This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 864 You all know nothing about the world of cross-dressing

Chapter 864 You know nothing about the world of cross-dressing

On February 2rd, the same day Faker returned to the game, KT defeated Hanwha again with a score of 3:2 in the evening game.

So far, KT has achieved seven consecutive victories in the beginning of the spring split, and the score of the small game has reached an astonishing 14-0.

However, just when the outside world feels that the KT Galaxy Battleship is full of fineness, there is still no lack of voices of doubt.

The main reason is that the current KT game process does not seem to be as smooth as last summer.

Even though everyone admits that this KT is very strong, it is also not contradictory that many people think that KT has become weaker than last year.

The biggest impression of last year's peak KT team, apart from Lin Cheng's suppressive power on the laning end, was the machine-like meticulous execution.

They rarely make mistakes in game operations. They always catch the opponent's flaws and quickly snowball, and quickly take away the opponent with an unstoppable momentum like an avalanche.

Last year's KT game gave people the feeling that they were confident, and they often felt that they had stabilized after a few minutes of the game.

But the current KT team is hard to give people that feeling.

Although the winning rate is equally astonishing, the content on the court is still lacking compared to last year.

It can be seen with the naked eye that KT players made a lot more mistakes than last year.

As a result, such arguments inevitably spread on the Internet.

"KT is still able to dominate the LCK this year, mainly because the other teams in the LCK are too bad, and KT is actually not that good anymore"

"If it weren't for the decline of DK this year, if it was replaced by last year's DWG, maybe there would be no such thing as KT"

"The overall strength of the LCK has gone backwards this year, and it may not be able to compete with the LPL in the World Championship"

"The current KT can still rule the LCK, it can only show that the LCK is too rubbish"

These arguments are mainly spread by the LCK audience who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal. KT fans have full confidence in their team, but they are all kinds of negative.

In fact, this kind of psychology is also easy to understand. Being suppressed by KT, you can't hold your head up, and you still don't allow others to have a mouthful?

At that time, if KT goes to the World Championship, if it is still fierce, it will pretend that nothing happened.

If the car is really overturned, they can jump out to gain their own foresight, and scold KT for losing the face of LCK by the way.

The outsiders crazily belittled their own team and players, so KT fans naturally wanted to jump out and fight against each other. Anyway, when they saw negative comments, they would be angry.

At this time, a long article on technology flow appeared on the homepage of the e-sports section of the Naver forum.

"Wake up!Is this KT really strong? "

The author, who claims to be a fan of KT for ten years, used a large amount of data to analyze the current situation of KT in the article.

First blood rate, one dragon rate, one tower rate, wild area control rate, tendency to enter the wild...
Although KT has firmly occupied the top spot in the league with multiple statistics, if you compare the data of last summer vertically, you will find that KT has regressed in terms of key statistics.

For example, during the period from 10 minutes to 20 minutes, the positive increase in the economic difference is significantly reduced, which means that KT's ability to snowball has weakened.

This article is really done with too much care. It lists a lot of data that even the official has not counted, and it is very convincing.

Finally, the author pessimistically concluded a sentence:

Even though I am a KT fan, I have to face the fact that KT has really weakened this year, and we may not be able to beat LPL teams in the World Championship.

The length is touching, and the huge amount of data can't be done without dozens of hours of hard work.

Data Cow has never lacked attention in the forum, and the number of clicks has soared.

Some KT fans have begun to waver, and they are worried about their home team.

What he said seems to make sense.

Originally, KT fans dismissed those pessimistic remarks, but they will inevitably be affected by their own well-founded analysis.

It turned out quickly that things were reversed.

Someone down there uncovered the bottom line of this self-proclaimed KT fan, and at one point found out all his hidden speeches five years ago.

It turned out that this KT fan was actually a T1 fan five years ago.

There was an uproar.

It can support a person to do dozens of hours of boring statistics regardless of rewards. Apart from deep love, is it deep hatred?

Just to affect the emotions of KT fans to do this, this guy is too hard.

In order to appease the emotions of KT fans, the user who debunked the fans of T1 sent out a long analogy article to reverse analyze the data, and began to praise KT for a wave.

Although KT's operations were better last year, this year KT's personal ability is stronger. At least everyone in the key team battles this year has performed brilliantly.

Don't worry everyone, our KT team is still invincible in the universe, and the other teams are rubbish and not worth mentioning.

What LPL?What is Europe and the United States?See if MSI does it or not, they're done.

This year's MSI and S competition champions are still ours, as expected, and the double champion KT is as stable as an old dog, and next year's sword will aim for three consecutive championships.

Lin Cheng stopped talking.

Chaowei is the world's No. [-] mid laner, and Feike's left-handed poison coin junior is not worth mentioning.

Mr. Dai is still World No. [-] A, playing LPL automatically triggers muscle memory, Jack Spicy Dance stole Mr. Dai's championship with a flash of life, and this year he dared to come to the World Championship to designate no good fruit for him.

This one raised KT very high, someone moved his remarks to the Internet, and was criticized by fans of other players.

As a result, things are not over yet.

Soon there was another reversal.

This brainless KT fan was picked out again.

Where is he a KT fan?Obviously, he is also an out-and-out T1 fan.

Now the audience is numb.

Nima!Both co-authors are fans of T1, isn't this Mission: Impossible too much fun?
This drama is much more tortuous than the TV series of dog blood.

There are a lot of people who are popular, so don’t think that anti-channeling is a unique culture of LPL. Koreans have played this trick very well in the era when the Internet was not yet developed.

Either they are brainless to flatter, or they are brainless to play black, what they are doing is just ruining KT's popularity.

There are even a lot of cross-dressing pretending to be more like real fans, with rhythm everywhere.

It looks kind of boring.

But don't doubt it, these guys are just that boring.

Lin Cheng also learned about this incident during the live broadcast on the night of February 2th.

Everyone was stupid at the time.

He also knows that this year's KT game may not be so smooth at times, but Lin Cheng does not feel that KT has become weaker this year. He is still confident in winning no matter what teammates he faces.

It can only be said that the audience's appetite is now.

KT fans are fine, they are happy if the team wins.

On the contrary, the other spectators who watched the excitement had a lot of shit, picking up faults with a magnifying glass.

In their opinion, KT should win the game.

Because KT is the defending champion, representing the top level of LCK.

So KT not only wants to win, but also wins beautifully.

As long as winning is ugly, it means that KT's dominance has declined and the dynasty is about to collapse.

This is also the reason why T1's counterplay can easily recruit KT black everywhere, because it is not invincible visible to the naked eye, and the rhythm is easy to be brought up.

Lin Cheng felt that it was outrageous.

"A fan of T1, right? My house is about to collapse and I still have time to play Infernal Affairs here?"

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth in the live broadcast room:

"It seems that tomorrow I will help you play with permutations and combinations."

(End of this chapter)

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