This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 822 Brother Hanzi: I left for a year, what happened to the LCK top laner?

Chapter 822 Brother Hanzi: I left for a year, what happened to the LCK top laner?
Zeyuan: "The two sides are fighting again on the road! Brother Han Ziyao's people arrived first...but this Olaf can fight!"

Remember: "Brother Chengzi is very thin! Standing in the angle where the blind monk is not given Q, the double BUFF blind monk seems to be A but the residual blood Olaf, and the residual blood of Qinggang Shadow is next to OB."

Zeyuan: "This wave can't go on, Brother Hanzi came here to help... What are you doing? Isn't this blood volume here?"

Remember: "The Leopard Girl is here! It's over! DWG Ueno splits."

Zeyuan: "It's all been manipulated. I can only say that Olaf, Brother Orange, is thick and thin! A hero who is very reckless in our impression has been played by him. The release of skills includes the use of various minions. The slots are very thin."

Remember: "DWG crashed very early in this game. Although KT's lineup looks a bit strange, you can't make Olaf too fat! Passers-by players know how fierce a fat Olaf is with a cat. "

"One life kills two, Brother Orange! I'm Superman."

"Brother Cheng, this Olaf is really thin. The blind monk stared at the Q for a long time and it was still crooked."

"Khan looks very silly, hahaha."

"Strictly check Brother Khan, it's easy to send."

"Brother Khan is outrageous, how many times have you been single-killed today?"

"I'm afraid you haven't seen Brother Hanzi in the spring of 19, who was solo killed by T Emperor Sword Emperor."

"It's not the same. In 19, Brother Hanzi gave all kinds of hard-feeding, and he really couldn't beat Brother Chengzi."

"Isn't SKT a diplomatic top laner in the spring of that year? I can win the game, and the top laner will kill you."

"Khan: Even if you kill me alone, my four fathers will not let you go."

After killing the upper field on the opposite side, and pushing the line into the tower with the help of Leopard Girl, Lin Cheng finally thought about returning to the city with peace of mind.

Now it's all right, not only is 875 enough, but the iron thorn whip came out directly.

Originally, I wanted to come up with a pickaxe, but the other side insisted on giving it away.

The hero Olaf's top laner mainly depends on the hit rate of the axe. Olaf, whose Q skill is not accurate, is a garbage top laner. It is easy to think about it but can't touch the opposite side.

But Olaf, who like Lin Cheng put down eight or nine axes to only have one free, is definitely the kind of patriarch of the top lane, beating everything violently.

Qinggangying died after handing in TP, and brother Hanzi, who lost the experience of two waves of soldiers, has nothing to play on the road.

And because the front pushed the line into the tower, Olaf happened to push the line back when he ran back.

Then Lin Cheng began to control the line.

Seeing that Olaf didn't let himself eat the experience of pressing forward, Brother Khan felt disgusted.

Give a W to sweep it, and was thrown by Olaf with an axe. Qinggang Yingjiao quickly retreated with an E.

Then during this period of time, Qinggangying could only stand behind as punishment, and if he dared to go up and be stuck by Olaf, he would die.

And the blind monk didn't dare to come up to rescue him now. Olaf, who got out of the iron thorn whip, might not say anything, and if he was caught by the leopard girl again, he would send it away in this game.

Brother Hanzi went to jail on the top road, but there were not many disputes on the middle road.

Although the Japanese girl Beryl in the bottom lane took the initiative to look for opportunities to fight, Jhin handed in the purification Yuumi in time to speed up and pull away, and then seized the opportunity that the opponent had no control over, Yuumi got off the car and cooperated with Jhin to fight back, and instead played some HP advantages .

Lin Cheng controlled the line for a full 2 ​​minutes, and Brother Hanzi also closed himself for 2 minutes. After five and a half minutes, a large wave of soldiers was finally pushed into the defense tower by Olaf.

Lin Cheng had already shaken people, Leopard Girl came over to make Brother Hanzi doubt his life.

At this time, Qinggangying was only at level three, which was lower than his support level.

