Chapter 829
Early the next morning, Lin Cheng woke up from urinating.

His head was still a little dizzy, and Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to go to the toilet. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds.

I sniffed my nose, and a pleasant faint fragrance lingered at the tip of my nose.

Han Shuyan was nestled in his arms, sleeping soundly with her head buried, her face half covered by her long hair.

Lin Cheng kissed his girlfriend's hair, tried hard to recall the experience of last night, couldn't help laughing.

hum!Sister Shuyan still loves me, Xiaotong, you can't grab me after all, right?
Getting out of bed lightly solved his personal problems, Lin Cheng drank a glass of water and prepared to lie back on the bed.

It's really wonderful to sleep with Sister Shuyan in my arms.

He got into the quilt and gently reached out to hold Han Shuyan in his arms.

In the end, Han Shuyan was still awakened by his movement, and opened her eyes in a daze.

"Sister Shuyan is awake?"


Han Shuyan lazily responded, feeling Lin Cheng's arms around her waist, subconsciously squeezed into his arms, and adjusted a more comfortable posture.

Closing her eyes again, Han Shuyan suddenly thought of something, looked up at Lin Cheng.

"Does it matter if you still want it? I'll get you some hangover medicine again?"

The way she looked up with her head up and her eyes blurred was very cute in Lin Cheng's eyes, and he couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed his girlfriend's forehead.

"No need, I took a lot of anti-alcohol medicine in the restaurant yesterday, and now I don't feel any more."


Han Shuyan felt relieved, closed her eyes and retracted into Lin Cheng's warm embrace, only revealing a small half of her face outside the quilt.

But soon, she felt Lin Cheng's restlessness, closed her eyes and pressed her chin against Lin Cheng's chest.

"Don't make trouble."

Lin Cheng felt wronged, "It's none of my business."

"Don't move."


Han Shuyan wrapped the quilt tightly and squeezed into Lin Cheng's arms.

Because Lin Cheng prevented her from running last night, Han Shuyan didn't change into her pajamas, but only wore light underwear.

Lin Cheng was about to explode.

But knowing that Sister Shuyan was still sleepy, Lin Cheng didn't play tricks, but just kept his arms around his girlfriend from behind, closed his eyes and silently recited the resolution.

In this way, after a long time in the torment of happiness, Lin Cheng unconsciously fell asleep again.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Han Shuyan stood by the bed and pinched Lin Cheng's nose mischievously to wake him up.

"Ah Cheng, hurry up and have breakfast, I made porridge for you."

Seeing his girlfriend dressed neatly, Lin Cheng's dizzy mind suddenly came to his senses.

What a loss!

After finally snatching up Sister Shuyan, Brother Cheng didn't do anything.

So Lin Cheng pouted and started playing tricks.

"Kiss me, kiss me before I get up."

Han Shuyan had no choice but to lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"Get up quickly, don't sleep in anymore."

This guy is also easy to coax, and immediately started to get up and get dressed cheerfully.

"Breakfast is ready for you. Go and eat by yourself. I'm going to work."

Han Shuyan helped Lin Cheng straighten his wrinkled collar like a virtuous wife, and couldn't help telling, "Also, don't make Xiaotong angry at home anymore."

"How could I mess with her? Now she is the one who bullies me all day long, and even robs me of Sister Yan's book."

Lin Cheng was extremely wronged, and he hammered his chest with his fist, as if he was more wronged than Dou E.

Han Shuyan smiled, her beautiful eyes completely curved into crescent moons.

"All right! All right!"

She straightened Lin Cheng's collar, and couldn't help pinching his cheek again, "You know, Xiaotong actually likes you very much, but she has a straight temper, and she didn't intend to oppose you on purpose."

"I see."

Lin Cheng moved his eyes a little guilty, "Actually... It's not that I don't like her, of course, this liking is far worse than that of Sister Shuyan! I definitely like Sister Shuyan the most... · Do you understand what I mean?"

Han Shuyan just smiled, reached out and rubbed his cheek vigorously.

"You bastard! Sooner or later I will be mad at you."

It was a little painful, but she exerted a rare force.

Lin Cheng put his arms around his girlfriend, and kissed her fiercely.


The kiss lasted for a long time, and Lin Cheng didn't let her go until Han Shuyan was almost out of breath.

"Hey! I apologized, sister Shuyan, please forgive me."

Lin Cheng pressed against Han Shuyan's forehead, looking at her pitifully, with nervousness in his eyes.

Han Shuyan burst out laughing.

"Okay! I'm going to work, so I don't care about you."

Han Shuyan gave him a supercilious look, turned around and walked out of the room gracefully.

After washing up, Lin Cheng touched the next door, where Xiao Tong was sitting on the sofa and eating breakfast leisurely.

"Hey! I heard that someone went crazy with alcohol yesterday?"

Xiao Tong took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, and said in a hard tone, very dissatisfied with Lin Cheng's behavior of occupying Sister Shuyan last night.

Lin Cheng smiled and sat beside her, "Why are you speaking so badly? Give me a bite."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng snatched half of the bun from Xiao Tong's mouth and stuffed it into his own mouth.

"Ah! Are you disgusting? Eat your own."

Xiao Tong angrily poked Lin Cheng with a chopstick.

Even though many people don't mind eating together, grabbing food directly from someone's mouth is too intimate.

Lin Cheng was not afraid of the boiling water, so he bit off half of it in one bite, and handed out the leftover scraps, "Hey! I'll give it back to you."

Xiao Tong ignored him.

Lin Cheng cheerfully went to the kitchen and brought out the breakfast Han Shuyan had prepared for him.

Pumpkin porridge with eggs and steamed stuffed bun side dishes, very homely and warm breakfast.

As a result, Xiao Tong still remembered that Lin Cheng had snatched half of her steamed stuffed bun just now, and he also snatched Lin Cheng's steamed stuffed bun in turn.

Originally, due to drinking last night, Han Shuyan didn't prepare too much breakfast for Lin Cheng, only three buns were snatched by Xiao Tong.

Lin Cheng was unhappy, "You've already eaten a lot, won't you be afraid of gaining weight if you eat any more?"

Xiao Tong was very proud, "Don't worry! Sister Tong won't gain weight no matter how much she eats, she is born beautiful."

Seeing that this silly girl was actually very proud, Lin Cheng sighed regretfully:

"Ouch! Why don't you grow meat? It's a pity."

Xiao Tong was puzzled, and when she realized that Lin Cheng's gaze had been on her chest, she suddenly felt that the buns she snatched were no longer tasty.

Woohoo~~~ My breasts are not small, although they are not as good as Sister Shiyan.

Eh?Why do you want to compare with Sister Shiyan?

Bring shame on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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