nothing to say, the main reason is that the judgment of the players has deviated and led to mistakes in cooperation.

After all, players are human, and everyone's sense of smell and judgment of opportunities cannot be exactly the same.

Moreover, the situation is tense, and it is not allowed to suspend the discussion on whether this wave should be played or not when an opportunity is discovered, and it is even more impossible for everyone to discuss first and call '1, 2, 3 to start the group'.

Although Lin Cheng told his teammates to be more stable before the start of the fight, but being stable does not mean being timid. Naturally, he should act decisively when he sees an opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, seeing Syndra crippled the leopard girl and the vanguard was also bruised, from Peanut's point of view, this is an opportunity, and it's normal that he couldn't help it.

And even though Lin Cheng felt that maybe he shouldn't be on it, his first reaction when he saw his teammates was on it was to keep up.

Because no one knows the final result before the fight, even if Lin Cheng thinks it's not easy to fight, it doesn't mean that he can't fight at all.

If he hadn't followed at that time, there would have been no chance at all.

Besides, the game is played by humans after all, even if there is no chance at all, you don't know what unnatural moves the opposing player will make to send a wave back.

Therefore, it is outrageous to completely blame the players for their decisions from the perspective of God after the game.

What if that wave of KT wins?

In fact, even if Peanut dies first in that wave, Mr. Dai can win if he dodges Thresh's flash Q in a flash.

It can only be said that the flaws in the cooperation between the players cannot be completely avoided. Even the players who have been working together for a few years may have a very cerebral hemorrhage.

Even before Lin Cheng and his old teammates made mistakes due to judgmental deviations between players, it is impossible for this game to have a team that has no coordination mistakes at all.

Because players are humans, not machines.

What this KT team has to do is to try to reduce such mistakes through running-in.

Lin Cheng always believed that they would get better and better.

And they have to get better and better, unlike the previous Longzhu roster of ten players who had five ups and downs, this year there are only six players on KT's roster.

The other is a nominal youth training jungler.

But the youth training junglers usually don’t live in the base in Yongsan District. It’s just because the league stipulates that a team must have six players to register. The club has given full trust to KT’s starting five.

The second game started quickly. This time, KT, who switched to the blue side, grabbed the crocodile.

Thanks to the hero pool with a high degree of mid-to-top overlap, fighters like the crocodile can also swing mid-to-top in KT.

After BP Crocodile was confirmed to be on the top road, the commentators were all guessing whether DWG would give Brother Hanzi Quinn to fight Lin Cheng. After all, Brother Hanzi also had Quinn Counter Crocodile.

But the red square DWG finally held his hand, and took the top order wine barrel for Han Zige.

In this version, the passive of the barrel has just been enhanced, and the ability to mix lanes on the top lane is very good. The classic trade combo of the crocodile can't be played in front of the barrel at all.

Although Lin Cheng also played some advantages in the early stage of this round, it finally did not have a decisive impact on the entire upper half of the game as before.

Brother Hanzi got mixed up on the road.

But Lin Cheng's teammates stood up.

Maybe it was stimulated by Xu Xiu's TP catch in the last round, but Chaowei played extremely fiercely in this round, moving wildly at the first level of clockwork to hide from Syndra's Q skill and chasing the opponent to exchange blood.

And Xu Xiu was a little careless after his blood volume was suppressed. He wanted to seduce people while shaking people, but Chaowei directly completed a solo kill. The timely support of Little Peanut's blind monk also prevented Canyon from taking away the residual blood. strip.

Back-squatting in the middle to cover a wave of teammates, Little Peanut swiped down again and successfully ganked, helping Mr. Dai's Samira get a kill.

The teammates in the middle and lower field all played an advantage in the early stage, and Lin Cheng didn't have to worry about it, he just pulled his hair with the barrel with peace of mind.

The canyon vanguard team battle once again became the first wave of big rhythm on the field.

This time KT didn't give it a chance, and under the condition that the bot lane had the right to support first, Peanut found the perfect time to start the team battle with the Q vanguard touching his eyes and round kicking.

Just when the KT duo arrived on the battlefield, while the opposite ghost king was a few steps behind, KT easily won the team battle with 5v4 and controlled the vanguard.

A wave of big rhythm established the advantage, and the snowball began to roll. Although KT made some small mistakes later, it did not affect the situation.

Lin Cheng's crocodile didn't have a high sense of presence in this round. It was mixing with the barrels online, but the team battle entered the field and did a good job of restricting the red side's double C.

In the end, KT won the second game relatively easily.

2:0 entered the match point.

Zeyuan: "Here we go! The next game will probably be a record-setting game. If KT wins the third game, Cheng Zige will become the only player to win all championships throughout the year, and there is another point, All the finals he played in 2020 were 3-0."

Remember: "This is really difficult. Whether Brother Cheng's 2020 is perfect depends on this game. The champions who participated in all the competitions throughout the year, and all the finals have zero opponents. Think about it, it is a very exaggerated record."

(End of this chapter)

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