This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 823 LCK top laner collectively hugs and cries

Chapter 823 LCK top laner collectively hugs and cries (three more)
Although he was caught and killed for doing vision on the bottom road, Effort was really brave. In more than 8 minutes, a kitten with real eyes behind his back ran up the road to do vision for Lin Cheng.

Leopard Girl was playing the vanguard, and Youmi was swaying around in the field of vision, with a bold posture.

Fortunately, because Qinggangying was seriously disconnected, DWG did not plan to collide with KT in the upper half at this time, and chose to let go of Pioneer.

Yuumi had a rare experience of traveling in person.

At this time, Brother Hanzi didn't dare to stay under the tower, so he shrank under the second tower and let Lin Cheng tear down the first tower on the road alone.

The first tower is gone, Brother Hanzi is finally relieved, he can grow under the second tower with peace of mind for a while.

As for the safety of his teammates, that's beyond his control.

After unplugging a tower, Lin Cheng's Bloodthirsty Tomahawk came out. He went home to repair a wave and went straight down the road.

"Preparing to change lanes, let's see if we can find an opportunity to catch Samira first."

Yuumi followed the Leopard Girl and circled the lower half of the field of vision again. Seeing that the opposite duo hadn't retreated, Lin Cheng decisively prepared to launch an attack.

At this time, the consequences of the premature fall of the upper single tower came out. DWG lost the location information of Olaf for a long time, and they were not sure whether Olaf was in the upper half or the lower half.

In fact, KT's five players are all in the middle and bottom half.

Lin Cheng didn't talk about any routines, and before Jhin could push the line of troops into the tower, Olaf rushed out with Yumi from the entrance of the wild area next to the second blue square tower.
Jhin took the lead in pressing the bloodline with a gun in front, forcing out Samira's front spin.

Little Peanut has a Pioneer in his hand, and Leopard Girl steps up to summon the Pioneer to prepare to lift the tower.

Pioneer began to twist his butt, and the DWG duo shivered under the tower.

Just after the vanguard carried the tower, Olaf led Yuumi like a mad dog and rushed straight to the trembling blue duo under the tower.

Lin Cheng's Q skill throws against the current.

The final chapter of the Grimoire sounded, and golden ripples shot out from Olaf's body.

The Japanese girl wanted to be controlled, but Lin Cheng opened Ragnarok in time, rushed to the tower with the final chapter of the magic code and imprisoned the two of them.

Leopard Girl shot Q skill from behind and hit Samira from a long distance.

Samira also wanted to use the E skill, but just as she broke out of the prison and began to rush forward, she was killed in the air by an AE by Olaf.

The Japanese girl couldn't bear it at all, and under the cover of his teammates' firepower, Olaf slashed and scored a double kill.

Yumi took a sip of milk to speed up, Leopard Girl also took a sip of milk from behind, Lin Cheng's Olaf successfully escaped the hatred of the defensive tower.

Zeyuan: "Ah! This is really unreasonable. If you rush out from the side of your second tower and overtake you, there is nothing you can do about this wave of DWG duo. Olaf is too fat."

Remember: "This is the evil result of being pierced too early in the top lane. The top laner has no TP and directly runs down to overtake your duo. The disadvantage of the top lane has radiated to the bottom lane."

Zeyuan: "And it's very important that this wave of Chaowei stopped the supporting blind monk and clockwork alone in the wild. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous for Olaf who didn't dodge to rush to the tower to be caught. This wave of KT actually The above is five packs and two, five people have participated in this wave of tower jumping."

"After all, everything is because the top lane has been manipulated continuously. Brother Hanzi is doomed to be difficult if he eats five or six Qs in a row."

Remember to joke: "Looking at what happened to Brother Hanzi in this round, it is estimated that other LCK top laners have begun to worry about the top lane situation in the new season."

A picture appeared in Zeyuan's mind, and he laughed out loud: "It is estimated that Brother Hanzi invited the top laners of other LCK teams to have dinner together. Everyone sat and chatted and shed tears of sadness. The nine of them were in the private room of the hotel. Hug your head and cry."

"Laugh! It's okay to cry while holding your head in your arms."

"Sir, don't do it, brother Cheng, you're not dead."

"Brother Hanzi: LCK's road environment is too bad now, so I won't come."

"I went to jail on the road, and my teammates suffered. Brother Cheng's radiation ability is really scary."

"To be honest, Brother Cheng alone has increased the laning strength of the LCK by several levels."

In this wave, the opponent's duo was dropped, and the four cooperated with the vanguard to easily dismantle the opponent's bottom tower.

In just 11 minutes, KT's economic lead reached [-].

This situation is not only very handy for Lin Cheng, but Peanut, who has been in the LPL for a year, also knows how to expand his advantage.

The old KT is best at using the operation of the pawn line, and the time difference between turning the line to force the tower, but now KT may pay more attention to the control of the wild area.

When Leopard Girl takes Yuumi to do vision in the jungle, the teammates near the lane will try their best to make sure that the laning is close to the wild to cover Nosuke who is doing vision.

The vision of the wild area was occupied, and the two sides began to press the line crazily.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opposite side had to defend the sidelines, the KT sideline personnel switched from the wild to force the middle tower.

Facing a huge economic disadvantage, DWG's middle tower with few players is simply impossible to defend.

And Xu Xiu paid the price for her forced head iron.

Clockwork forced his ultimate move to clear the line of soldiers under the first tower in the middle, but was blown up by Yong En's wind. The ultimate move cooperated with Leopard Girl's insidious wall-penetrating Q to complete the kill.

Soon, KT broke the opponent's three roads and one tower in 14 minutes.

"Don't rush, don't rush! Make a good vision to invade the wild area, don't rush to rush to the second tower."

In this situation, KT was not impatient. Since the teammates in the previous games always sent a wave in the middle of the game for no reason, Lin Cheng kept reminding everyone not to wave.

Although sometimes Lin Cheng is the guy who takes the lead, but he doesn't want to make twists and turns in his final final of the 2020 season.

It would be a shame for Lin Cheng if the match point game was overturned by a [-] economic difference, and then the second was chased by the third.

Don't think that this kind of script can't happen, it has happened more than once with the European and American brothers.

Steadily control the neutral resources, and use the second vanguard to take down the opponent's second tower in the middle, and then KT continues to operate steadily.

Although it seemed that he could win by rushing to the high ground, Lin Cheng caught the manic teammates in time.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! DWG's one game was a failure. They didn't get any resources, because Olaf hit the top lane early, and none of the three lanes of DWG is easy."

Remember: "I can only say that KT's state is really good in the K Cup final today, the state is really full, the suffocating pressure of the old KT is playing, especially in the last game, except for the bot Yuumi who is an eye That wave was a bit careless, and the whole team can be said to have made zero mistakes."

"Is this the tacit understanding of top players? When these five IDs get together, you find that it is very important."

"Effort won't give away, Mr. Dai won't die suddenly, Chaowei won't hang online as a defensive tower, and Little Peanut won't swipe his head."

Ze Yuan paused, and continued: "And, Brother Cheng is always covered by his teammates."

"You know how strong this team is."

 Today is three more, love you
(End of this chapter)

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