This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 821 Wu sign embraces Guo 4

Chapter 821

On the road to complete a solo kill, Lin Cheng pushed the line into the tower and did not go home. He drank the remaining corruption potion and ran to the blue square wild area to put down the jewelry eye.

"Wang Hao look at me, Li Qing is coming up from the opposite side."

He was going to hang around online for a while longer.

Chovy ran to the opponent's F6 to take a look at the first wave of soldiers, and provided accurate information about the opening of the blind monk. The blind monk had already finished fighting F6 and rushed to the evening.

It stands to reason that the best choice for Lin Cheng to push the line into the tower is to return to the city to replenish his status.

The main reason is that the bloodthirsty fighters in the top lane are actually very particular about the first small piece. The first piece is the iron spike whip to have the suppression force, but the iron spike whip needs 875 pickaxes.

Even if Lin Cheng wins the first blood at this node, the gold coins on Lin Cheng's body are not enough to pay for an 875 pickaxe, and it will be embarrassing to go home.

This wave will definitely save TP, but there are not many soldiers entering the tower, and Lin Cheng, who has the experience of missing a few soldiers in order to produce a red crystal, feels that it is too bad.

After the resurrection, Brother Hanzi had already TPed back immediately, and the third wave of troops from both sides happened to be stuck next to the wall at the corner of the blue square river.

Lin Cheng rushed forward to clear the line. For him, no matter whether he played this wave or not, it was enough to make up 875 and find a chance to go home.

But in Brother Hanzi's view, it is different.

Even though Lin Cheng drank all three corruption potions, he still only has less than [-]% of his HP. Moreover, Olaf's mad throwing of the ax consumes a lot of mana, so Lin Cheng's mana doesn't seem to be much.

So, Brother Hanzi frantically pinged the signal.

"Kenshiki, hurry up! Come and kill this Olaf."

"The leopard girl on the opposite side may come to squat back."

"I'll suppress the opponent's HP first, and find a chance to kill him in seconds. If there is no chance, forget it."

Canyon decisively circled from the wild area to the direction of the triangle grass.

Lin Cheng had spotted the blind monk's movements with his eye position next to Toad Hollow in advance, and Olaf retreated after making up for two melee minions.

Brother Hanzi Qinggangying adjusted his position and made a sweeping shot with W tactics.

Lin Cheng suddenly moved in the opposite direction, just in time to get into the inner circle of the tactical sweep, and swung his E skill recklessly.


White's True Damage jumped out, and Olaf threw the ax at close range, and it landed precisely behind Qinggang Shadow.

Brother Hanzi quickly kicked out the passive shield and pulled it back.

Olaf originally only had less than [-]% of his blood volume, but now he was hit by half of his blood volume by Qing Gangying's inner circle W and a basic attack.

But Lin Cheng was very reckless, he chased after Qing Gangying and slashed, picked up the ax and threw it against the current with a Q.

"Hurry up, Wang Hao! Li Qing is coming from the opposite side."

Brother Hanzi retreated while fighting, and did not use the second skill.

If the ignition is still there, Qinggangying's second-level learning Q is not afraid of this bloodline Olaf, but Hanzi handed in the ignition at 78 when he was solo killed at the first level. At this time, he can only prepare to learn E and cooperate with the blind monk GANK .

Fortunately, those who played Olaf were reckless. Once the Conqueror effect kicked in, Lin Cheng looked like he was about to slash eight streets, and he didn't seem to care if there was an ambush at all.

Olaf's second ax was thrown near the corner wall, and Qing Gangying leaned there consciously.

However, although Lin Cheng looked reckless, after Qing Gangying pulled away, he suddenly turned around to make up for the remaining blood soldiers and rose to the third level, and retreated to the rear line without hesitation.

The blind monk was already behind, Brother Hanzi no longer hesitated, he hooked the wall with his E skill and kicked out in seconds.

Lin Cheng manipulated Olaf to turn around immediately, trying to move away from Qinggang Ying's second-stage E.

