This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 874 The Road Never Envisioned

Chapter 874 The Road Never Envisioned
Zeyuan: "In the end, the score was fixed at 29:0. This was a naked massacre! KT led by Brother Chengzi led the villains to create this massacre with their own hands! The attack was too ruthless!"

957: "KT's condition is really good. Today, all members really made zero mistakes! At first I thought T1 had a little chance, but I didn't expect the gap to be so big."

Zeyuan: "To be honest, from a certain point in time, I had no expectations for the result of this game. I was just curious when T1 would win the first kill, but the result was quite regrettable until the end of the game. They didn't even kill a single person."

957: "I just hope that the young players in T1 don't have too much psychological pressure. Being tortured like this just after playing really affects their mentality."

"It is estimated that Zeus dreams at night is the sound of Silas waving chains."

Zeyuan smiled: "I can only say that Brother Chengzi keeps his word, okay? Yesterday the live broadcast said that he would help T1 arrange and combine, and today he immediately smashed the new lineup that T1 just put out at the beginning of the last game. Let's see Which new combination will T1 be next?"

"It's too ruthless! This is easier than man-machine."

"It was blowing loudly some time ago, but this is T1?"

"Brother Chengzi is really ruthless, this is what happens to T1 fans who are cheap."

"What are those people doing to provoke Brother Cheng? Don't you know how stingy he is?"

"Aren't the idiots of T1 convinced now? Do you dare to attack Brother Chengzi?"

"I don't accept it! Although I lost, labor and management just refuse to accept it."

Gangnam District, Seoul, T1 new base training room.

Looking at the words of failure on the screen, the generals of T1 were a little confused.

Brother Li didn't even take off his earphones, leaning on the back of his chair and staring at the settlement panel, his face pale.

In fact, fans have long noticed that Brother Li's complexion in front of the camera is not very good today, but they don't know whether it is because of his body or his emotions.

The rest of the T1 teammates also looked unhappy.

Zeus took off his earphones and turned the gaming chair repeatedly in a depressed mood.

Little Lu Bu was carrying a large bucket of mineral water in tons of tons.

Drinking plenty of water is good for your health and helps relieve stress.

In comes the new supervisor, Danny, and the unused substitutes.

Teddy immediately comforted his teammates who had just lost, but the coaching staff of T1 did not express anything.

Danny's first words were:
"Thank you for your hard work, we will make personnel adjustments as follows for the next round..."

Faker licked his chapped lips.

Sure enough, it was time to change again.

Inexplicably, he misses his old father whom he has been with for seven years.

Although due to personality reasons, Faker, who focuses on the game, can hardly even say who has a good relationship with him enough to confide in him.

But after two years of turmoil in the coaching staff.

Only then did he discover that not all coaches were as gentle as that person.

The coach who said to himself 'believe in yourself and leave no regrets' at the critical moment will probably never be able to get together again.

Now think about it, what would Kkoma do in this situation?

Hmm~~~ It should have come in to get angry, right?
All the members were sleepwalking, and they were bloodbathed by the news agency's rivals. In this situation, the coach needed to wake the players up.

Just like Abu scolding Qijiang.

Bloodiness sometimes needs some stimulation.

But on the contrary, Danny didn't even say a serious word, but regretfully made his substitution adjustments.

It seems that he is outside the team.

Keria lay on the table, listened to the coach's brief substitutions and adjustments, tilted her head and glanced in the direction of her teammates, and sighed silently.

He is also confused by the team's turmoil this season.

It stands to reason that everyone is very strong, and each of these young people can find a place in the forefront of the Hanbok.

Even their scrims went really well.

However, the game just couldn't be played.

The results are not ideal, the coaching staff thought of the most direct way is to replace.

Anyway, there are many people in T1.

Then, the repeated permutations and combinations began.

And, that's likely to continue.

Everyone was tense in this turbulent atmosphere.

But obviously, Danny, who entered T1 this year, is not in the mood to adjust the emotions of his players. He is not a psychological counselor.

He just needs grades.

If the performance is not good, replace it.

Keria twisted her neck and buried her head between her arms.

When is it a head?

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in a hurry to agree to T1's invitation... He Guige said that I should be the first choice for KT's support.

Korean Stream commentary booth.

Yin Xiubin looked at the post-match settlement panel with a look of amazement.

"With zero dragons, zero towers, and a steadily rising economic gap, today's KT is really terrible! They played a perfect game, and Silas's data is too exaggerated! 15-0! There is no doubt that this It is the highest kill record in the LCK so far this season."

Jin Zhixian smiled, "For Cheng, this kind of performance is quite normal, isn't it? There is no suspense about the MVP of this round, right? Your POG will not vote for others, right?"

There are three POG votes for the LCK commentary, and each of them can cast one vote.

Although Lin Cheng's performance is indeed good, but Jin Zhixian's blatant canvassing behavior still made fans laugh for a while.


Obviously Chovy's performance is also very good!
Miss Zhixian belongs to Lin Cheng.

Park Zhixuan was a little disappointed, "I'm more concerned about whether there will be personnel adjustments in the next round of T1? Maybe the coaching staff will make some changes if this round is played like this."

"Are you worried that Faker will be substituted?"

Jin Zhixian looked understanding: "Don't worry! I don't think Faker will be replaced. Too many young people on the field is not necessarily a good thing."

Park Zhixuan quickly waved his hand, "I'm not worried about this, personnel adjustment is a matter for the coaching staff, as long as it's for T1 results, as a fan, I don't ask too much."

She said so, but in fact, everyone knew that she was afraid that it might not be true.

Maybe outside the camera, this young lady can't wait to yell: Danny, die to me!Let Feike go!
Park Zhixuan's stubbornness made both of them laugh.

The discrepancy between Faker and the new coaching staff's understanding of the game was reported by the official LCK reporter. Everyone knows that T1 must be very complicated.

Yoon Soo Bin: "Well~~~ Ms. Ji Sun is really a very sensible fan, but I want to ask Ms. Ji Hyun, if one day Cheng players also face the problem of rotation..."

"Why did Cheng go wrong?"

Jin Zhixian interrupted with a natural look: "If there is such a day... then of course the coaching staff must be changed first."

Yin Xiubin: "???"

Park Ji-sun: "???"

I'm not done yet.


This is really a road that has never been imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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