This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 828 I Want To Make You Smile All The Time

Chapter 828 I Will Always Make You Smile (Daily)

Lin Cheng's call for help not only confused Han Shuyan over there, but also shocked his teammates.

Hearing Lin Cheng complaining to the other end of the phone, Mr. Dai quickly snatched the phone.

"No! It's not what Lin Cheng said, it's actually..."

After finally hanging up the phone, Mr. Dai looked back and saw that Lin Cheng had already buried his head and fell asleep again.

"Ah Xi~~~ This guy is simply amazing."

After a while, Han Shuyan rushed to the hotel.

Han Shuyan greeted everyone generously.

"I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

"No, it's our fault. In fact, you don't need to come here."

Seeing how beautiful Lin Cheng's girlfriend is, who is as gentle as water, a group of idiots burst into tears.

They didn't know for a while whether Lin Cheng was really drunk or just pretending.

Maybe he just wanted to show off his girlfriend.

hateful!Still installed it for him.

When Lin Cheng was awakened by Han Shuyan, he completely forgot what he was doing, and waved happily, "Huh? Sister Shuyan, why are you here?"

Han Shuyan looked at his still flushed cheeks with a funny face, "Get up quickly and go back with me."


Lin Cheng became a little more sober now, and struggled to stand up.

Being led out by Han Shuyan, he still hasn't forgotten to look back:

"Bye bye! Brothers, my girlfriend is here to pick me up. See you in a few days."

A group of ignorant people started their death stares in unison.

Lin Cheng just waved his hands cheerfully, and took his girlfriend's hand out of the restaurant in a daze.

In the taxi, before Han Shuyan could speak, Lin Cheng yelled, "Master, I'm going back to Chengdu, please drive faster."

"No, master, don't listen to his nonsense."

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng a speechless look, and hurriedly re-reported his position.

The driver saw too many guests, so he didn't care, and started the car slowly.

However, Lin Cheng was still speechless, leaning on his girlfriend's shoulder, he took the initiative to chat with the driver.

"Master, what do you do?"

"I drive a taxi."

"Oh, please send me back to Chengdu, I'll take my girlfriend back to show my mother."

Listening to her boyfriend talking nonsense, Han Shuyan next to her turned her head out of the window in embarrassment.

The driver was very cooperative with Lin Cheng's performance, and said casually: "The young man has a good eye, and he found a very beautiful girlfriend."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "That's right, Lin Cheng's vision is awesome."

Seeing how shameless this guy was, Han Shuyan couldn't help but twist Lin Cheng's waist, "Ah! Rest when you're tired, and I'll call you later."

"Rest? That's fine... But sister Shuyan, can you smile?"

Lin Chengxu narrowed his eyes and approached Han Shuyan with a pitiful posture.

Han Shuyan had no choice but to put Lin Cheng's head in her arms, and whispered, "Stop making trouble, someone is here."

"Hi~~~ Don't! Just smile."

"Why must I laugh?"

Lin Cheng closed his eyes and buried his head in Han Shuyan's arms without speaking. After a while, he muttered in a low voice: "Because Miss Shuyan smiles so pretty, so I will keep making you laugh."

Han Shuyan, who was turning her head to look out of the window, slightly raised the corners of her mouth, and the constantly flickering lights outside the car window were imprinted in her watery eyes, as if there were stars in her eyes.

Glancing secretly at the front row, she lowered her head and whispered in Lin Cheng's ear:
"Hey! You said you would keep making me laugh, don't make me cry."


Lin Cheng responded, buried his head in Han Shuyan's arms and did not speak.

Just when Han Shuyan thought he was asleep, Lin Cheng suddenly raised his head and started yelling again.

"Master, what do you do?"


Han Shuyan: "..."

After getting out of the car, Lin Cheng's crooked footsteps were still a little wandering, Han Shuyan took a lot of effort to help Lin Cheng back to the apartment.

"Wait a minute, I'll get some water."

Putting Lin Cheng on the bed, Han Shuyan turned around to fetch water, but found that this guy was holding on to the corner of her clothes.

"Hey, let go of my sister quickly."

"do not want!"

Lin Cheng lay on the bed in a large font, muttering: "You must leave me and run away again, don't leave."

Han Shuyan tried to break his hand away, "I'm not leaving, I'm just going to get some water."


Lin Cheng grabbed the hem of her clothes tightly and refused to let go, "You must have gone to fool around with Xiao Tong again, I knew it."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Han Shuyan couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah! What a fool? You're real."

Lin Cheng who had been lying on his stomach finally raised his head and tried to open his eyes wide, feeling extremely wronged, "You have ignored me recently, Sister Shuyan, I am so sad."

"You just think about Xiao Tong, woo~~ I need love too!"

The more he talked, the more wronged he became, Lin Cheng sobbed with a broken heart.

Han Shuyan smiled and pinched his cheek, "Okay! I'm not leaving, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Cheng raised his head and slammed it on the bed, still grabbing his girlfriend's clothes.

Han Shuyan sighed helplessly.

"Raise your hands, take off your clothes first, and put on the quilt so you don't catch a cold."

"Oh, you are not allowed to run."

"Know it."

It took a long time to take off Lin Cheng's clothes, and Han Shuyan didn't bother to change into her pajamas, so she took off her coat and got under the quilt.

Lin Cheng put his arms around his girlfriend and buried his head by her neck.

"It smells good."

"Don't spit on me."

"No, I can't bear it."

"Sleep well."


He agreed, but Lin Cheng couldn't sleep for a while.

My head hurts, I have no energy, my brain is half switched on, but I just can't sleep.

Then, Lin Cheng started mumbling again and his mouth broke.

"Sister Shuyan is better."

"Xiao Tong is too hateful, you just want to grab Sister Shuyan from me."

"Unfortunately, I said again that I would not bully her."

"Sister Shuyan, tell me, do you like Xiaotong more?"

Listening to his muttering in a low voice, Han Shuyan was angry and funny.

Putting her arms around Lin Cheng's waist under the quilt, Han Shuyan said softly, "It's nothing, you two are important to me."

"Is it just the same? Am I not heavier?"

"Okay, you are a little heavier, are you satisfied?"


Lin Cheng hugged his girlfriend tightly, and closed his eyes satisfied.

Han Shuyan quietly huddled in Lin Cheng's arms, listening to her boyfriend's shallow breathing, she also closed her eyes.

"Sister Shuyan."


"I can not sleep."

"Sleep if you can't sleep."


Lin Cheng promised well, but Han Shuyan felt that he rubbed his cheek against her head from time to time.

"You bastard... is really worrying."

Lin Cheng muttered: "If you don't worry, don't worry. Anyway, Sister Shuyan will forgive me."

Han Shuyan wrinkled her nose angrily.

This guy won't be angry with him if he bullies her.

 There are only two today, no time code
(End of this chapter)

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