This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 834 Is this the charm of 36D?

Chapter 834 Is this the charm of 36D?

Back at the apartment, Lin Cheng couldn't help taking another look when he gave Zheng Shiyan the clothes.

The legendary 36D!
As a result, he was caught as a thief. Just as Lin Cheng looked away, he saw Sister Shiyan staring at him expressionlessly.

"Oh! I'm starving to death, Enxi, let's go have breakfast."

"it is good!"

"Sister Shiyan, please give way."

Holding small hands with big hands, Lin Cheng brought the little girl to the table and began to eat.

Lin Cheng always liked to tease the little girl while eating, and Enxi's clear and clear giggles never stopped, which made Zheng Shiyan keep reminding her.

"Eat well, and chat after eating."

"Oh! Sister Shiyan, don't worry too much, just go and pack your things."

Seeing Lin Cheng's stubbornness, the little girl also floated up, waving her short hands at her mother in an old-fashioned way.

"Yes, yes! Mom, don't worry about us."

Zheng Shiyan gave them a supercilious look, and simply ignored these two guys.


After Zheng Shiyan left, one big and one small happily clapped hands to celebrate.

Zheng Shiyan didn't suppress the toughness just now, and the two seemed to have won a battle.

The three girls had already had breakfast, and they were all ready to go after Lin Cheng and Enxi finished eating.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Lin Cheng still took the initiative to sit in the cab, Zheng Shiyan sat in the front row, Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan watched Enxi from the back seat.

"Is Enxi seated yet? Let's go."

"Let's go."

Lin Cheng put on his sunglasses, turned his head and smiled evilly at them.

"Attention all units, 86 is going up the mountain!"

The appearance of this secondary school caused another burst of laughter, and the atmosphere in the small carriage was very cheerful.

The ski resort chosen by everyone is Yongpyong Ski Resort in Pyeongchang County, Gangwon-do. This natural ski resort is located at the foot of Fawang Mountain in the Taebaek Mountains. It is the second world-class ski resort in Asia.

After nearly two hours of driving, everyone arrived at Yongpyong Resort, [-] kilometers away, at noon.

Lin Cheng booked an apartment hotel in advance, and everyone parked their cars and went to check in first.

"Wow! It's great here!"

The little girl was spinning around in the room, looking around like a curious baby.

Lin Cheng ordered a large guest room, with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and one living room, with an area of ​​38 pings, or 125 square meters.

All kinds of facilities are complete. The balcony of the living room is facing the direction of Fawang Mountain. You can see the white snow-capped mountains in winter, and you can also see the ski trails with skiers passing through.

The room fee of 52 won per night does not sound cheap, but it is definitely a good deal for a room of this size and facilities in a scenic spot.

After putting away their things, everyone ran to the restaurant below to have lunch first, and then headed towards the ski resort.

Due to the epidemic and it was in the middle of the week, there were actually not many people in the ski resort, so there was no need to worry about crowding.

Everyone went to the entrance of the ski resort to rent professional ski equipment. When Xiao Tong took the skis and ski boots from the clerk, she was surprised, "Wow! It's so heavy."

"Take it easy, don't hit Enxi with your skis."

While reminding Lin Cheng, he took his own and Enxi's skis, "Enxi, come with Uncle, Uncle will change your shoes for you."


Seeing the little girl sloppily following behind Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong curled her lips.

"Sister Shuyan, this guy is only thinking about Enxi, and he didn't say to help us get the ski equipment."

Han Shuyan was amused, "You are such an adult, why are you still jealous of children?"

"Who is jealous? Sister Shuyan is really, if you want to be jealous, it is Sister Shiyan who is jealous."

"No, don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Shiyan lowered her eyes and looked down at the skis in her hand.

"Yeah? Sister Shiyan, don't you feel jealous of Lin Cheng? This guy always dominates Enxi."

Zheng Shiyan pursed her lips.

"...It's okay, it's easier for me this way."

The entrance of the ski resort is the most elementary ski trail with a gentle slope, which is very suitable for beginners to practice skiing for the first time.

There is no need for a coach, Lin Cheng patiently explained the basics to the novices, except for Han Shuyan who can ski, the other two are trying for the first time.

"Hey! Little babies and big beauties, listen carefully. If you want to learn to beat someone, you must first learn to be beaten. First, I will teach you how to stand up after falling..."

Lin Cheng's teaching is very practical. Falling is actually the first difficulty that novices face when they come into contact with skiing.

After repeatedly confirming that they have mastered the wrestling skills, Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan accompanied the two and one to start practicing.

Getting started with skiing is very simple. Basically, novices can ski smoothly after ten minutes of practice. Under the guidance of Han Shuyan, even Enxi can skate in style quickly on a small skateboard.

"Look, uncle! Sister Yan has already taught Enxi."

The little girl slowly slid down the side with her ski pole in her hands, her movements were funny like a waddling duckling, and she couldn't help showing off to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's flattering compliment made Enxi twist her body even more vigorously.

Just as Lin Cheng was staring at the little girl, Xiao Tong's voice came:
"Oh oh oh! Lin Cheng! Lin Cheng!"

"Oh what? Pan Sen is possessed, right?"

Lin Cheng turned around with a grin, and it happened that Xiao Tong slid the shovel sideways and knocked Lin Cheng to the ground.

"Ouch! You sneak attack!"

"I'm sorry! Mistake mistake."

Xiao Tong chuckled and patted Lin Cheng's head comfortingly.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng repeatedly told him to make sure that the tips of the ski poles and snowboards do not face the person before bumping into someone, so that a fall like this will not cause injury.

Otherwise, it would be fun if Xiao Tong played Pan Sen's BGM and gave Lin Cheng a penetrating star spear.

Although the slope of this snow track is very small, it can actually rush up after a long-distance acceleration, and then it is prone to various out-of-control falls.

Just as Lin Cheng stood up, Zheng Shiyan rushed past.


Seeing that she was skating a little fast, Lin Cheng subconsciously put his arms around Zheng Shiyan's waist, and the two fell to the ground together.

In order to prevent Sister Shiyan from being injured, Lin Cheng deliberately placed it underneath, and Zheng Shiyan's entire body was almost on top of him.

"Sister Shiyan, be careful, don't rush to skate so fast."

Seeing Lin Cheng's slightly reproachful look, Zheng Shiyan was a little speechless.

She didn't lose control at all, and she couldn't hit anyone from that angle, it was clearly Lin Cheng who caused her to fall.

"Let go of me."


Lin Cheng let go of his arm around her waist, and Zheng Shiyan struggled to get up.

Lin Cheng who was lying on the ground felt that he seemed to have missed something just now.

Is this the charm of 36D?

(End of this chapter)

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