This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 850 It's over!New teammates will sell top lane tactics

Chapter 850 It's over!New teammates will sell top lane tactics

Just a wave of rhythm in the early stage can make the GEN·G players so excited. From the other side, it can also be seen how much pressure KT puts on the opponent.

Although a group of players has changed, but Lin Cheng is still there, no opponent dares to underestimate KT.

As long as Lin Cheng is still there, thank God if the opponent doesn't blow up the road, how dare he underestimate KT?

However, if Clid, who was elated in the replay, knew that the two Chinese-language commentators attributed his spiritual gank route to luck, he would be so angry that his liver hurts.

I didn't play well in the last round, so I gave it away. This round of spiritual gank is just luck, and it is deliberately targeting me, right?
Just now, the search fruit of the blue team has seen that the upper half of KT's wild area has been cleared. As an experienced jungler, Clid immediately judged that the rock sparrow should not continue to stay in the upper half after giving up the pioneer.

That's why he made this seemingly risky attempt after going to the wild area when both the middle and top players were pushed.

Of course, I don't know when the wild monsters will refresh. If the rock sparrow happens to be in the upper half of the area waiting for the wild monsters to refresh, it can only be said that he is unlucky.

This wave of Clid admitted that he had a gamble, but he won the gamble.

Clid comes into play!

This is Zeyuan’s Weibo post at 9 minutes into the game, followed by a string of smiling faces.

He literally slipped and knelt in the living room.

As soon as the tower fell on the road, Lin Cheng's situation became more dangerous.

It would be easier for Gnar to push the line out at this time, and the crocodile flashes but Gnar doesn't. Even if no one comes to catch him, he is in danger of being killed by the crocodile alone.

Although he was single-killed once after making up the knife, the crocodile who ate a blood tower actually had a slight lead in economy.

Gnar's lane clearing speed is slow. If he waits for the opponent to push the lane in front of the second tower, it is easy to make his teammates suffer. When the crocodile runs to the wild area to do things, Gnar is likely to be dragged by the minion line.

So Lin Cheng still didn't choose to give way to the line, he grasped his anger and pushed the line of soldiers forward.

Then something happened to him again.

The crocodile flashed up to find Gnar desperately, and when Lin Chengka became angry and was about to fight back, Syndra TP came up, letting Gnar die on the road again.

Although Chaowei killed BDD solo in the front, but the skill was used early CD, and Syndra handed over the TP early and turned quickly.

Of course, Lin Cheng can't blame Chaowei for killing solo.

"Oh! It's a bit uncomfortable to go on the road. Xianghao will help me with some vision later."

Deft: "Don't make noise! ​​This wave is not a loss, the opposite bottom lane is already dead."

KT reacted very quickly. When Syndra TP came up, he had already begun to organize the encirclement and suppression of GEN·G's bottom lane.

Even though the blind monk was squatting back behind him, Seti forcibly used the shield with a deliberate punch to lift the tower and then pulled it away. Zoe's precise air bubbles cooperated with the rock sparrow to easily kill the opponent's duo.

The blue tower itself only had half blood, and now the four of KT directly pulled out the tower, not to mention taking down the second dragon by the way.

Little Peanut: "Hey! This wave of blood is worth it! Lin Cheng deserves his death."

Deft: "Lin Cheng will wait for you to seduce another wave, and the middle tower can also be unplugged."

Lin Cheng: "..."

It's over!

In the first game of the spring split, these guys learned to sell top lane tactics?

This tactic was our bottom line last year, and it is generally not used easily.

Of course, Mr. Dai's words are mostly jokes, and Lin Cheng's tactical status in KT is still very high.

Generally, it is not easy to sell him, unless it is really unbearable.

Both Effort and Little Peanut vigorously arranged their vision around the upper half. Lin Cheng advanced into the saboteur and came out of the cloth shoes and began to press the crocodile hammer.

As the level increases, Gnar's hands gradually grow longer, and with the forward displacement, it is easier to hurt and can not be ignored by crocodiles like in the early stage.

Of course, due to Little Gnar's lack of explosiveness, although Lin Cheng has firmly suppressed the crocodile, at this point in time, unless there is something wrong with his brother's thinking, there is still no chance for a solo kill.

The two sides have temporarily reached a stalemate on the court, there is no fierce collision, they are just blinding each other crazily.

In 17 minutes, the third dragon has half a minute to refresh. This game is Fire Dragon Soul.

This is KT's drawing dragon, and GEN·G must not let it go easily, otherwise the pressure of getting the Fire Dragon Soul by Zoe would be too great.

KT held the view of the lower half of the river, GEN·G held the view of the upper half of the river, and the two sides began to fight in Xiaolongkeng.

Lin Cheng kept a little more than half of his anger. When he saw that he couldn't fight the front for the first time, he used his own toad to continue to pile up his anger.

Zoe Rock Sparrow kept throwing skills, fighting against Syndra and the green and white sword Aphelios to consume them.

Although Rascal wanted to go around from the triangle grass, he was discovered by KT's control guard in advance.

The moment it was discovered, the crocodile turned around and ran to join his teammates.

Rascal knew very well that if he was found by Taliyah and Zoe behind him, he would be killed instantly with Kai'Sa's ultimate move.

And KT didn't intend to go to the crocodile, Lin Cheng controlled his anger and followed his teammates to wait for an opportunity.

In this situation, Gnar can't go first. After the upper half of the field of vision is occupied by the opponent and cannot go around, Syndra and Thresh can easily counter Gnar's entry.

As soon as the two sides pulled their skills, some people were beaten to half blood.

But Lin Cheng is very wretched, and he always pays attention to his position to ensure that his anger will not be blown up.

The Poke damage of Zoe and Rock Sparrow was still stronger than that of the opponent, and Aphelios was directly smashed to half blood by a flying star.

"Go! Go! Sett push forward."

Sett turned on the Q skill to accelerate upwards.

However, before he could make a big move, Syndra made a precise push and stunned Seti.

Thresh took the hook.

At this time, Rascal's crocodile came up and made an E shot.

Sett's ultimate move was too much of a hindrance to the crocodile's entry, and while Sett was being charged, the crocodile finally found a chance to break into the back row.

But almost as Rascal thought, Lin Cheng also followed up on the flank when Seti pushed forward.

Just when the crocodile passed through Sett to find the opponent's back row in a section E, Gnar stepped on the crocodile's head and jumped up.

The two sides passed each other.

You go to cut my back row, and I will go to your back row. We all rely on our ability and have nothing to do with each other.

The moment he stepped on the crocodile and jumped forward, the little Gnar in the air just became full of anger.

Although Gnar is still in miniature form in the air, his skills have been replaced with those of giant Gnar.

Just when Gnar's size skyrocketed, Lin Cheng directly flashed + advanced into the destroyer, and made a backhanded big move.

The distance of the double jump + flash forward was too far. Gnar, who was still below the river just now, directly knocked the blue party three above the river unconscious on the wall outside the dragon pit.

In the back row of the blue side, only Syndra flashed to the side to avoid the slap. Blind monk, Thresh, and Aphelios all fell into dizziness.

(End of this chapter)

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