However, Lin Cheng still didn't move too far, and was still knocked out by Qing Gangying's second stage E.

Knowing that the blind monk was behind, Lin Cheng didn't follow Qing Gangying to stick to the wall to pick up an ax just now, because he knew that Qing Gangying's sticking to the wall E is difficult to hide, and rushing to the position outside the tower to be caught by the blind monk is really a fairy It's hard to save.

So Lin Cheng retreated early with a clear mind, but he didn't expect that he still didn't move to avoid Qing Gangying's E in the end.

Of course, it was not useless for Lin Cheng to retreat early. The place where Qing Gangying was kicked and stunned was in the middle of the pawn line, and the blind monk had just emerged from the tower and hadn't even touched Olaf before he woke up from the stun.

With W Brutal Strike activated, Olaf pulled back and at the same time slammed two axes on Qing Gangying.

Blind monk W touched Qinggang Ying to put a shield on it, and slapped the ground to slow down Olaf.

Lin Cheng was right, so he relied on his own soldiers to drag him out of position.

At this time, Olaf only has one-fifth of his health, but the conqueror is fully stacked, and the brutal strike combined with the high attack speed and lifesteal provided by the passive makes Olaf really capable of playing.

Don't care about the bloody Qinggang Ying, A will beat whoever Lin Cheng gets.

Brother Hanzi retreated because he was afraid of being replaced due to his low blood volume, leaving the blind monk to fight with Olaf alone.

However, when he hit A on the opposite side, Olaf immediately chopped two axes back, and the small amount of blood that had just been knocked out returned to the obvious section.

The words "recovering blood" kept popping up in green, and the blind monk with double buffs couldn't suppress Olaf's remaining blood at all.

The main reason is that when Lin Cheng walked A, he was always looking for the cover of small soldiers, and the Q in the blind monk's hand had not been shot at an angle for a long time, which made it impossible to complete the beheading.

In fact, when Olaf in this state has no skills and ignition on the opposite side, it is unrealistic for a single player to continue to press down Olaf's bloodline with basic attacks.

After fighting each other for two seconds, Olaf's blood volume seemed to drop a bit, but the blind monk's blood volume dropped soaring.

Canyon finally made a move with the Q skill, but Olaf, who was surrounded by five of his own minions, hit the minions so well. The Q that the blind monk pinched for a long time hit the minions.

There is no way, seeing that the blind monk can't do it alone, Brother Hanzi came up to help.

But Lin Cheng was waiting for him to come up.

The skill CD in his hand has been completed, and when Qinggangying stepped forward, Olaf swung Qinggangying recklessly with an E and disabled Qinggangying.

Just with the last bit of mana remaining, Q Throwing Against the Flow accurately killed Qinggangying.

Seeing Olaf's ability to fight so well, Canyon pulled back beside him, wanting to wait for the last duration of Olaf's brutal blow to pass before looking for another chance.

At this time, Little Peanut's leopard girl finally arrived, hiding in the grass on the side road, and hit the blind monk with precision from a distance.

Leopard Girl rushed forward, and Canyon quickly dodged backwards.

Peanut followed into the tower, and the leopard woman in leopard form swung her claws and directly scratched the blind monk to death.

Lin Cheng gave a thumbs up.

"Oh! It exploded!"

Brother Hanzi held his head and put on the pain mask by himself.

Originally, this wave of seemingly stable situations could actually lose?

In retrospect, it seems to be my own fault again.

As long as the first wave of ignition is not promiscuous, Olaf would have been completely chilled.

And if you don't hesitate at the first time, and output with the blind monk while Olaf's skills are not good, maybe the opponent will also die.

As a result, it dragged on for a while, but instead waited for the opponent's skills to be ready and sent it up.

The more Hanzi thought about it, the angrier he became.

Originally ambitious, Brother Hanzi wanted to return to the LCK to prove himself at the end, and then exit the stage with a full body of brilliance.

As a result, a K Cup final was crazily solo-killed by the current World One.

Isn't this Wu Sign hugging Guo Si and pricking his heart?
(End of this chapter)

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