Chapter 819

After a short break, players from both sides sat back on the competition seats, and the third game began to BP.

DWG chooses BAN first in the blue side.

As soon as it came up, DWG still pressed Daomei first, which disappointed countless audiences.

The colonel said bluntly in the commentary: I suggest that in the future, KT's opponents will automatically default to BAN Daomei, and I am too lazy to waste time manually.

KT banned Syndra with a backhand on the red side and aimed at the middle.

Seeing Syndra's ban, the blue square DWG gave Lucian the second BAN position.

KT's second move is to disable Pan Sen, not wanting to add uncertain factors to the bottom lane.

In the previous semi-finals, DWG got Pan Sen's support, but Beryl killed AD alone against the support of the opponent, which is really outrageous.

The third BAN on the blue side thought for a while, and pressed Akali.

Zeyuan: "I figured it out, DWG doesn't have BAN Qinggangying on the blue side, this is already two consecutive rounds they have banned Akali in the first three moves."

Remember "Yes! At present, I think Akali's priority in this KT team may be very high."

"The main reason is that in addition to Chengzi, Chovy's Akali is also very good. When Griffin's KDA broke [-], Chovy's Akali can be said to be a crazy C. In this way, both the upper and middle players are good at Akali. Kali's situation will cause the opponent a very headache, because the opponent is not sure about Akali's split after the first three moves."

"On the contrary, although Brother Cheng's Qinggang Ying is really powerful, he knows that he is on the way when he releases it. If the first three moves are made, DWG can actually use BP to target it later."

Zeyuan: "Hey! Who said that the Qinggang Shadow is released? Chaowei also used the Qinggang Shadow to walk through the middle. Like Akali, they can swing from the middle to the top."

Remember: "But I remember that his winning rate in Qinggangying is not high, and he also has an embarrassing record of 080."

Zeyuan: "Really? Why can't I remember? You have a problem, you only remember when people behaved badly, right?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, showing a lawless posture in the commentary booth.

The barrage Douyin army was dispatched one after another, threatening to attack the two of them.

The red side KT gave the third BAN position to the rock sparrow. At least in everyone's understanding at this stage, the rock sparrow is still a T0-level jungler.

At the beginning of the selection, DWG grabbed Samira on the blue side.

This version of Samira is the most powerful AD, no matter whether the ghost emperor can be C or not, this hero must be snatched when released.

It's the red side's turn to choose.

Lin Cheng is going to help Mr. Dai lock Jin first.

The three strongest crit ADs in this version are Kai'Sa, Samira and Jhin. Relatively speaking, Jhin's online ability is much stronger than Kai'Sa.

Little Peanut: "Lin Cheng, don't you want to take Camille? In case you will be robbed later."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, the other side doesn't dare to grab Camille first, who else would dare to release this version first except me?"

Therefore, the first two moves of the red side are determined to be Jhin+Olaf.

This time K-Cup Peanut played Olaf a lot, mainly because the version of the bloodthirsty + bloody fighter is too powerful.

Because KT often uses heroes who are more fragile and capable of C in the middle and upper classes, it is natural that Peanut needs to give up the wild core style of play to serve as the front row.

The blue side backhanded the second and third floors and locked the Qinggangying + clockwork.

Little Peanut: "Hey! Camille was robbed, Lin Cheng, didn't you say that no one would dare to come out first?"

Lin Cheng said bluntly: "It's not a big problem, I will make him regret it."

Kang Dongxun: "Do you want to place the top order first?"

Lin Cheng: "No... I can fight with Olaf, but they will never expect me to fight with Olaf."

Due to the strength of this version of the fighter two-piece suit, KT did have a set of RANK-flavored Olaf leading the cat in the training match.

However, it is a bit different from the original double-skinned milk black technology. KT's tactics mainly rely on the amount of auxiliary milk, but Olaf's own development.

Olaf, who was advanced in development, took the cat and drove in to cut the C position on the opposite side, and the opposite side couldn't stand it at all.

Kang Dongxun thought for a while, "The risk is too great, we need more control with Samira on the opposite side..."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry! You don't need too much control. Olaf is fat enough to cut casually. Just give me a Yuumi. Remember to choose a mid laner who doesn't need mana, and give Yuumi the mana."

Kang Dongxun asked the other team members what they thought, and everyone happily agreed to the team leader Lin Xiaocheng's proposal.

Thus, Yong En appeared on the third floor of the red square.

Although Yongen has played in the All-Stars, but in this K Cup, Yongen has not played yet. Everyone is very conservative based on the heroes like Clockwork and Syndra in the World Championship two months ago. .

Chinese barrage.

"Yongen? It's time to act, right? My teammates play Brother Chengzi, and I want to break the record of 100% winning percentage of Brother Chengzi in the final."

"The top player Chaowei played well, reward Yong En."

"A 3:1 handicap is very reasonable, after all, look down and see up."

"I want to see the fetters of the wanderer, and Brother Cheng's top laner Yasuo will get it together."

"A new audience who just came here, why is Little Peanut back in the LCK? Isn't he in the old godfather?"

"I was scared away by the factory manager's comeback."

"Laughing to death! Shouldn't it be Qijiang who was scared away?"

The second round of BANs begins.

The red target even banned Lilia and the male gun against the jungler.

Thanks to the fact that the opponent doesn't know Olaf's split line, KT bans two junglers and grabs another one, which can greatly reduce Canyon's options.

The blue side specifically banned the two AP top laners of Kenan and Wine Barrel.

The main reason is that KT currently seems to have AD damage in the middle and field of Olaf + Yongen. After discussion, the players and coaches of DWG agreed that Lin Cheng will most likely make up an AP top laner.

The selection began, and the red square locked the leopard girl on the fourth floor.

The audience was shocked.

Zeyuan: "Huh? Leopard Girl? Will Olaf come up? It's impossible for Leopard Girl to be on the order?"

Remember: "This choice feels like grabbing Canyon's wild core, but KT's lineup looks weird. The top laner Olaf... Although Qinggangying can indeed play, but the lineup is too hard Bar?"

Zeyuan: "However, given Brother Cheng's flashy hero pool, Leopard Girl may go on the road. I don't know if Leopard Girl can fight Qinggangying well?"

The jungler was banned too much, DWG selected a blind monk on the fourth floor to support the early rhythm, and the support was to lock the Japanese girl for Beryl.

On the last floor of the red side, Yuumi was selected.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue Square DWG:

Top Road: Khan (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Canyon (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid Lane: Showmaker (A Clockwork Monster, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Gohst (Desert Rose, Samira)
Support: Beryl (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)
Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Berserker, Olaf)

Jungle: Peanut (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid laner: Chovy (Sword Soul, Yong En)

Bot lane: Deft (Jhin)

Support: Effort (Magic Cat, Yuumi)

(End of this chapter)

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