This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 849 Colonel: Clid is useful

Chapter 849 Colonel: Clid is useful

Remember: "Hey! Laifu is up, what does this lantern mean? Is there someone behind it? But you have to see if you believe it or not."

Hitomi: "This wave is a bit of an oolong. Aphelios has controlled three of them. If Thresh gave the lantern behind, he should not die, but Thresh used the lantern to play an empty city plan."

In this way, because Laifu failed to play tricks, KT gained certain advantages in the three lanes in the early stage.

Peanut took advantage of the situation and took down the first dragon under the cover of the duo.

At 8 minutes, Effort ran up and made a vision near the pioneer.

"Do you want to play the vanguard directly?"

"No fight, no fight, I don't have any big moves, Li Qing and Renekton both have big moves."

Just now Lin Cheng and Rascal took the initiative to fight a wave on the top lane. Although he beat the crocodile home, Gnar had already used his ultimate move.

They obviously couldn't kill the vanguard before the crocodile returned to the line, and it was easy to suffer a loss if they played rashly in the upper half.

Moreover, GEN·G's support also disappeared in the bottom lane. KT is not sure that they have a numerical advantage in the upper half, and they are not prepared to mess around.

After communicating with his teammates, Effort squatted in the grass behind the red BUFF and started to return to the city.

The blue party's divination pollen sprinkled over, and found Seti who was returning to the city.

Thresh rushed down the river from the intersection behind the blue BUFF.

Effort put real eyes on the grass in the middle of the river just now, but because he was shopping for treasures, he didn't notice Thresh's position at the first time.

"Xianghao! Be careful."

However, Lin Cheng's reminder came too late.

Syndra walked out of the grass in the middle, and pushed the ball from a long distance and stunned Seti in the grass.

Thresh hooked in the river.

Syndra energy poured down.

Sett didn't flash, even though the residual blood turned on the W punch for two more seconds, he was still killed by Syndra's Q skill.

Although Peanut and Chaowei arrived one after another, Cli's blind monk also covered him.

When Zoe's bubble was empty, the red side failed to keep the opponent.

If Rascal hadn't reported Gnar's disappearance in the top lane in time, I am afraid that the three GEN·G would choose to fight back.

Remember: "Hey! What happened to Effort? This wave of mistakes is a bit big. Seeing that Laifu did it just now, he also started."

Hitomi: "Did you go shopping there? It's rare to see a professional player make such a mistake. He was photographed for a long time, and Thresh ran to the grass in the river. Sett is still returning to the city."

Because of Posetti's death, the blue team decisively activated the canyon vanguard.

Zoe and Chaffinch put pressure on the side.

GEN·G is also very stable. When playing the vanguard, he has already called Aphelios, who is in the bottom lane, and promises to win this strategic resource point.

"Don't get fired! The vanguard can let go, and the bot lane Kai'Sa hasten to eat the plating."

Finding that Aphelios had appeared in the middle lane, KT immediately made an exchange choice.

Mr. Dai took advantage of the unguarded bottom lane and ate two layers of tape by himself, and GEN·G got the canyon pioneer as he wished.

In fact, this Bo Chidi was the worst loser. He put out the line to support and went shopping around the street and didn't get anything. He came here with a red and white knife, but there was no fight at all.

This is already the normal state of AD in the canyon vanguard version. Unless the bottom lane can push the line steadily, it will make AD very uncomfortable for teammates to be called by teammates to the vanguard for 8 minutes.

It's okay to fight, obviously you are already in the middle, and your teammates suddenly inform you not to come.

Then if you want to eat a wave of soldiers in the middle, you will be questioned by Ping, and you can only cry secretly while watching the wave of soldiers under your own tower in the bottom lane.

In fact, KT is acceptable for this wave of bot-lane tapi exchange of vanguards, but the rhythm of the following wave is very uncomfortable.

After Clid finished playing the vanguard, he first inserted an accessory eye on the top of the dragon pit, then picked up the eye of the vanguard, W touched the dragon pit, and went around to grab the road.

The vision of the red square river has been drained, and Lin Cheng only left his vision in the triangle grass. He never thought that the blind monk would touch his wild area alone.

Gnar was on the top for a while, because the line of soldiers was stuck outside the blue square tower, Lin Cheng had no choice but to return to the city when the opponent finished fighting the vanguard.

According to Lin Cheng's judgment, the opposing jungler should have returned to the city quickly after getting the vanguard, so he went up again to put pressure on the crocodile.

Just when Rascal came up with two stages of E to force out Gnar's E skill, he saw the blind monk showing his head above the triangle grass.

At this time, it happened that the small Gnar was in a bad form and his anger was not good. Seeing that the blind monk was about to leave his face behind him, Lin Cheng could only dodge, but Clid also flashed. He directly slapped the floor to slow down R and kicked Gnar out of the tower. .

Little Gnar was thrown in front of the crocodile like a ball, and the blind monk RQQ had no time, so he quickly knocked his blood down.

The crocodile took the head easily.

As soon as Lin Cheng died, the blind monk was still carrying the vanguard. GEN·G Ueno directly pushed the line and ate two layers of tapestry, after which the blind monk released the vanguard.

Since Chaowei in the middle was watched by Syndra, Lin Cheng's first tower was very rarely captured first when no one could defend in time.

Remember: "Wow!!! This wave of Clid is so spiritual! It's very bold to go around the wild area and catch Brother Chengzi to death. I don't know when the last time there was a picture of Brother Chengzi falling first from one tower."

It was rare for Tong Xi to be humorous: "The last time Brother Cheng was destroyed by a tower, it was the last time."

I remember laughing: "That's right! But this wave of Clid's gank route is really too spiritual. When all his teammates have gone and he has no vision, he even touches the opposite jungle area by himself. It's really courageous. .”

Hitomi: "That's right! He has a Vanguard and has no real eyes. If he is caught in the opposite jungle, he will probably die, because KT's middle and top have lane rights. Fortunately, the rock sparrow is not in the top half area."

Remember: "I can only say that I have become more confident! The blind monk is Clid's most famous hero, and he is completely different. It just so happens that this wave of luck is also on his side."

"Brother Chengzi is down! (Crying voice)"

"New Year's Eve! Today I got Brother Chengzi's head for the first time!"

"Stinky boy, do you think brother can't kill you?"

"Clid gave it that way in the first round, did you change players in this round?"

"Cold knowledge: After the first game, the colonel posted on Weibo: Clid is here to help."

"It's unscientific! The colonel did it himself and Clid didn't pull his hips?"

"It's better! The colonel slipped and knelt in the living room."

A blood tower plus a head, directly let GEN·G's economy overtake.

This is the first time that GEN·G has taken the lead on the economic panel in today's game, although it only leads by 200 yuan.

Lin Cheng was a little annoyed, he was already very careful in this wave, and waited for more than ten seconds to wait for Syndra and Sett to show up before going out to push the line, but he was still caught by the old bastard Clid .

On the other side, the GEN·G players cheered up.

The teammates shouted Nice, and the chubby Clid laughed like a chrysanthemum.

I finally exhaled once.

In the last game, although I sent, reversed the rhythm, and GANKed my teammates.

But I know, I'm a good jungler.

(End of this chapter)

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