This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 861 In the Elevator

Chapter 861 In the Elevator (Happy New Year)
In this way, Lin Cheng made a decision and ordered the braised lamb in a copper pot, grilled lamb chops, and stewed lamb scorpions.

Probably because I had a great chat with Lin Cheng just now, the proprietress even gave the three of them a cake.

Zhiyan: "Wow~~~ Lin Cheng, how can you chat with anyone?"

Lin Cheng chuckled, "The main reason is that he is handsome, what can I do?"

Chi Shengxi sighed: "It's over! I have to eat more, and the snacks are given by the boss, so it's not good to leave them."

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "Hey! Miss Shengxi has a very good figure, so don't lose weight... and Zhiyan, don't you think you are a little too thin? You are so tall, you still need to have a little flesh it is good."

Compared to a few years ago, Zhiyan is indeed a bit thinner now.

Zhiyan squinted at him: "Do you think my sister needs to be fatter to look good?"

Lin Cheng was about to say that it would be more sexy if he had flesh, but he changed his mind decisively when he saw Zhiyan's dangerous eyes: "That's not true, she looks pretty good now."

"It's your acquaintance."

Soon, the waiter brought out the copper pot and mutton. It was indeed very similar to the old BJ copper pot that Lin Cheng had seen. There was a flue in the middle of the round copper stove, and the bottom of the pot was clear soup.

First boil two slices of mutton and dip them in sesame sauce. The taste is really good, but as a Sichuanese, Lin Cheng couldn't resist adding chili oil to the sesame sauce.

"How can you add chili oil to the sesame paste? You are really... what's the matter? Wild boars can't eat fine bran."

Lin Cheng's face darkened. He said this last time when he laughed at Zhiyan. He didn't expect that she was still holding grudges.

"You don't understand the beauty of chili oil. Sure enough... Ms. Enjing's taste is more suitable for me. She likes chili oil."

Zhiyan curled her lips, "Tch~~~ Then go and have dinner with her."

"Are you jealous?"

"Eat you big-headed ghost, how dare you take advantage of my sister?"

"Just kidding, don't be so serious."

Indeed, as the waiter said, the portions of the dishes were not small, and under Lin Cheng's outstanding performance, the three barely managed to eat a whole lot.

Chi Shengxi rejected Lin Cheng's offer to take a taxi and left alone, and Lin Cheng sent Zhiyan back to her apartment downstairs.

"Okay, go up by yourself."

"Aren't you going up with me to see Snowflake? It misses you very much."

Lin Cheng also missed that silly cat a little bit, so he went into the elevator with Zhiyan.

As the elevator began to rise slowly, the two were still chatting about the dinner just now, planning to find a chance to visit again next time.

Although Zhiyan's appetite is not as good as Eunjing's, she is full of foodie attributes.

Suddenly, the ascending elevator stopped abruptly, and the inside of the elevator was plunged into darkness.

"Ah! What's going on?"

Zhiyan grabbed Lin Cheng's sleeve at once.

"Don't panic, I'll take a look first."

Lin Cheng turned on his phone and found that there was no signal, so he used the light of the phone to press the emergency button inside the elevator.

But emergency calls went unanswered.

Lin Cheng repeatedly pressed the button several times with the same result.

"What should I do? Is the elevator broken?"

Zhiyan's voice was a little nervous, and she held on to the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes tightly in the dark.

"Maybe the line is busy, wait a little longer, don't panic."

Lin Cheng was quite calm.

He stood by the emergency button and pressed it repeatedly.

Zhiyan didn't speak to affect Lin Cheng's emotions, but just grabbed his clothes and watched him ring the bell again and again in the dark.

But nearly 10 minutes passed, and the emergency call was never connected.

Twenty minutes is not a short time, and the flow of time seems to slow down in the small and dark car, and fear is easily magnified.

Listening to the sound of the emergency button being pressed repeatedly, even Lin Cheng's frequency of pressing the buttons became a little messy.

Zhiyan panicked completely, and her voice was nervous:

"Lin Cheng, are we going to die?"

Lin Cheng, who was a little anxious at the beginning, couldn't help laughing, "What are you thinking? The elevator stops on the third floor, so it won't be so easy to die even if you fall."


Her voice was downcast.

Lin Cheng reached out and touched her head in the darkness, "Ouch! Don't worry! I'm still with you, even if we die, we will die together."

Hearing Lin Cheng's joke, Zhiyan couldn't help retorting: "Why die together? I don't want to die."

Lin Cheng sighed, obviously you brought it up yourself?

"Don't worry! This kind of situation is usually caused by a power outage, and it will be fine soon."


Zhiyan let go of the corner of the clothes she had been holding on to, and looked at Lin Cheng's silhouette in the dark, "Aren't you nervous?"

"Actually, a little bit."

Lin Cheng changed the subject, "But seeing you are so scared, I don't worry anymore, because if I am nervous, I will be in trouble."


Seeing that he can still make jokes, Zhiyan couldn't help muttering, "I'm not afraid, I'm just a little nervous."

"Okay! Don't be afraid, you are a master black belt in Taekwondo."

"That is."

Zhiyan was trying to be brave, but she couldn't help but lean close to Lin Cheng.

"Don't squeeze me."

"Who is squeezing you? My sister is afraid that you will be afraid."

Just as Lin Cheng was about to tease him, he realized that the emergency bell he had been pressing with his left hand finally responded.

"Hey! Can you hear me..."

"It's clear, it's clear! Lin Cheng is clear!"

Zhiyan shook Lin Cheng's arm excitedly.

Lin Cheng snickered, and said he wasn't nervous?

Through communication with the personnel of the emergency center, the two finally understood the cause of the incident.

Sure enough, there was a power outage.

It was also a large-scale power outage in the area.

After reporting the elevator number to the emergency center, all they had to do was wait.

At the same time, there are many people trapped in the elevator, and the personnel of the emergency center are constantly comforting the trapped people.

"Look! I said it's just a power outage, and it will be fine later."

"How long will it take? Will it be the same as the time three years ago?"

"Don't worry, no one will die."


Three years ago, there was a huge power outage in Seoul, and people were trapped in [-] elevators, which caused quite a panic at that time.

The two chatted one after another, and simply crouched down against the car in the dark.

"Lin Cheng."


"I was actually scared just now."

"I know, anyone will be afraid to stay in the elevator in the dark for 10 minutes."

"Actually, my sister also knows that there shouldn't be too much danger, but I just can't help being afraid. I even wonder whether I should write my last words...don't laugh at me."

"Okay! This is normal, don't feel embarrassed, I didn't mean to laugh at you."


The two fell silent.

It felt that Zhiyan who was sitting next to him leaned against him again.

"Are you cold?"

The air circulation in the elevator is actually very good, but compared to public places where heating is everywhere, the inside of the elevator will appear colder.

"A bit."

Hearing her answer, Lin Cheng simply reached out and hugged her.

"You took advantage of my sister again."

"I just...forget it."

Lin Cheng withdrew his arm.

The result was soon, and he felt a soft body actively crawling into the arms of his coat.

"This time, I'll be your sister and take advantage of you."

 Happy New Year everyone, I wish you a long life

  Love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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