This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 840 Do You Think Brother Can Shake People?

Chapter 840 Do You Think Brother Can Shake People? (plus 2)

When Lin Cheng asked Chovy to lock Camille, his teammates were actually very worried. After all, you are too arrogant to come to Qinggangying on the opposite side of rock sparrow + crocodile.

But Lin Cheng also had his own ideas.

"In addition to being weaker in the lane, our system is actually very good. There are heroes like Taliyah and Jhin who can pull with long hands on the opposite side. We simply choose the rushing system to crush them directly."

"What are you afraid of being weaker in the lane? Our strength is already stronger than the opponent's."

Infected by Lin Cheng's self-confidence, his teammates also felt that his words made sense.

There is a high probability that other teams will select two bad lineups in the first round, but they are KT!
"We are world champions."

Little Peanut shouted.

Lin Cheng turned to look at him strangely.

Turtle!I didn't expect this guy to be so shameless, what's your business with KT's championship last year?

However, as Lin Cheng said, his laning ability reassures his teammates. Even Lin Cheng's most snake-skinned heroes rarely appear to be hit on the top lane.

Seeing that his teammates and coaches recognized his thinking, Lin Cheng couldn't hold back and added:
"Of course, if it doesn't work, we can still move Camille to the middle lane. Zhixun Camille also has a hand."

Chaowei shook his hand, and the operation to lock Qinggangying was extremely difficult.

In the second round of BP, the red side KT clarified the thinking of the BAN players: it is for the support with strong backhand ability to ensure that their own side can kill the opponent when they rush.

KT first bans the Japanese girl on the red side.

The blue side is aimed at the jungler, and the leopard girl is disabled.

After all, Leopard Girl's gank ability with Qinggangying is also very strong, and GEN·G doesn't want to surprise their strong Ueno.

KT finally sent Seti to the small black room, which was also aimed at Laifu's assistant Seti.

GEN·G was the last BAN to drop the male gun. In the two rounds of BP, the blue side had a total of three junglers.

Inexplicably, classmate Han Wanghao was a little secretly happy.

When he was in GEN·G the year before last, he was disliked by the fans of the team in various ways. When he came back this year and became an opponent, he immediately enjoyed the emperor-level target.

Don't you look down on me?Also said I can only brush?

Yesterday you loved and ignored me, today I want you to be too high.

The second round of selection began, and the red square locked Galio in seconds on the fourth floor.

KT has made it clear that they want to advance and support.

The blue team reacted quickly, first locked the card and fought with Galio to support the rhythm, and finally resorted to Bron as a backhand to deal with the forced opening.

The red side chose Nightmare in the last hand.

Remember: "Nocturne? This is very surprising. The main reason is that once Nightmare is selected, it can't help teammates at all until level [-]. It is still too slow for the current game rhythm, and Nightmare's jungle spawning speed Compared with the mainstream rock sparrow and leopard girl, there is no advantage."

Hitomi Xi: "That's right! This is very demanding on KT's upper and lower lines. You really have to be careful in the early stage, because the opponent knows that your jungler can only swipe."

"KT's lineup idea is very good. When everyone has a big move, they enter the field and fight very well, but the early stage may not be so smooth."

Both teams are selected.

The blue square GEN·G.

Top Road: Rascal (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungle: Clid (Crag Sparrow, Taliyah)

Mid Lane: BDD (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bottom lane: Ruler (Jhin)

Support: Life (Heart of the Freljord, Braum)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Qing Gang Ying, Camille)

Jungle: Peanut (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Mid laner: Chovy (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Bot lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa)

Support: Effort (Tau Chief, Alistar)

The selling points of the lineups of both sides are very clear. After the sixth level of KT Nakano, the support ability is very strong. In the later stage, it can cover the division of Qinggangying, and all five members of the team can rush forward.

Either beat the opponent to death, or kill yourself head-on. There is no such thing as the LCK classic pulling 2 minutes and one person does not die.

GEN·G mainly focuses on laning and rhythm. Both the upper and lower lanes have certain advantages in laning, and the middle field of the rock sparrow + card has a support ability that is not inferior to the KT middle field.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and the sub-categories of Resolute: Shield Slam, Bone Plating.

The commentator and the audience were a little surprised when this set of runes came out against the crocodile and rock sparrow.

Shouldn't this person wear the Grip of Immortality on it to resist pressure?

Don't ask, asking is self-confidence.

Going out to pretend that Lin Cheng chose Dolan Sword and Red Medicine, this is really not considering himself as a disadvantaged lineup.

Before the pawn line set off, GEN·G chose a group of five to invade the upper half of a wave of KT.

Because of Bron's strength at the first level and the lack of personnel on the red side, KT chose to abandon the defensive duo in the upper half of the field and go deep into the opponent's lower half of the field for vision.

And GEN·G didn't plan to retreat without making a vision, and directly made a posture of preparing to change the wild area.

Remember: "Ouch! Brother Chengzi is feeling uncomfortable! This wild area can only be imprisoned if Qinggangying is on it, and always beware of a rock sparrow coming out next to it."

Hitomi: "GEN·G is very thoughtful. They know that it will be difficult to catch their bot lane if they exchange Nightmare in the jungle like this, but on the contrary, the crocodile and rock sparrow pose a great threat to Qinggangying."

KT did not intend to forcefully defend the red zone. After Lin Cheng communicated with Little Peanut, Nightmare drove directly from the middle route to scan the upper river.

Since the line of soldiers has not yet arrived, the blue side has no idea of ​​Nightmare's movements.

Peanut's move can be said to be quite bold, but GEN·G only kept an eye on the jungle area below when the duo returned to the bottom lane. They did not expect Nightmare to go around their blue zone at all.

The first-level Qinggang Shadow was naturally not afraid of crocodiles. Lin Chengxue Q and the crocodile just stunned Rascal.

Doesn't this person know that my jungler is on it?

Of course, Qinggangying's change of blood brother is naturally welcome.

Although the crocodile loses out in the first-level blood exchange, as long as the blood volume is exchanged, the rock sparrow will have a chance to GANK.

However, what I didn't expect was that Peanut's Nightmare went straight up the road after stealing Lan.

The opponent didn't expect Nightmare to be in the upper half at all, so the crocodile's jewelry eye was not placed in the river to defend against GANK.

At this time, Clid's Rock Sparrow was still playing F6 on the red side.

"Wait a minute, I have the right to wire, wait for me to grab the second first."

Lin Cheng signaled Peanut not to worry, although he didn't know the location of the rock sparrow, as long as the rock sparrow didn't come straight to the road after playing red, he definitely had time to advance to the second level first.

In fact, although they are changing blood as soon as they come up on the road, it is impossible for the rock sparrow to run and catch at the crocodile level.

Clid didn't want to come over to force a dodge or something, what he thought was to wait for Qinggang Ying to push the line first, and then take a blood directly after the circle.

However, it was because of GEN·G's misjudgment of Nightmare's position that something happened.

At the moment when Qinggangying grabbed the second place, Little Peanut came out from the grass in the river.

At this time, the crocodile was blocked from the back and could not run at all.

Little Peanut walked away and put on the E skill.

Rascal is also very experienced, knowing that flash can also bring constant fear, so he didn't choose to cross flash.

Lin Cheng squeezed E and walked up to output, and easily harvested a blood under Little Peanut's concession.

He showed a mischievous Poro expression smoothly.

Hmph, I still want to change the wild area to bully me.

Do you think brother can shake people?
 Three shifts today

(End of this chapter)

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