Chapter 827

After the interview, Lin Cheng was about to bid farewell to Jin Zhixian, but Miss Zhixian dragged him to take a photo before letting him go.

Back to the waiting room to meet up with teammates, under the leadership of Lin Cheng and Xiao Peanut, all the idiots were noisy again.

Although it is just an ordinary K Cup champion, it is obviously of great significance to the entire 2020 KT. The staff of the club have set up cameras to record the players' lounge scenes.

In front of the camera, Lin Cheng did not hide his identity as the team bully at all. He formed a clique with Little Peanut and attacked each other, planning to decide the new club ranking by voting.

When it comes to voting for Lin Cheng, you don't have to worry about it. All the staff in the lounge belong to him. Except for the assistant lady in charge of operations who joined only this year, the rest of the staff are very familiar with Lin Cheng.

"Come on! The public voting has begun! Although I'm stingy, you don't have to take my feelings into account. You can vote for whoever you want."

"1, 2, 3, those who support me as the boss raise their hands."

"That! The one who didn't raise his hand, that is, you don't shrink back from the camera."

"This gentleman's name is Jiang Mingzhe, right? I know you. You have a seven-year-old son in elementary school. It's not easy to support a family now... Hey! Why did you raise your hand again? Actually, I Really hold no grudges."

In this way, under Lin Cheng's blatant coercion and lure, everyone voted for him convincingly.

Except for his teammates, the reason for everyone to vote for him is simple.

The rest of KT don't hold grudges.

"Ouch! This is so embarrassing, it seems that I am really what everyone expects."

Lin Cheng almost had the words "do whatever he wants" written on his face, and his teammates were collectively dumbfounded.

It's too dark!It's really dark!
The assistant lady who has only been here for less than a month is going to laugh like crazy.

Those who didn't know thought this group of people were filming a variety show.

In the end, Lin Cheng sat firmly at the head of the club through a democratic vote.

The leader of the opposition party, Peanut, could only take the second place. The coach Kang Dongxun didn't know where he went, so he was directly assigned to the foot of the mountain.

After changing a group of people, he was still at the bottom of the food chain when he started ranking in the team. I'm afraid Kang Dongxun never dreamed of it.

The main reason is that the assistant coach Acron turned against the water at a critical moment. Lin Cheng and his teammates planned to arrange brother A to the back, but he didn't expect brother A to sell Kang Dongxun backhandedly.

"Mr. Kang Dongxun hasn't been to the gym in the past six months, and his body is about to collapse. You also know that going to the gate of the base to get takeaway is a physical effort. For the sake of the coach's body, why not..."

In a small lounge, this group of guys played out the plot of "The Dictator" + "Infernal Affairs".

This documentary has not been edited in any way, and it was published on KT's official social account an hour later.

KT fans are going to laugh like crazy.

The former big brothers are gone, is Lin Cheng going to heaven in the club?
Of course, everyone knew that Lin Cheng was joking, his character has always been like this.

It's just that after Kuro's group of big brothers left, this guy is in a period of expansion that is temporarily unchecked and balanced, and he is a bit drifting.

And T1 fans almost cried when they saw Lin Cheng's virtue.

If Faker was as good as Lin Cheng, why did he have such a miserable life in the club last year?
At this time, Lin Cheng was holding a celebration banquet with his teammates at the hotel.

Probably because Lin Cheng used despicable means to seize the ranking just now, and his teammates kept pouring Lin Cheng wine in retaliation.

Normally, Lin Cheng always excused his poor drinking capacity, but this time he really couldn't stop his teammates' enthusiasm. After drinking one cup after another of soju, he gradually became confused.

Then, these new teammates saw Lin Cheng's virtue after being drunk.

"we are the champion!"

"we are the champion!"

Lin Cheng raised his hands and walked up and down the private room of the hotel with red cheeks, shouting that we are the champions while walking.

Little Peanut cheerfully took out his mobile phone, put it on the table and began to record this dark history of Lin Cheng.

After shouting more than a dozen slogans back and forth, Lin Cheng suddenly walked to the window of the private room, opened it and climbed up.

The teammates were almost scared to death.

Fortunately, someone was watching him all the time, so Little Peanut rushed up to hug Lin Cheng, and the rest of the team also rushed up to hold Lin Cheng down.

"You're crazy! Don't jump."

Although this is only the second floor, it is not fun.

Lin Cheng was dragged down by a group of people, squatted down on the floor, and he was still struggling.

"Ouch! My ass."

"I just want to blow the wind! What are you doing?"

"I won't jump off the building, let me go."

"Ouch~~~ Who pressed my stomach?"

"You bastards! You want to seize my throne, don't you? Don't think about it!"

No matter how good Lin Cheng's physical fitness was, he couldn't break free from the control of his four teammates at this time, and was pushed down to the ground, powerless to resist.

After a long time, the teammate let him go after seeing Lin Cheng who was bluffing and not moving.

Little Peanut took a breath of relief after closing the window tightly.

"It's too scary! This guy jumped off the building after drinking too much."

If he knew that this guy drank too much, Little Peanut swore he would never drink him too much.

The rest of the teammates were also in a cold sweat.

Lin Cheng, who was pretending to be dead, suddenly raised one hand and put up his middle finger, and uttered Chinese with his eyes closed:
"I'm jumping on Nima's building! Labor and management just want to blow the wind, you bastards almost crushed labor and management."

Familiar with the fragrant smell, Little Peanut heard his teammates' bad mouths in his old godfather, and he understood Lin Cheng's meaning without any pressure.

"You can blow it when you blow it, what are you doing climbing on the window sill?"

Lin Cheng muttered something, and Little Peanut leaned over to try to hear what he was muttering.

"none of your business."

Little Peanut's face darkened, and he viciously raised his fist and made a gesture on Lin Cheng's face.

"Ah Xi~~~ Beat you up again, anyway, you can't beat me now."

Lin Cheng didn't respond.

"Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng."

"Are you dead?"

Finding that Lin Cheng seemed to be asleep, the teammates picked up their phones one after another.

Don't panic, take a photo and send it to Moments.

Sure enough, they are a group of good brothers.

A drunk who is asleep is a good drunk, and the teammates ignored Lin Cheng and continued with the unfinished celebration banquet.

After a while, Lin Cheng woke up in a daze, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Hiss~~~ My body is so sour."

"Fuck! Why is my butt so painful?"

During the banquet, there was a lot of toasting, and he felt a dull pain in his buttocks. Lin Cheng, who was still not clear-headed, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hey! Lin Cheng is awake? Do you want to have another drink?"

Lin Cheng had no time to pay attention to Mr. Dai's jokes.

He covered his hip with one hand, took out his mobile phone with the other, and dialed Han Shuyan's number with trembling hands.

"Nu Na, save me."

(End of this chapter)

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