Chapter 862

"This time, I'll be your sister and take advantage of you."

In the dark elevator, Zhiyan shrank her head into Lin Cheng's arms.

Lin Cheng didn't make fun of her either, he wrapped her in a coat and stopped talking.

Probably because the posture was uncomfortable, Zhiyan adjusted her arms and put her arms around Lin Cheng's waist, curling her entire upper body into Lin Cheng's arms.

In the dark, the two didn't care about the overly intimate behavior.

"Hey! Why don't you talk?"

"say what?"

"Say whatever you want...Talk about your two wives."

"Didn't you say it?"

"You've always been foolish, my sister always thought you were joking."

"I'm not joking? I'm serious, okay? Are you doubting my charm?"

"Then tell me again, what is your daily life like? Let my sister care about you."

"Where do I start?"

"It started when you came to Korea."


Anyway, I don't know how long we have to wait, so Lin Cheng roughly talked about his daily life.

There is no sequential logic, so say what comes to mind.

"Is there really such a gentle girl? You guys are so lucky."

"Would you like to show my sister to take a look next time?"

"Ah~~~ Why is there another sister Shiyan? You are really a playful guy."


Lin Cheng wanted to say something about Sister Guan Shiyan, but he felt that he had no confidence.

The delicate body in her arms moved, and Lin Cheng felt as if she poked his chest with her chin.

"Forget it... If you capsize one day, remember to tell your sister."

Lin Cheng joked: "Why? Do you want to take over? Or are you going to laugh at me?"

"Screw you."

Zhiyan gritted her teeth, "Sister is trying to comfort you, why take over..."

She couldn't help twisting the hand on Lin Cheng's waist.

"How to comfort?"

"Well~~~ How about dancing for you?"

Lin Cheng let out a 'tss'.

"It's the beggar's dance from last time again? Do you think I'm a beggar?"

Lin Cheng's description amused Zhiyan, who laughed.

After a while, she raised her head and moved close to Lin Cheng's ear.

"Then... the next time my sister dances alone for you, okay? It will definitely satisfy you."

He couldn't see her clearly in the dark, Lin Cheng only felt that Zhi Yan's voice was inexplicably charming, and her hot breath made Lin Cheng's ears itchy.

He turned his head slightly, "Got it."

Time passed by, and although the response from the emergency center had been received, it was inevitable that anxiety would arise in a small, dark space for a long time.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but wanted to contact the emergency center again, but Zhiyan, who was scared at first, didn't seem nervous at all, and curled up in Lin Cheng's arms without saying a word.

If she hadn't occasionally adjusted her posture, Lin Cheng would have thought she might have fallen asleep.

Of course, she was comfortable, but Lin Cheng was not so comfortable.

Zhiyan's whole body was almost pressed against him, and the thick clothes did not bring any benefits at all, Lin Cheng only felt the coldness under his buttocks.

The outdoor temperature in Seoul was a few degrees below zero. The elevator was well ventilated, and as a result, there was constant exchange of cold air, and Lin Cheng felt colder and colder.

Lin Cheng persisted in this torment, and an hour had passed by the time the two were rescued.

After getting out of the elevator, the first thing Lin Cheng did was to call his girlfriend, and he was relieved to know that there was no power outage in Guanyue District.

"It's still warm in the room. I almost froze my butt in the elevator just now."

Lin Cheng was lying on the floor in a big shape, with his eyes closed showing a contented expression.

Snow Flower happily rubbed against Lin Cheng's body, while Little Teddy Dobby watched enthusiastically wagging his tail.

Zhiyan squatted down, pinched Lin Cheng's nose with a smile.

"Is it really that uncomfortable? I think it's okay?"

"Of course you're fine, I'll be your cushion."

Lin Cheng patted off her hand without getting up, grabbed Xue Hua and rubbed her twice.

The short-legged kitten was now more rounded, and kept rubbing its head against Lin Cheng's arm, snoring comfortably.

Zhiyan sat down on the floor, picked up the little Teddy next to her and teased her.

After teasing the puppy for a while, seeing Lin Cheng taking a nap with his eyes closed, she couldn't help leaning closer to examine his face carefully.

Closing his eyes and resting his mind, Lin Cheng suddenly felt his cheeks itch.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Jiyan sitting on the side with her head bent over and looking at herself.

To kick off today, her long hair was permed very straight, tied into a single ponytail, and there was a strand of long hair hanging down Lin Cheng's cheek just beside her ear.


Lin Cheng was a little embarrassed to let her stare at her from a close distance.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, and prepared to help her pin that strand of long hair behind her ear.

Zhiyan lowered her head and lowered her body, obediently letting Lin Cheng complete the action.

Because they bowed their heads, their faces were almost pressed together.

"Lin Cheng."


"Thank you."

"Well, it's just a small matter."

Lin Cheng turned his face away.

I didn't think it was so dark in the elevator just now, but now I feel a little shy.

Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's turning his head, Zhi Yan quickly kissed his side cheek.

"Hey! This is a reward from my sister. Next time you encounter danger, you must protect your sister."

Looking back at her smiling face, Lin Cheng muttered reluctantly:
"Understood, although your reward is not sincere... Who is it that Brother Cheng is a man?"

Zhiyan went to make two cups of hot coffee, and after drinking the coffee slowly, Lin Cheng finally felt his whole body warmed up.

In fact, the floor of the metal elevator is really cold, and it is difficult for ordinary people to experience the feeling of sitting on it for an hour in winter.

It was already half past ten, Lin Cheng got up to say goodbye.

"Do you want to have some supper before leaving? I seem to be very hungry today."

"What to eat?"

Lin Cheng was out of shape, and winked at her, "Do you want to keep me here for ramen?"

"Yeah! You bastard."

Ji-yeon punched his shoulder angrily.

Lin Cheng smiled and waved his hands, "Just kidding, I wish you a good dream tonight."

He walked to the entrance, put on his shoes and stood up, only to find that Jiyan followed.

"Hey! Why are you so polite now? Don't send me off."

"Lin Cheng."


"If it weren't for you, my sister would definitely be very scared today."

"You thanked me for everything."

Zhiyan opened her mouth, and was about to say something when Lin Cheng's phone rang.

Lin Cheng lit up the phone screen, and said cheerfully to Zhiyan:

"Haha! The little wife is here to catch the rape."

"Fuck you! What are you catching rape?"

Zhiyan gave him an angry look.

"Goodbye, Zhiyan! I'll go back first."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, turned around and went out the door while answering the phone.

"This guy."

Jiyan looked at the closed door, wrinkled the bridge of her nose, and muttered softly:
"I still want to eat ramen... I think it's beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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