This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 875 This is your beloved relative, brother

Chapter 875 This is your beloved relative, brother

What Kim Ji Hyun said in the commentary was too violent, Yoon Soo Bin and Park Ji Sun didn't know how to answer it for a while.

"Haha! I'm just kidding, you don't really believe it, do you?"

Seeing the reaction of the two, Jin Zhixian covered his face with his hands, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"He is Cheng! Do you think there will be a day when KT will put him on the bench? On the contrary, KT should consider how to continue to increase the contract in the future to keep him."

Yin Xiubin asked his senior to flick around, and couldn't help muttering: "I'm just making an analogy, how much sincerity is there in your answer?"

Jin Zhixian blinked, "Guess."

The barrage exploded in the live broadcast room.

"As expected of Miss Zhixian, you are so fierce! KKKKKK"

"I bet! In fact, she is sincere! Everyone knows what Miss Zhixian is."

"Is this the first guest to shout to kick the coach in the commentary?"

"It's okay, if you change the coach first, no one will be able to change it."

"At this time, coach Kang Dongxun shed tears of grievance backstage."

"Look at Cheng's treatment in KT, compared to Faker, it's too miserable."

"Cheng is our king, he is the only core."

"One thing to say, Faker can actually kick Danny off if he is ruthless."

"Faker's personality is too soft. Changing to Cheng guarantees that Danny is already honest."

I didn't know that the effect of the show on the commentary was explosive. After a short break, the players on both sides had already started to prepare for the second round of BP.

There has been a change in the personnel entering the game room in T1.

Zeus, Ellim, and Lu Bu were carried down, and Canna joined hands with Cuzz and Teddy to return to the stage.

Except for the support, this is the lineup that won the runner-up in the T1 Spring Split last year.

The T1 coaching staff also seemed to realize the problem of too many newcomers, and directly lifted all the old people up.

Although these people's personal abilities may not be as strong as those young people, they are definitely not as strong, and their ability to withstand pressure under disadvantage will be even better.

At least, the picture of the group of young people in the last game who were seven or eight thousand behind in finances and kept giving away was hard to see on these old players.

From the perspective of the T1 coaching staff, no matter how their players are currently ranked, it is difficult to beat KT.

But at least these old people have a lot more experience and have greater opportunities.

What matters is that they don't get slaughtered so ugly.

29:0, T1 players should not have been beaten like this in the last game.

The ability to play the advantage in the lane may not be that strong, but the development of the disadvantaged situation is something that the old people of T1 are very good at.

Realizing that the opposite side had changed, Lin Cheng said with a smile: "Yo ho! The opposite side changed up and got beaten! What do you guys say?"

"What do you say? Continue to beat them hard!"

Effort's expression in the last round was not bright enough, and he expressed that he would continue to take revenge on T1.

Lin Cheng turned his head and glanced at the little assistant.



"The opponents are all your teammates from last year!"

"This is your dear friend, brother."

Effort: "..."

What do you want to say?
Seeing the bewildered eyes of the little assistant, Lin Cheng coughed dryly.

Forget it, it's normal for Koreans not to understand these stalks.

Originally, after the massacre in the last round, most of the anger of T1 fans scolding Lin Cheng had subsided, but Effort's murderous intent was no less than his.

Facing the beloved relatives and friends from last year, the little assistant stopped shouting for more money, and was about to be ruthless.

But thinking about it, Effort was kicked immediately just because the staff made a mistake and exposed the chat information inside T1. The resentment in his heart is really not small.

Lin Cheng felt that having a temper was actually a good thing.

If you have no blood at all, it is actually very difficult to become an excellent professional player.

After all, it is e-sports, and the theme is competitive confrontation.

After being confirmed by the on-site referees of both sides, the second game BP will start soon.

The loser chooses a side, this time T1 took the initiative to choose the red side.

Zeyuan: "Oh? It's surprising that T1 chose the red side. In this version, basically everyone chooses the blue side. It is true that the blue side has a higher winning rate."

"I think T1 is the right choice. In fact, I always think that there is no difference between choosing the blue side or the red side when playing KT."

957's analysis is very in-depth: "Because Brother Cheng takes too much BAN position, compared to the version of the strong hero Brother Cheng's knife girl, it is even more unplayable."

"Since both the red side and the blue side must bear these BAN positions, it is better to put more versions of strong heroes on the red side."

"Anyway, the blue team can only grab one first, and put more powerful heroes out. The red team can get two with their backhand, and they can also use the counter position to try to limit Brother Orange's performance."

In the beginning, since they didn't play many training matches with the old players like T1 this year, KT first banned Kalista on the blue side.

This move is aimed at the Kalista system that T1 used very often last year.

Kalista is really a very special hero, with strong online suppression in the early stage, and a unique ultimate move mechanism in the late stage with excellent functionality.

As a result, Kalista can be taken out in almost any version, even without any enhancements, but this hero is often taken out by LCK teams.

Although this hero is rubbish in the eyes of the LPL audience, it feels useless to take it out, and he has no ability to take over the game in the later stage.

But in the LCK, Kalista and EZ are both benchmark heroes for AD players.

In the entire LCK last year, there were three players with the highest winning percentage in skateboard shoes, Ruler, Teddy, and Lin Cheng's teammate Aiming.

T1 first bans Daomei on the red side.

In fact, in the previous few games, Canna used the sword girl to beat Nar many times, but the sword girl must not be released when Lin Cheng is present.

The second BAN position of the blue side was given to the rock sparrow.

Although Brother Cuzz gives the impression that the game is very green, but his rock sparrow in RANK is fierce and scary.

The game of the thousand-point king is all the power training record of more than a dozen kills MVP, even if you want to win KT again in the game, you have to be on guard.

What if after watching the water cooler for a long time, he suddenly comes up and plays the game as a rank?

The second BAN position of the red side was given to Olaf.

The third move of the blue side KT is to disable the czar.

Little Lu Bu is not on the scene, so don't worry too much about the problem of laning in the bottom lane, but Li Ge Tsar has to consider a move.

Teddy is also a player with a developed bladder. If T1 got the double C in the late stage and has been dragging, KT may not be able to stand it.

The later the stage, the more it will be a wave of team battles, with great variables.

After all, KT, which was newly formed this year, hasn't played a few games that lasted more than 10 minutes.

The red side sent Zoe to the BAN position, and the pressure from Chaowei in the last game was still great.

Start picking.

The blue side KT snatched Kai'Sa.

The second lock card on the first floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Oh! The card! I finally got it! Before, there was no team that would allow Li Ge to directly get the card as a hero, including KT who was also banned in the first round. Let's see if this second-locked card will be Make a little change in the situation of today's news agency war?"

957: "The hero Kaka puts more emphasis on support than laning. It can take advantage of Brother Li's rich experience. This is a good choice for T1."

"Brother Li has something to say about cards, and now he needs to bring the rhythm."

"This is the last card of the LCK. If you can't beat T1, there is no hope."

"Is this card as powerful as the last card in LPL?"

"Who is the last card in LPL?"

"That must be my Midge!"

"There are too many last cards in the LPL. The commentator will call whoever is fierce."

"There was Ruofeng in the past and Xiye in the future, and now it's my brother Guozi."

(End of this chapter)

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