However, Canyon is also very experienced, squatting back in advance to cover Qinggangying from eating the line.

However, Lin Cheng and Little Peanut are really not human beings.

Seeing the two people on the opposite side under the tower, Lin Cheng stood outside the tower and threw an axe, while Little Peanut Leopard threw a javelin.

Qinggang Ying survived the first day of the first day but not the fifth day. After being slowed down by Olaf's second axe, he ate Leopard Girl's javelin.

The third-level Qing Gangying was directly hit below half health by two skills, and the leopard girl directly rushed forward.

Brother Hanzi handed over E to hang on the wall, and chose to kick the leopard girl unconscious and cooperate with the blind monk to fight back.

Lin Cheng charged forward resolutely, cooperating with Leopard Girl's damage and instantly hacked Qing Gangying to death.

However, Peanut is still brittle after all, and was replaced by the blind monk with the defense tower without flashing.

But the goal has been achieved, Lin Chengliang swaggered out of the tower with a bee expression on his face.

The top laner on the opposite side has collapsed, don't worry about your teammates.

Remember: "I'm not a human being! This is too much! Brother Cheng controlled the pawn line for 2 minutes and then ordered people to jump over the tower, and he did it in front of the jungler. Although the blind monk got The head of the Leopard Girl, but what about Qing Gangying? This is already level six vs level three."

Zeyuan: "Brother Hanzi is so annoying! I have only been away for a year, what happened to the top laners in the LCK? Is this the current level of laning strength in the LCK top lane?"

The director was also very good. After the replay, he specially showed Brother Hanzi's contestant shots.

Apparently, Brother Hanzi was in a hurry. After Qinggang Shadow Hook locked the tower, he refused to retreat, and insisted on choosing to change Leopard Girl.

When Ta Dae helped to kill the Leopard Girl, I saw Brother Hanzi gritted his teeth and shook his head crazily and shouted Nice. Those who didn't know thought that this wave of groups had wiped out the opponent.

"It's so sad! Brother Hanzi is already out of his mind."

"Korean Yaoshui is active in the field, and the reason behind it is heart-warming."

"Obviously I was blown up, but I was happy because I got another head. Isn't this me who was tortured in the ranking?"

"My heart aches, Brother Khan, it's really miserable."

"Brother Hanzi: LCK is too difficult, I shouldn't come back."

"Brother Cheng is really hard-hitting, every LCK has been beaten to autism."

"Brother Chengzi's wave is in the atmosphere, and it has broken the mentality of all Korean top laners. Our Chinese team will definitely win the Asian Games next year."

After Peanut was revived, he immediately went down to control the first dragon, because the top laner's TP was poor, and the blue team didn't dare to break out a dispute in the river, so they gave up the dragon.

But just after the leopard girl took the little dragon and left, Effort ran to the triangle grass to make eyes and was caught by the blind monk.

Mr. Dai is right next to him, and he wants to pick up Yuumi.

The Japanese girl flashed decisively and pointed to Jhin.

At this time, Lin Cheng was about to press the line, so he hurriedly handed over to T to save his teammates.

However, Brother Khan didn't let his teammates suffer, and he heroically kicked the grass to interrupt Olaf's TP.

With this kick, Brother Hanzi knew he was gone.

But as a responsible and real man, Brother Hanzi felt that he could not leave the suffering to his teammates.

Brother Hanzi shouted in the voice very well: "This Jio will go on, please remember me!"

However, his teammates had no time to pay attention to him.

Lin Cheng immediately activated his big move and chased after Qing Gangying, just slashing wildly.

Qing Gang Ying, who has not flashed after handing in E, cannot escape Olaf's pursuit at all.

Brother Hanzi was once again soloed by Lin Cheng on the road.

However, the two KT brothers in the bottom lane were not so lucky. Yuumi and Jhin were killed by Samira's trigger successively.

Effort: "Ah~~ I was careless! I didn't notice the blind monk's position."

Deft: "It's okay, just fight hard later."

Lin Cheng: "It doesn't matter...don't send it off, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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