This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 832 I Was Thinking About How To Get My Little Wife

Chapter 832 I Was Thinking About How To Get My Little Wife

The sneak attack succeeded, and Lin Cheng was ready to face his little wife's counterattack.

Xiao Tong just gave him a blank look.

"Aren't you angry?"

"It's okay, after all, who would compete with a fool?"

Lin Cheng, who thought he had taken advantage of it just now, immediately collapsed and fell down on the mat as if he had lost his strength. He turned his back to Xiao Tong and shrank under the quilt without saying a word.

Xiao Tong secretly laughed and ignored him.

After a while, Lin Cheng finally got up moaning and wrapped himself in the quilt.

"Hey! Now the little wife is really getting less and less cute."

"Don't pull the quilt, it's really annoying."

Lin Cheng sat up wrapped in the quilt, feeling warmer, and the remaining quilt was only enough to cover half of Xiao Tong's body.

Suddenly losing the warm blanket, Xiao Tong angrily knelt down and gave Lin Cheng a slap.

"Hey! Do you still dare to hit me?"

Wrapped in the quilt, Lin Cheng resolutely rolled out twice, and grabbed Xiao Tong's remaining half of the quilt.

"Lin Cheng! Don't go too far."

"Haha! Are you still fierce? Please, please let me in."

Lin Cheng wrapped himself up like a caterpillar, admiring the little wife's beautiful black silk legs exposed to the air.

Xiao Tong's legs were thin, but slender and well-proportioned without any trace of fat. Lin Cheng secretly compared them with Sister Shuyan's beautiful legs.

Both big and small wives are so beautiful, brother Cheng is really happy to death.

It was useless for Xiao Tong to notice the gaze of gentleman Lin Cheng, he was very angry at being robbed of the quilt.

"I'll let you pull."

Picking up the pillow on the sofa, Xiao Tong pounced on Lin Cheng's head and punched him hard.

Lin Cheng wrapped himself up like a caterpillar but turned into a cocoon instead. Wrapping his hands in the quilt, he completely lost the ability to fight back, twisting and turning like a loach nailed to a chopping board.

"Don't start with the head, you don't slap people in the face, Brother Cheng's handsome face is slapped, but you are the one who suffers."

Xiao Tong continued Wing Chun, Lin Cheng pretended to beg for mercy, but took the opportunity to sneak around and loosen the quilt.


Just when Xiao Tong relaxed his vigilance, Lin Cheng suddenly jumped up and threw the little wife to the ground.

"Haha! Let you punch! Punching is not worth it."

Lin Cheng pressed Xiao Tong under him, and stretched out his hand to scratch her waist.

"Ah! Don't tickle it."

"Are you still fierce?"

"Woo~~~ You're so annoying, itchy! Don't come, I'm so cold."

"Cold fart! Weren't you very energetic when you hit me just now?"

"Really! I'm really cold."


Seeing Xiao Tong's pitiful appearance, Lin Cheng softened his heart, let go of his little wife and planned to stop fighting.

The two of them got into the bed and put the quilt on each other, but when Lin Cheng turned sideways to the little wife, Xiao Tong suddenly jumped up and wrapped his hands around Lin Cheng's neck.

"Wahhaha! Tell you to bully me, go to hell."

The two quarreled again.

Xiao Tong was gradually lost, and began to show weakness tactically.

"Lin Cheng, I'm cold! I'm not coming."

"You still want to lie to me?"

Lin Cheng didn't feel soft-hearted this time, he pulled the quilt back and buried both of their heads under the quilt.

"It's not cold now, I want you to recognize who is the boss in this family today."

Seeing that tactics were useless, Xiao Tong chose to fight back.

The quilt was up and down for a while, people who didn't know thought they were doing something embarrassing.

The air in the quilt was consumed quickly, and the two fought for a while for a temporary truce.

I didn't feel it when I was fighting in the bed, but the atmosphere became a bit ambiguous when I poked my head out.

The two of them were very close to each other, Lin Cheng's hot breath hit Xiao Tong's cheek, and she turned her head away slightly unnaturally.

Lin Cheng was secretly amused.

Just now, Xiao Tong hugged and bit his shoulders, and the two of them pressed their chests together. Lin Cheng suddenly felt that he had misunderstood her because of the exquisite curves of his little wife.

"Actually, there are still."


Xiao Tong was taken aback for a moment, only to react when he saw Lin Cheng's narrow gaze, and angrily gave Lin Cheng an elbow.

"Come on, I'm going to watch TV."


Lin Cheng agreed, but pulled up the quilt to cover their heads.

"What are you doing?"

"It's warm in the bed."

"But it's hard to breathe."

"Really? Let's talk about it when the air runs out."

This time, the two of them didn't fight, they curled up under the blanket and remained motionless.

Just when Xiao Tong couldn't help poking his head out to breathe, Lin Cheng reached out and hugged her.

Xiao Tong tensed up.

"What would it be like if...we hadn't met?"

Xiao Tong suddenly felt a little wronged for no reason.

Did he feel that he was unlucky to meet him?

She replied stubbornly, "Anyway, I must be much better than I am now."


Lin Cheng responded and stopped talking.

Xiao Tong couldn't help asking: "Why don't you speak, what are you thinking?"

"Don't make noise! ​​I'm thinking about how to get my little wife."

"Go to hell."

Xiao Tong angrily bit Lin Cheng's shoulder, then poked his head out to breathe fresh air.

Seeing Lin Cheng's face, she turned her head away in shame and angrily, remembering what she said in bed.

Lin Cheng smiled shamelessly, and reached out to hug her again.

"Hey! My little wife is shy, you have taken advantage of me a lot before, this time it will be regarded as interest."

"Screw you."

Xiao Tong reluctantly broke away from Lin Cheng's hand, snorted unconvincingly, sat up and stared at the TV screen, a little afraid to look at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng also sat up, pretending to watch TV with his little wife.

Gradually, Xiao Tong's thoughts flew to nowhere, and she suddenly felt Lin Cheng's hand touch her thigh.

She made a straight face, "Hey! If you want to watch TV, watch it, if you don't watch it, get out."

"Don't be so serious, I'm just curious... Are you wearing leggings? It feels so thick."

"It's not leggings, it's stockings."

"Tights or stockings?"


"How can there be such thick pantyhose? I don't believe it unless you show me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng gestured to pull up the corner of the quilt and peeked inside.

"Ah! You pervert."

"Just kidding, I just want to help you press the quilt."

Lin Cheng is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so he put on the quilt pretending to be harmless to humans and animals.

Xiao Tong suddenly discovered a terrible thing.

When this guy touched his leg just now, he already felt that it was no big deal.

This is incredible.

Lin Cheng didn't know what the little wife was thinking.

Anyway, at a certain moment, he didn't intend to let the little wife run away.

The two watched the recently hit TV series.

Lin Cheng also became involved.

On the contrary, Xiao Tong's mind was in a mess.

After half an hour, Xiao Tong suddenly said: "No way! I want to file a complaint with Sister Shuyan."

The heartless Lin Cheng didn't know what she meant, and was a little baffled.

"Oh! Whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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