This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 841 Chaowei: What is top laner?

Chapter 841 Chaowei: What is top laner?
I remember: "Rascal was fooled! The crocodile wanted to wait for the jungler for a first-level exchange, but he didn't expect to wait for the jungler on the opposite side first. Brother Cheng got this first blood very easily."

Hitomi: "Nightmare level [-] appeared on the top lane. GEN·G people didn't realize it at all. This open field route is really spiritual. People in GEN·G thought Nightmare was in the lower half."

The barrage is very good, and I was directly dominated by my brother.

"How dare this brat, Little Peanut, come to arrest brother?"

"Did brother allow you to gank?"

"Do you think brother won't deliver it by himself? Need you to catch it?"

"Brother: Clid is not allowed to eat at night, why haven't you come when the jungler is coming?"

After winning the first blood, Lin Cheng asked Little Peanut to help push the line.

"Wang Hao pushed down the line and left it to me for the last time. I almost lost money."

On the road, they held a group to push the line. After the resurrection, Rascal did not dare to directly TP the remaining blood soldiers on the road.

Although the rock sparrow is nearby, and KT's Ueno and Jungle don't seem to be very full of health, it is definitely a very dangerous behavior for the first-level crocodile to face the T pawn line directly.

It takes 12 seconds for the crocodile to go from resurrection to TP landing, and Nightmare's E must be healed. Rascal knows that if he dares to land a T pawn, he will basically be killed again.

Although he saved the flash in the upper wave, both Qinggang Ying and Meng Yan had flashes in their hands.

Therefore, the crocodile chose the TP defensive tower.

But after Clid hit F6 and moved up one step later, he could only watch the crocodile being attacked. After the crocodile died, the rock sparrow didn't dare to fight against the stone man alone. After swiping a wave of WeChat steps nearby, Clid chose Go back and clear your jungle.

In this way, as long as Nightmare goes back to defend the lower half of the field, it is equivalent to Peanut only paying the price of a set of F6 in exchange for a blood.

Nightmare's passive and Q skills pushed the line very quickly. After Little Peanut helped Lin Cheng lower the blood volume of the minions, Qing Gangying perfectly replaced all the minions.

Just when Nightmare and Qinggang Shadow finished clearing the line and were about to withdraw, Rascal came out from the tower with great experience and finally wanted to block the creeps.

This operation is to force Qinggangying's TP out.

The top laner is playing the pawn line, and the difference may not be big if the opponent dies once. The big problem is that the pawn line is controlled and the experience is behind.

Once the crocodile gets the line stuck outside the tower, Lin Cheng must hand over TP to the line after returning home this wave, otherwise the next wave of artillery minions will be eaten up because of the large number of red minions.

And if the pawn line is stuck outside the blue square tower, Qing Gangying will be very dangerous even if TP comes to eat the experience of the cannon line.

Because Nightmare has to go back to brush its own blue zone, the position of the pawn line is almost certain that the rock sparrow will come to gank after brushing the three wolves and the toad.

Many players clearly completed a single kill in the top lane, but inexplicably found that their lane was blown up, because the handling of the pawn line was too rough.

The handling of this kind of pawn line is almost muscle memory. When he saw that the opponent wanted to block the line, Lin Cheng went straight up and directly hung a section of E to the wall.

Seeing Qinggangying's action, Rascal manipulated the crocodile standing within the limit attack range of the defense tower to take a step back and let the melee soldiers press forward.

Lin Cheng was still dissatisfied. The crocodile's two steps back would indeed not trap the melee soldiers, but the red side's ranged soldiers would still be stuck outside the tower.

It must be known that there are still two of the three long-range minions of the red side in the first wave. Now there are five long-range minions of the red side on the field. This line must not let the opponent get stuck.

Taking a look at the position of his own soldier line, the cannon line is almost there.

Lin Cheng didn't hesitate, the Qinggang Shadow hanging on the wall directly kicked up with the second stage E at the last moment, and AQ played a passive shield to carry the tower.

"Take him away."

Nightmare came up to pull the chain.

Rascal has no choice now, he can't make his state too ugly for the sake of jamming, the crocodile chooses to retreat to avoid being pulled out of the chain by Nightmare.

Just in time, the long-range soldiers of the red side entered the range of the defense tower when the cannon line arrived.

Lin Cheng retreated back to the city, while Little Peanut went back to clean up the stone men in his house.

In the first two waves of the 12 soldiers, Lin Cheng did not miss any of them. With the addition of the first blood and the natural growth of the economy, he had exactly 700 yuan to go home and took out Yaoguang.

The price of the new version of Yaoguang is 700, which is much cheaper than before, but it does not have any attribute bonuses. The previous mana value and cooling reduction have been cancelled, leaving only the passive curse blade effect.

But despite this, the laning phase of the dazzling light is still a good little piece for Qinggangying, and the effect of the two-stage Q that can trigger the curse blade twice is quite considerable.

Because of the perfect push line into the tower, Lin Cheng chose to save the TP running back line.

Of course, because of this TP-saving operation, Qing Gangying will soon face a third-level crocodile with red anger when he goes back.

Fortunately, the pawn line has been pushed back, Lin Cheng has a good view of the river and waits for the opponent to send the line.

And the blue team once again planned a sneak attack on Lin Cheng.

Rock sparrow + crocodile can't justify not killing a wave of Qinggangying.

Rascal: "Come here, Taimin, we passed Camille."

Clid: "I'll be there soon, no one will help him this time."

BDD: "I'll keep an eye on Galio, don't worry about jumping the tower."

Professional players have a very keen sense of smell. Although the player Laifu played blindly so that the true fan Zeyuan often broke the defense, but when he found that Nightmare appeared on the road just now, Braum immediately ran to the red side in the lower half of the field to do it. Very deep vision.

Just in the field of vision, you will see the nightmare appearing below, and GEN G also knows that Qinggangying is in a state of isolation and helplessness.

And Lin Cheng's jewelry eyes placed in the river were removed by the rock sparrow, and he also knew that the other side would attack him.

However, a large wave of soldiers is about to enter the tower, and it is impossible for Qing Gangying to shrink into the autistic grass to stand for punishment.

If you don't eat this wave line, it will definitely be worse than death.

Chovy: "Do you want me to pay T? I can back off and pay T for security."

You know, Chaowei will definitely lose a lot of money in this wave of mid-road traffic.

Lin Cheng was very relieved that Chaowei played Galio with Kuro's dedication.

Hmm~~~ It seems that this young man is not as independent as many people say.

Many people think that Chaowei is an earth-bound spirit based on impressions, and only by relying on the mid lane without support can he have so many last hits, but in fact Chaowei's roaming rate ranks among the top among all mid laners in the LCK.

However, the premise of his roaming is basically based on his own mid-lane priority. When the general pawn line is not handled well, he really rarely loses too much line to support.

But this is also a normal mid laner's style of play, except for Kuro, it is basically impossible to find a mid laner who will run to support at the risk of far less profit than loss.

But it is Lin Cheng who deserves to help, so Kuro will help Lin Cheng even if he loses his mid-lane underwear.

It can only be said that Chaowei has never encountered a teammate worthy of his help at a loss.

Look at the top laners he has encountered since his debut.

Sword Emperor Dolan takes turns, one C does not move, and the other likes to give away. Are these two top laners worth helping at a loss?

It's different when it comes to KT. Lin Cheng's carry ability is really unconvincing.

What is top order?
(End of this chapter)

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