Chapter 852

He won the game cleanly. Just as Lin Cheng was about to high-five Little Peanut, Mr. Dai overturned his car while drinking a drink.

The drink bottle has a large mouth like a pulsation. Mr. Dai took off the earphones and immediately held the bottle up and looked up. As a result, water leaked from both sides of his mouth, and it flowed down his chin to his clothes.

Mr. Dai deliberately removed the mouth of the bottle, and then the keyboard suffered a disaster.

Lin Cheng took the lead in laughing crazily, and the others watched forcefully.

"What? Such a big man can't even drink water? Did the game stun him?"

"It's not my problem, it's the design of this bottle is flawed, such a big bottle mouth is simply inconvenient..."

Mr. Dai buried his head in wiping the keyboard while muttering and complaining.

The atmosphere in the small training room is hot.

It happened that the scene after the game showed this scene, and the audience laughed again.

Lin Cheng always mocked his teammates every now and then, like a bully in the team.

The MVP of both games was given to Lin Cheng, and later he was interviewed on the LCK analysis desk in the training room.

In order to save trouble, the LCK officials did not set up additional cameras in the team media room like last year, and directly let the players connect with the analysis desk in front of the computer.

The host of today's analysis desk is Lee Jung Hyun, with Kwang Seok and Gorilla as commentators.

After getting connected and saying hello to the host, Lin Cheng also greeted the audience in front of the screen.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Won the first victory of the new season with a clean attitude, let me talk about my impressions first."

"Of course I'm very happy to win the game... But what about Lee Se Hyung? Why isn't he here today? Did he complain about his butt being too crooked during the K Cup?"

Lin Cheng's sudden change of subject caught people off guard, and Li Zhenxian couldn't help laughing with the two commentators after being taken aback for a moment.

What does it mean to be fired for being too crooked?

"No! No! Commentator Kuro is only temporarily absent today, not fired."


Lin Cheng nodded, and responded with a drawn out voice.

But this attitude seems a bit strange to the host.

Why do you feel that he is a little regretful?

When Mingming asked Kuro if he was fired just now, he was still beaming, but when he heard the negative answer, his voice became lower.

In fact, Lin Cheng was still chatting with Kuro two days ago, complaining that he was trained by the opposite side during the training match, and invited Kuro to come back to serve as an analyst for the KT team, and by the way, thoroughly instilled Kuro's game philosophy of "on the road is a father" to this group new teammates.

Kuro naturally refuted Lin Cheng with a good meal.

What does it mean to be a father on the road?That's my uncle's style of play team!

Even if it is a dog, I will give due humane care.

And Kuro also said that unless he was fired, he would not change jobs.

Then Lin Cheng maliciously looked forward to the day when Kuro would be fired.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Just now at the end of the game, there was a very interesting scene. Deft player leaked water on the keyboard, and the scenes of you playing with each other were broadcast live, do you know?"


Lin Cheng secretly turned his head to take a look, and found that Mr. Dai was not there, so he immediately turned his head and continued: "Because Deft lost in the laning phase today, his body is a little stiff, and he is so sad that his drinking water leaks."

Lee Jung Hyun held back his laughter, "It's true that Kai'Sa is not a very strong laner, but Deft actually played very well in the team battle today, and it doesn't have much impact on the laner just being a little pressured for last damage."

Lin Cheng: "It's not bad, he's playing like that, the main thing is that I play well."

"Laughing to death! Crazy black while your teammates are not around, right?"

"You look very handsome when you magnify your words, and you are very cautious when you peek carefully."

"Mr. Dai's wind commentary was murdered, and Lin Xiaocheng, the number one black fan of his teammate, went online."

"This scene is very familiar to Kuro, Lin Cheng used to blackmail him behind his back like this."

Lee Jung Hyun: "It's the second year with KT, and I've been with my new teammates for a while, how does Cheng feel about the new team?"

Lin Cheng: "The teammates are very friendly and humble people, and the current atmosphere in the team is very good."

Gorilla interjected: "I really want to hear Cheng's opinion on Chovy. Kuro always boasted that he played a very important role in KT last year. Do you think Chovy can replace Kuro soon?"

"Replacement cannot be used to describe it. Kuro and Chovy are two players with different styles, but they can both bring victory to the team."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Well~~~Anyway, every time I cut the panel and see the lead in the mid lane, I know it's safe."

The Chinese stream barrage is very lively at this time.

"Fuck! Who is Brother Chengzi implying?"

"Uzi: ???"

"Let's not talk about performance, let's go straight to make up the knife, right?"

"Brother Cheng just said that the atmosphere in the team is very good, why do I suddenly want to laugh."

"He forgot that he was the guy who ruined the atmosphere in the team."

"Brother Chengzi: The atmosphere in our team is very good. The other four teammates: ???"

"Teammates said that apart from Lin Cheng being bullied, we are all fine."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Actually, some time ago, there was news that KT's performance in the training match was not good, which caused many people to be not very optimistic about the prospects of KT in the new season. After winning the Kespa Cup and the first match of the spring split, KT completely broke this trend. Rumor."

"Rumor? It's not a rumor."

Lin Cheng looked at the camera sincerely, "At that time, our training match was really messy... the kind that was so bad."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Uh... so, since the training match was in a bad state, were you worried about losing the match? Or did you have bad expectations for the result of the first match of the new season?"

Gwangseok added: "Because GEN·G defeated KT very easily in the K Cup, and their lineup has been in harmony for two years, so a considerable part of the audience is optimistic about GEN·G before today's match."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Actually, we just performed to our own level normally. I have always had confidence in myself and the team."

"On the contrary, the audience seems to have little confidence in us. Since last year, some people have wondered, when will KT, which has been winning consecutively, lose? What will happen if it loses?"

"But when you really lose the game, everything may be an excuse, so I never imagine what would happen if I lost, I only think about how to win."

Lin Cheng's thoughtful speech was very in-depth, and the three people in the commentary could not help applauding slightly.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Wow~~~ It's no wonder that Cheng is always so confident in his actions on the court. It turns out that it's because you never think about losing the game."

Guangshi was rather curious: "So, what if, I mean, what if the game is really lost, and it happens that your performance is not very good, will you care about the comments of netizens?"

"will not."

Lin Cheng spread his hands, "If I lose the game, I will turn off the comment function of the social networking site, lie down on the bed and start pretending to be dead, and what they say is none of my business."


(End of this chapter)

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