This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 833 Long Live Sister Shiyan!

Chapter 833 Long Live Sister Shiyan!
In the end, it was not known whether Xiao Tong sued Lin Cheng against Han Shuyan.

Anyway, that night when he had the cheek to go to Xiaotong's bedroom to watch a movie, he was kicked out again.

Lin Cheng felt a little wronged.

He just wanted to give the big and small wives a little more warmth in this cold winter.

What's wrong with him?

The next day, Lin Cheng got up early in the morning.

Lin Cheng made an appointment to go to the ski resort today, and Lin Cheng deliberately set the alarm clock for early morning.

As a result, Enxi's baby got up earlier than Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng came over to visit the little girl as soon as he started to wash up.

"Enxi so early? Where's mother?"

"Mom is changing clothes."

"Really? Let's go and see."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he looked at the little girl staring into her big black eyes and hurriedly coughed dryly: "Ahem! Uncle was just joking with you, what's so interesting about changing clothes?"

The little girl thought for a while: "But I think it's nice for mom to change clothes."

Really?Do not lie to me.

I wouldn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

Lin Cheng started laughing while thinking, but he didn't continue joking with the little girl.

Lin Cheng began to wash up, and the little girl clung to his feet like a little tail, chatting with Lin Cheng in a cute and cute way.

Enxi is so cute, Lin Cheng didn't find it annoying, and patiently chatted with the little girl non-stop.

Lin Cheng felt that when he had a child, he probably wouldn't be so patient.

If it was a brat, maybe he would have to beat him hard.

After quickly tidying up, Lin Cheng took the little girl and ran to the next door.

As a result, the wives were all putting on makeup and had no time to talk to Lin Cheng, so he asked him to take the little girl to help Zheng Shiyan prepare breakfast.

"Hey! You are all so good-looking and spend so much time making up all day, are you letting other women live?"

Lin Cheng and his wives praised together, and the little girl beside him nodded desperately.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng's flattery didn't come in exchange for a beauty's kiss, and the two girls told him not to make trouble.

After all, when you are going out, makeup is a more important thing.

Even though Lin Cheng thinks that they look good without makeup, women, even if they are as beautiful as gods, will not reject the method of makeup.

Even a bonus of just one point is very attractive to women who love beauty.

In fact, men are similar, but their needs are sometimes different.

Women can't refuse to be beautiful, and it's also difficult for men to refuse Tintin's chance to be half a centimeter longer, even if it's only temporary.

"Sister Shiyan, what do you have for breakfast?"

"Bread milk and fried eggs."

"Ah~~~ It's this again, why is it always like this?"

Zheng Shiyan, who was burying her head in frying eggs, paused and looked up at Lin Cheng.

"You can go hungry if you don't want to eat."

Her long hair was tied up, with only one strand hanging by her ear. She was obviously very gentle and beautiful, but because of this look, Lin Cheng quickly shut up.

Lin Cheng looked down at Enxi.

The little girl hugged her little hands and followed at his feet, shrugging her shoulders cutely.

It seems to be saying: It's okay, what are you doing with your mother?
Lin Cheng thought for a while, leaned over and stared carefully at Zheng Shiyan's face for a while.

Zheng Shiyan lowered her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Sister Shiyan, have you put on makeup yet?"

"not yet."

"Really? Can you look this good without makeup?"

Zheng Shiyan's eyelashes trembled, and her hands froze.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Oh, I mean, anyway, you guys still need to put on your makeup and tidy up for a while. I'll go buy some ski supplies before I have breakfast."

"Understood, you can drive, the key is on the table."

"Then I'll take Enxi with me, Enxi! Let's go for a drive."

"Go for a ride! Mom is waiting for us obediently at home."

When Lin Cheng went out with the little girl, Zheng Shiyan continued to prepare a simple breakfast, but her movements were inexplicably brisk.

Ordinary ski equipment can be rented at the ski resort, but close-fitting clothing still needs to be prepared by yourself. Skiing has high requirements for clothing that is moisture-proof, and it is necessary to prepare such quick-drying and moisture-proof underwear.

Lin Cheng himself has skiing experience for a while, and he still remembers the first few times he went skiing in ordinary underwear.

Skiing is very easy to sweat, and ordinary cotton underwear will make a pretty boy feel wet in the crotch all the time.

Lin Cheng ran nearby to buy moisture-proof underwear and mid-layer winter clothes for himself and the little girl, but encountered problems when buying moisture-proof underwear for his two wives and sister Shiyan.

He didn't know their cup sizes yet.

Women's quick-drying underwear is actually sports underwear. Many girls wear it directly outside the gym. Sports underwear also has different sizes, and it is even more detailed in specialty stores.

So, Lin Cheng had the cheek to send a message to ask.

He swore that he really didn't mean to take the opportunity to inquire about intelligence.

Sister Shuyan replied generously.

Although the little wife kept calling him a pervert, she still gave him the size and cup size.

Sister Shuyan is C, and Xiao Tong is B, as expected by Lin Cheng, that is, the bust is slightly different.

In fact, a B cup is definitely not an airport. Lin Cheng felt that it was necessary to find a chance to apologize solemnly to his little wife.

Sister Shiyan said that she has her own sports underwear and does not need to buy it again.

Lin Cheng didn't know what kind of fanfare he had, so he replied in a strange way:
This specialty store is holding a buy two get one free event. I bought both for Sister Shuyan and Xiao Tong, and the store will give you an extra one for nothing.

Zheng Shiyan didn't reply, Lin Cheng could only buy underwear for the two wives and was ready to withdraw.

As a result, Zheng Shiyan sent a message just when Lin Cheng was about to leave.


The legendary 36D?
The 80D that Zheng Shiyan said is the Asian standard, and the corresponding is 36D.

In fact, if a girl is too short, 36D will easily look fat, but Sister Shiyan's full height of 173 is very domineering.

No wonder the great pyrenes can wear a 3D effect.

Long live Sister Shiyan!
After unraveling the long-standing doubts in his heart, Lin Cheng said to the clerk arrogantly.

"What size underwear do you want for 80D? Give me a set."

The female clerk was a bit baffled.

Those who didn't know thought he was showing off his girlfriend's figure.

In the car, Lin Cheng began to seal the little girl.

"Enxi! When you go back, remember to tell your mother that the clothes are a gift from the store that uncle bought a lot."


"No but! Just do what your uncle said."

Lin Cheng knew Enxi very well, he even knew what she wanted to say, so he interrupted without waiting for the little girl to finish speaking.

"Good baby shouldn't..."

"Then are you willing to be a bad baby for uncle?"

The little girl thought about it carefully, wrinkled her face into a tangle, then gritted her teeth and nodded vigorously.


Lin Cheng grinned.

"Our Enxi is awesome!"

 two more today
(End of this chapter)

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