This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 853 If I don't give it away, my teammates will give it C; if he doesn't give me C,

Chapter 853 If I don't give it away, my teammates will give it C; if he doesn't give me C, my teammates will give it away

Lin Cheng's speech made the three commentators burst into laughter. Li Zhenxian covered his mouth with his hand and leaned over to pay attention to the image, while the other two slapped their legs and laughed without image. .

"What is this? I'm such a good guy!"

"The face and face are extremely real, as expected of you."

"Brother Cheng, this interview is not much more exciting than the game? You never know what his next move will be."

"Miss, pay attention to your image. When you bend over, you can see the ditch."

"Where's the sniper? Report the situation."

"The sniper is dead."

Li Zhenxian calmed down his emotions, "Well~~~Cheng's method should be very effective, so back to the game itself, you got Camille Carry in the first game, did you think before the game that the opponent would release Camille? ?”

Lin Cheng: "Actually, I have thought about it, because the Rascal player is very good at the hero Renekton. If we release Taliyah, we may have a chance to get Camille."

Li Zhenxian: "As expected, he is a signature hero. If he dared to choose Camille as a second choice when he was countered, probably only player Cheng would be so confident, right?"

"Actually, it's okay, I'm not that confident."

Lin Cheng deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word 'then', "Actually, every time I choose a hero, I worry about what to do if the opponent beats me up? I only found out that no one can beat me violently, ha! I It seems really powerful."

Lin Cheng's speech seemed modest, but in fact it was swollen, and at the end he let out a 'huh'.

In particular, the sentence "I'm not that confident" seems to be what Teacher Sun said, which made the Chinese barrage go crazy again.

Lee Jung Hyun: "In the second game, Cheng chose Gnar, who has become popular recently. What's your opinion on this hero?"

"The current version of Gnar is very powerful! He is invincible in the top lane, and teamwork can create miracles. Gnar is the strongest top laner right now. If the opponent dares to play Gnar, I will definitely choose Gnar."

Lin Cheng's words were surprising, no one expected him to be so optimistic about this hero.

Li Zhenxian asked subconsciously: "Then why didn't you choose in the first round? I remember that Gnar was neither banned nor selected in the first round."

"Uh~~~ I forgot."

Lin Cheng glanced at the hostess on the screen with a little shame in his eyes.

I'm raising Gnar's worth, why are you dismantling me?

If you don't praise Gnar to the sky, how will Daomei come out?
It's a pity that the host didn't go on the road, and he didn't ask Lin Cheng if he had a good hero to beat Gnar.

Lin Cheng couldn't take the initiative to yell at Daomei so that he could fight Gnar, and let the opponent behind him release Daomei.

It's a bit too deliberate to say this by yourself.

Lee Jeong-hyun: "The team battle in the river in the second round was the key point of the whole game. After a long stretch, your Gnar used his ult to take three shots very beautifully to establish the situation. How did the team communicate at that time?"

Lin Cheng: "I didn't communicate too much, but I kept reminding my teammates to be careful about Renekton's back. As long as you don't get entangled, the wave will not be difficult to fight, because Zoe's Poke ability is stronger than that of the opponent. powerful."

Li Zhenxian: "But Bonnard and Renekton still cut each other to the back row. Are you worried? For example, you are worried that your ult is not shot well and the opponent dodges it, or that Renekton kills you from behind. your teammates?"

Lin Cheng: "That's not very worrying. I'm actually more worried that Renekton used the red fury W to prevent me from entering the field. Then maybe we will have a hard time fighting."

"Do you think the Gator's best option at the time was to stop Gnar from coming in?"

Lin Cheng nodded: "That's right! In fact, Rascal played really well today. In many situations, I might not be able to handle it better, but he was still too anxious in that wave."

After a pause, Lin Cheng continued, "However, it's understandable for him to be so anxious. The other GEN·G players don't look very good today."

Li Zhenxian smiled and said: "Then what do you think of the state of KT teammates? Just now you took the main credit for yourself."

She clearly remembered that when she praised Mr. Dai just now, Lin Cheng shamelessly said that it was mainly because of his good play.

"Uh~~~ Just because I contributed more doesn't mean that my teammates are not performing well. In fact, all of us in KT are in full condition today."

Lin Cheng's tone was relaxed: "So, even if I played averagely in today's game, my teammates would lead me to win, but the GEN·G players are actually in average state, and I think Rascal is in the best state."

It's not Lin Cheng's compliment, but brother played really well today.

In the first round, he was sent off by Clid, but he was still stable. In the second round, although he was accidentally killed by Lin Cheng's reverse Q attack, the role of the crocodile in that situation was played out. Lin Cheng The continuous being caught and killed online is the result of being forced out of skills by the crocodile first.

On the other hand, the rest of GEN·G are in a sluggish state.

Clid looked like an actor in the first game, and in the second game the blind monk found two beautiful rhythms and then started to hide. In the key group, the blind monk didn't cooperate with the crocodile cut, and he was directly stunned by Lin Cheng's big move. He even lost a skill did not let go.

It's amazing that Clid's performance suddenly became fascinated after the colonel posted that Weibo.

"Clid is here to work! "

Then Clid started sleepwalking as if his head had been lowered.

As for the rest of GEN·G, the matchups were all defeated by KT's players. It's a ghost that KT can lose in this kind of matchup.

"Probably because of this reason that Rascal played in a hurry."

"If I don't give it away, my teammates will give it a C. If he doesn't give it a C, my teammates will give it away."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he shrugged.

The barrage effect explodes.

"Laughing to death! If Brother Cheng can talk, just say more."

"GEN·G really has too many gangsters, mid-bottom are messing around, jungler and support are playing, only brother is looking for opportunities."

"Cold knowledge, Clid has changed since the colonel posted Weibo in the second game."

Gwangseok looked at the cards in his hand: "We will face the LSB team next, 'Nuguri is not in Doran, he is the closest top laner to Cheng', will you feel any pressure on this?"

Lin Cheng: "What?"

It turned out that in yesterday's LCK pre-match interview, LSB's mid laner Fate confidently praised his new teammate Dolan.

"Nuguri is no longer in the LCK, so Doran is the closest top laner to Cheng. As long as he beats Cheng, he will be the top laner."

After figuring out what was going on, Lin Cheng was a little silly.

Is this what people can say?
Someone wanted to usurp the throne, Lin Cheng was naturally a little angry, and said through gritted teeth: "Since Fate player is so optimistic about Doran, then I will show him what it means to be a beaten top laner."

"Brother Cheng gritted his teeth, this is going to be cruel."

"Dolan, danger!"

"Is this new teammate trying to cheat Dolan? Can you say that casually?"

"If you beat Brother Chengzi, you will be the king on the road. Dolan, come on!"

"Although I also want to see the picture of Brother Cheng being beaten violently, but obviously Dolan can't."

"Beating top laner! Dolan is ready to stand at attention."

(End of this chapter)

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