This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 863 Goal: Have a Good Year

Chapter 863 Goal: Have a Good Year

Lin Cheng soon threw himself into the intense preparations for the match.

He and Jiyeon teed off for the KT Wizards together, which aroused some discussion afterwards. It is really an exaggeration for the two guests to almost hit a home run with the tee off.

Just like so many stars kicking off for a football game, suddenly a guy kicked off the ball and shot a lob directly in the middle circle, and even hit a crossbar, which is guaranteed to be a topic that fans talk about.

The picture of Zhiyan running to him to celebrate after Lin Cheng hit a wonderful shot made people laugh even more. This 1-minute kick-off video has much more views on Youtube than that baseball game.

The fans of Lin Cheng and Zhiyan's family are more concerned about the live broadcast of the two after the game, especially Lin Cheng's dowry declaration made the fans of the Crown family cry bitterly, shouting for Lin Cheng to be knifed.

These guys are very contradictory now, Lin Cheng is very happy to bring Zhiyan to the business and serve as an interpreter for them, but it is a bit too much for this guy to rob his wife.

Zhiyan didn't call to question Lin Cheng because of the dowry, but Xiaotong sent a death staring emoji on her phone.

It looked vicious, but in fact Lin Cheng called and said some shameless words, and the little wife immediately became shy, angrily expressing that she would sue Shuyan.

In addition, Lin Cheng did not pay too much attention to outside news, and seriously prepared for the next game.

There are still two weeks before the LCK will temporarily suspend. Lin Cheng's goal is to win all the games in these two weeks.

Goal: Complete victory before the Spring Festival!

Have a good year!

Soon, the third week of the LCK schedule will hit.

KT encountered some difficulties in this week's game.

On January 1, facing the DRX, which was almost completely refurbished this year, KT almost overturned once it came up.

DRX let go of Chovy, Deft, Keria, and Doran this year. It is almost obvious that the newcomers will be bad. In addition, Maggie was suspended by the Korean fist because of his old account during the Griffin period. Almost no one in the outside world is optimistic about this DRX.

But to my surprise, two weeks later, they actually ranked at the forefront of the league standings. The record is 3 wins and 1 loss, just like DK and GEN·G, and they ranked fourth just because of a small disadvantage.

You know, the core of DRX is Pyosik, who only played professionally for a year last year.

But young general P led this group of rookies to a very good performance.

It turns out that T1 is just a false youth storm, and the real youth storm is DRX.

Everyone is joking, the reason why DRX's performance is so good now has a lot to do with Maggie's suspension.

When Maggie's ban is lifted and the BP starts, these rookies probably won't be able to hold back after being teased a few times by their own coaches.

Of course, no matter how Maggie manages to deal with the mentality of his own players in the future, anyway, DRX caused a lot of trouble for KT in this game.

In the first game, P teenager took out Udyr's jungler.

This is Udyr's return to the LCK arena after 1800 days, and he almost beat KT to death.

In this round, Peanut suffered a lot in the wild area. The third-level leopard girl was caught by Udyr in the wild area and killed solo, and then Pyosik started the canyon parkour to chase Peanut all over the map.

Everyone knows that Udyr's wild clearing speed is fast. This hero's natural clearing speed can be said to be comparable to almost no other hero.

But no matter how fast you brushed before, it was useless. This is a short-legged and stupid hero, unlike the wild core version of the male gun leopard female who can brush C.

However, thanks to the enhancement of the current version of the turbo alchemy pot, a short-legged idiot like Udyr also drove a Ferrari.

There was even a funny scene on the field. Udyr from Pyosik flashed in and single-handedly killed Leopard Girl and snatched the canyon vanguard. After that, he was chased by KT three people for half the map, but he ran away in a hurry with his short legs up.

The KT players were disgusted.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and there were several scenes of the whole team parkour chasing Udyr.

In fact, in the Reddit voting two months ago, most players felt that Udyr should be reworked by Riot. This thing can’t be ranked in the competition and no one plays it. It’s really a thing made by the designer’s brain.

But no one thought that Udyr would be different just because of the changes in the version and equipment. It was a strong visual impact for young player P to bring Udyr to the arena after five years.

Fortunately, although the mentality of the KT players was a little bit broken in this round, Peanut, who was slipped the whole game at the most critical moment, stood up.

In the big dragon team battle, Little Peanut's Leopard girl flashed in the Q of the partition wall and beat the opponent's mid laner first. KT finally used the number advantage to establish a victory.

In the second game, KT banned Udyr decisively without saying a word, and finally won it steadily.

Still kept the score of 2:0, but Peanut, who was against Udyr, didn't seem so happy to win.

In an interview after the game, Little Peanut bluntly said that he was disgusted by the opponent Udyr. Let alone how effective this thing is, the mentality of the opponent is really first-rate.

Disgusting and disgusting in his mouth, as a result, Lin Cheng found that Little Peanut Rank had practiced Udyr, and he began to feel disgusted as a ranking opponent.

In fact, some time ago, Udyr was occasionally seen as a jungler in Hanbok, but since Pyosik proved its effect in the game, it seemed like it exploded overnight. Basically, professional junglers started to practice.

Defeated DRX, and KT defeated Nongshim with a score of 1:30 in the game on January 2.

In this way, three weeks have passed, and KT has firmly established itself as the leader of the league with a 12% winning rate of 0-100 in six games.

It is worth mentioning that KT's deadly rival T1 started the rotation in the third week.

In the game against LSB, Faker was squeezed out of the starting lineup by Closer again. Cuzz and Teddy returned from the dead. After killing the sandbox, T1 finally got rid of the position of the deputy squad leader of the league.

But just won a game, and then T1 lost 0:2 to AFS.

As a result, many viewers discovered that T2's starting lineup changed again in the first game of the fourth week of the LCK Spring Split on February 3.

Brother Cuzz, Teddy, and Closer are gone, and by the way, they also sealed off Canna and the ghouls.

The new top laner Zeus joined hands with Xiao Lu Bu and Li Ge to make a grand debut.

After only playing 7 games, except for the auxiliary position where there is no substitute in the new season of T1, all other positions have been rotated over and over again.

Nine people from the ten-man roster took turns to play, and the outside world was stunned by the operation of the T1 coaching staff.

It's not that you haven't seen the rotation, but at least you will try to make the rotation within the framework of determining the main team.

This way of changing T1 is very coquettish.

Played one-third of the spring split, and no one other than the support was confirmed as the main force.

How to play the game under panic?
Moreover, you must know that T1's opponent in the final match before the Spring Festival in the fourth week is KT.

Zeus seemed a little immature when he faced Nongshim's short board with Rich. If he met Lin Cheng, he would not be beaten again?
(End of this chapter)

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