This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 860 Chinese do not make things difficult for Chinese

Chapter 860 Chinese do not make things difficult for Chinese

Zhiyan and Ji Shengxi couldn't understand Chinese, but the Chinese barrage on the scene had already exploded.

"Damn! Can this be tolerated? Brother Cheng loves me!"

"Fart! It's my wife, but the green one is me!"

"Beautiful! Still competing to wear green hats?"

"My Jiyeon! Woohoo!"

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed Brother Chengzi! The man offered a dowry, but you actually received the dowry."

"One thing to say, Brother Cheng is from Sichuan, there is really no such thing as a dowry in Sichuan, right?"

"I agree to this marriage."

"Sister-in-law Cheng is rushing over with a knife, brother Cheng, don't run away if you have the guts."

"Sooner or later Brother Cheng will be stabbed."

Seeing the sudden increase in barrage, Zhiyan was very curious: "What did you say?"

Lin Cheng shrugged, "It's nothing, these fans are wishing you a smooth career in the new year, do you want to say thank you to them?"

Zhiyan still knows this kind of simple Chinese. She looked at the camera very seriously and said a substandard Mandarin: "Thank you, thank you."

Lin Cheng was holding a chicken feather as a sword, "You heard me, Zhiyan is also thanking you for your blessings, and the family members of the woman hurriedly gave the money! All the rewards in the live broadcast room today are regarded as dowry."

The barrage in Chinese was scolding Lin Cheng for being shameless, but Zhiyan thought that everyone was expressing kindness enthusiastically, and kept laughing cheerfully, saying thank you repeatedly.

Seeing his girl being sold by Lin Cheng and helping to count the money, all the Crown fans in the live broadcast room were heartbroken.

After only half an hour, Lin Cheng took the initiative to turn off the live broadcast.

The main reason was that the audience in the live broadcast room was too enthusiastic, and many Lin Cheng fans joined in the fun and offered rewards. Some clamored that it was a gift for Zhiyan, and some clamored that it was a dowry from Crown's family.

Seeing that his jokes seemed to have a lot of impact, and the amount of rewards was getting bigger and bigger. After calling on the audience to consume rationally but failed, Lin Cheng simply downloaded the broadcast directly.

If the melon eaters continue to be so enthusiastic, it will not end well if they don't have something to do with Zhiyan.

The sun was about to set, and the three of them walked on the slope at the end of the palace wall and looked back. A huge orange-red halo protruded half a circle from the valley in the distance.

"It's really beautiful."

Chi Shengxi couldn't help but took out his phone and took a picture.

Lin Cheng chatted with Zhiyan in random ways.

After taking two photos of the sunset, Chi Shengxi felt that the scenery alone was not enough, so he simply stepped behind and stood to the side to take a photo of the two chatting next to him.

"Come and see! This one is pretty good."

She waved her hand, and Zhiyan immediately leaned over enthusiastically.

In the photo, Lin Cheng walked casually, looking directly at the direction of the setting sun, as if the sun was a bit glaring, his dark and thick sword eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Next to him, Zhiyan happened to look sideways at him as he was talking, narrowing her long and narrow eyes slightly, and the orange-red sunlight sprinkled on her side face, printing a blush.

A very simple photo, but quite beautiful.

Of course, it is mainly inseparable from the value of the face.

Chi Shengxi: "How is it? Isn't it great?"

Zhiyan: "Unfortunately, this guy Lin Cheng didn't listen to me carefully, otherwise the picture effect might be better."

Chi Shengxi shook his head, "This kind of free and easy effect is the best. Don't you think it's more poetic? It's a romantic feeling."


Zhiyan pointed at Lin Cheng with a smile, "Do you think this word has anything to do with him? It's more like being a fool."

Chi Shengxi explained: "This romance doesn't mean what you think, um~~~ how do you say it? Anyway..."

"Oh! It doesn't matter what it means."

Zhiyan held out her mobile phone, "Hey! Send me a copy of the photo."


"Lin Cheng, do you want a copy?"

"No, I'm afraid my girlfriend will misunderstand."

"Ah! You're afraid of being misunderstood even if you're on two different boats?"

"Yeah~~~ Yeah! Please send me a copy."

After leaving Hwaseong, the sun has completely set.

The three of them discussed for a while, and they were going back to Seoul to solve the problem of dinner.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when we took a taxi back to Seoul, and Zhiyan led the two of them standing in front of a restaurant, pointing at the signboard:

"The hot pot restaurant newly opened by this Chinese owner is delicious, but what is written on his signboard? Lin Cheng, please recognize it."

Looking at the Chinese characters on the signboard, Lin Cheng gasped.

Is there something wrong with this store?
When going out, the Chinese don't make things difficult for the Chinese.

For the first time in his life, he felt that the Korean characters under the signboard were more recognizable than Chinese.

Ben Yanxi.

Except for the first word, Lin Cheng knows how to pronounce ben, but he really doesn't know how to pronounce the last two words.

But looking at the curious expressions of the two, a Chinese was embarrassed to say that he did not know Chinese.

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds, and quickly mumbled like a sock was stuffed in his mouth: "Niu Niu Niu, sheep, sheep, fish, fish, fish."

"Eh? Is the way of thinking so strange?"

Ji Yeon looked skeptical.

"What is that look in your eyes? I am a high-achieving student who graduated from nine-year compulsory teaching affairs. Don't doubt me."

Lin Cheng left sullenly, "Hurry up, I'm going to starve to death."

Zhiyan and Chi Shengxi looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong with Lin Cheng.

When the three of them entered the store, Lin Cheng was pleasantly surprised to find that there was mutton here.

Mutton is relatively rare in South Korea. Most people don’t like to eat it, and the price is more expensive than other meats. Lin Cheng seldom eats mutton in South Korea for several years.

While Zhiyan and Chi Shengxi were researching the menu, Lin Cheng went to the bar and had a chat with the boss. The boss brazenly said that the mutton in his house is made by the old BJ hot pot.

But Lin Cheng always felt that the Mandarin of the proprietress clearly had a northeast flavor.

Back on their seats, Zhiyan and Ji Shengxi were still struggling with the menu.

"Lin Cheng, besides mutton, do you eat stewed lamb scorpions or grilled lamb chops? The two of us have been unable to make up our minds."

Lin Cheng: "Isn't it all right?"

Chi Shengxi: "But if you can't finish it, it will be a waste. The waiter said that the dishes are very large, and I'm still losing weight."

Lin Cheng didn't know how Chi Shengxi lost weight. Although she was not as thin as Zhiyan, she didn't look like she needed to lose weight at all.

Lin Cheng: "Then what do you want to eat more?"

Chi Shengxi was a little embarrassed: "Well~~~ I want to eat."

Zhiyan also nodded her head fiercely: "Me too, I want to eat."

"Then don't worry about it, just click on it."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "I tell you a truth, if there is something you want to eat, you should eat it right away, don't wrong yourself."

"Otherwise, if you were hit by a car and died while walking on the road, wouldn't it be a pity that your last wish was not to eat the food you wanted?"

"There are plenty of opportunities to lose weight. If you get hit by a car, you have no chance at all."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

Ji Yeon:"······"

(End of this chapter)

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