This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 865 The guests are laning, and the players are still warming up

Chapter 865 The guests are laning, and the players are still warming up
On February 2th, KT ushered in the final battle before the Spring Festival.

Today is also the first news agency war in 2021, and the throne of the news agency boss will set off a new storm in the world.

Everyone is watching Faker, who returned to the starting lineup and led the team to win the last game, to see if he can stabilize the situation for this precarious T1 team.

The current T1 lineup is changed every time a game is lost, which really confuses the players and the audience.

In addition to being able to receive the perfect attendance award for the support, the rest of the T1 players are not sure whether they will appear in the team in the next game.

People are panicking, what fighting power does such a team have?

They urgently need a relatively stable lineup.

T1 fans are looking forward to Faker, the legend who led T1 to create a dynasty.

As long as they can defeat KT and prove the upper limit of this team, the arrangement and combination of T1 in the future may not need to be so fancy.

Once the lineup has stabilized and is slowly running in, this year's T1 is still worth looking forward to, because these players really have strong personal abilities.

But... T1 fans think very well, and it depends on whether Lin Cheng agrees to give up his position as the head of the news agency.

The weather was a little gloomy, just like Lin Cheng's mood.

Yesterday in the live broadcast room, he said that he wanted to help T1 arrange and combine, and soon T1 fans came along the network cable to scold him, making Lin Cheng disgusted.

He decided to prevent today's opponent from leaving with a smile.

There is only one news agency boss!
That's me, Lin Cheng!

In the afternoon, while debugging the equipment in the training room, Lin Cheng was still explaining to his teammates.

"Brothers! That's the way it is."

"That group of brats from T1 blackmail us every day on the Internet, and at the same time run out to lead us to the rhythm."

"It's fine with the rhythm, I can bear to black you... The key is that they dare to scold me."

"Today, keep your spirits up and strike harder."

"Whoever you give Li Xianghe face, you don't give me Lin Cheng face."

Today's Korean Stream commentary is very eye-catching.

Yoon Soo Bin presided over the commentary, and the two guests were Kim Ji Hyun and Park Ji Sun.

Rarely, all three commentators are women.

The three of them sat on the commentary table, with their outstretched legs close together and slanted in front of them. The director looked like he really wanted to add chicken legs to the meal.

Kim Ji Hyun is wearing a white KT team uniform, a loose T-shirt that can hardly conceal his proud figure, the bottom of the T-shirt is tucked into a hip-wrapping skirt, and the sky-defying long black silk legs under the skirt make the live broadcast room already boil.

And Park Zhixuan is wearing a T1 uniform with Faker's ID printed on the back.

Everyone knows that Kim Ji-hyun is a KT fan, and Park Ji-sun has publicly admitted that he is a fan of Faker. Today, the LCK organizers invited these two to be commentators.

Not only are the players on the field facing each other, but also the commentary seats are facing each other.

The barrage is very real.

"Woo~~~ It's so eye-catching, even if I die in this live broadcast room, I won't go out."

"Three pairs of long legs, tsk tsk! The director has mastered the traffic code."

"Miss Zhixian's figure is really good, who can stand up to it?"

"Zhixuan is becoming more and more feminine, but unfortunately she is still a bit worse than Miss Zhixian. (Funny)"

"I declare that KT has won in the commentary."

"This year's first telecom battle is coming! We specially invited Miss Kim Ji-hyun, a famous KT fan, and Miss Park Ji-sun, our old friend and fan of Faker player."

Facing the two seniors who had presided over the LCK commentary, Yoon Soo Bin did not have stage fright.

"So, what do you two think of today's game?"

Translator Park Ji-sun was more active, and immediately raised his hand, "Both teams have won honors for the LCK, but out of selfishness... I still support T1 a little bit, only a little bit Oh, although this season has a difficult start, I believe that Faker will lead T1 out of the predicament."

Hearing what Park Ji-sun said, Kim Ji-hyun raised the microphone with a smile, "Of course I fully support Cheng! Our KT also needs this precious victory. If possible, please ask Faker to lead T1 out after the Spring Festival. The predicament is over."

"Wow~~~Miss Zhixian! Can this be done? Why didn't the program team tell me the scale in advance?"

Pu Zhixuan pretended to be wronged and turned his head to look at Jin Zhixian.

Just now Park Zhixuan expressed a little support for T1 because she is a Faker fan.

But Kim Zhixian directly and fully supported Lin Cheng, and by the way, asked Faker to come back after the Spring Festival, as if he was not afraid of Faker fans rushing.

This has completely put his butt in Lin Cheng's arms.

The barrage in the broadcast room exploded.

"As expected of Miss Zhixian, KKKKKK."

"Zhixuan, you can't lose your momentum! You represent our T1."

"After all, Ms. Zhixuan is still in the interview section more often, and now the atmosphere in the commentary section is a bit unaccustomed."

"Ever since the commentary box was taken over by people from the KT faction, it has really been undisguised. It has made people's lives miserable. I strongly demand that the KT people in the commentary box be kicked out."

"Reconsideration! I strongly miss the harmonious comment booth before."

"Harmony you Nanshan Tower! Forgot how Guangshi was raped by T1 fans before?"

I didn't know that the audience in the broadcast room had already started barrage and line-up. Facing Park Zhixuan's grievances, Kim Zhixian didn't speak but just laughed.

Yin Xiubin sniffled: "Eh? Why did I smell gunpowder before the game started?"

The two laughed.

"I think KT will win today not only because of the status of the fans, but because of KT's own strength."

Jin Zhixian said very seriously: "As the senior CCM said, Cheng is like King Arthur of KT. I think he has found Lancelot and Galahide now, and the Knights of the Round Table have re-supported him. around."

"After the Kespa Cup and the previous rounds, KT is getting stronger and stronger, and KT will only become stronger as time goes by."

Park Zhixuan nodded: "So! Since KT will become stronger and stronger in the future, then today is the best time to beat KT. Faker will not let this opportunity pass."

"Faker's performance has been really good since he returned to the game last time, and his RANK has been working really hard recently. I think today is the best moment for him to lead T1 out of the predicament. There is no need to wait until after the Spring Festival as Miss Zhixian said. .”

"is it?"

Jin Zhixian was very sharp, "Anyway, I have been waiting for so long. Even if Faker wants to lead T1 on the right track, he probably doesn't care about waiting a few more days, so let's wait until after the Spring Festival."

"Laughing to death! Why is this poisonous tongue so familiar?"

"Miss Zhixian was infected by Lin Cheng?"

"It is recommended to strictly check Lin Cheng's mobile phone, whether it was taught by Lin Cheng."

"Outrageous! The game didn't start, and the commentary started first."

"The guests are on the line, and the players are still warming up."

(End of this chapter)

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