This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 879 Is this the support speed of professional players?

Chapter 879 Is this the support speed of professional players?
Jess didn't dodge, but Seti still did. After Canna came back, he calmly let Lin Cheng continue to take the initiative.

In fact, Canna was not a steady player, but against Lin Cheng, he has been losing money, so he should have a longer memory no matter how tough he is.

Thinking back to last year, Lin Cheng's debut battle was to beat Canna with Sett, but a year later, things have changed.

Lin Cheng is already firmly seated on the world's number one top laner. He calls himself God, is called the king by KT fans, and is regarded by T1 fans as a traitor who covets the god's position.

On the other hand, Canna is still playing permutations and combinations in T1, and the starting lineup is not guaranteed.

It can only be said that the gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between humans and pigs.

Sighing silently, Canna put aside distracting thoughts and focused on laning.

Facing the developmental Jess who had always kept the E skill in melee form, Lin Cheng didn't have much killing intent, and the two sides fell into peace temporarily on the road.

Taking advantage of Udyr being killed, Peanut first took down the river crab in the upper half, and then ran to the middle lane in front of the opponent to help the crocodile push the lane.

After pushing the center line, the two KT Nakano brothers swaggered into the lower river.

At this time, Cuzz's Udyr resurrected just came over and took off the shield of the river crab, and saw the two men rushing over aggressively.

The card is held back by the middle lane, and the river crab of T1 can't defend it.

Even though the red duo has a slight advantage, once the KT duo releases their line and approaches the river, it will be a wave of double-teaming.

In this way, Peanut's Shuanghe Crab is still ahead of Udyr's wild development in the start.

However, Udyr clears the wild quickly, and this advantage is actually not obvious.

At five and a half minutes, Lin Cheng was on the road and wanted to take advantage of the chance of a sixth tie.

Press a little blood first, and if you go up to six, you have a chance to force kill, otherwise Jess-Poseti will be hard to kill with full blood.

Just as Seti stepped forward to exchange blood with E, Jess hammered Seti away in close combat, and he pulled two steps to turn around and launch Q Sky Leap to slow down Seti.

Lin Cheng found Udyr in the sight of the red square triangle grass, and Lin Cheng quickly retreated.

Lin Cheng: "The other side is here to arrest, Wang Hao quickly support."

Little Peanut: "Slow on, I'll come later."

Chaowei: "The card is moving up, I'll go find him."

Originally, Lin Cheng was just a tentative change of blood before the sixth game, but his taste changed the moment he saw Udyr.

The middle and wild sides of both sides are preparing to support the road at the same time.

Since the pawn line is close to the red side's defensive tower, Sett's escape distance is a bit long.

Udyr switched forms and accelerated, getting closer and closer to Seti.

Jess had already switched to the remote form, chasing after his butt and frantically clicking on Seti.

The card on the back of the red BUFF wall opens the big move fate.

Lin Cheng held back and dared not hand in casually.

If you hand in the dodge, you will definitely be thrown behind your ass by the card.

At this time, Lin Cheng ran to the wall at the corner of the blue square river, and Jess was right behind his buttocks. Udyr was not running fast at this time, and Lin Cheng could not be photographed by two positions behind.

Destiny peeked out of the field of vision and found that Lilia was still in the position of the blue square triangle grass. Faker decisively chose the spot.

A spinning deck of cards lit up in front of Sett.

The deck is stuck between Lin Cheng and the defense tower.

In this position, Lin Cheng can't directly enter the tower in cross dodge, and he is still a little short of level six.

Lin Cheng himself is only half blood, it would be very dangerous for Seti to be surrounded by three people who received a yellow card when the card landed.

But Chaowei was very decisive. When the card's big move was about to fly away, the crocodile directly flashed an E close, and W kept the card.

After interrupting the card, the crocodile took a step forward and walked into the grass behind the red buff.

The cards must not dare to lean in the direction of the sixth-level crocodile. Faker subconsciously threw out three universal cards, turned around and prepared to return to the middle.

"My big move was interrupted, I can't kill Sett, forget it!"

Faker's command is fine, but with the vision left by fate, he saw that the crocodile didn't turn back like him, but moved up in the second stage of E, and then turned on the big move and went straight to the road.

He's going to support the road!
Brother Li realized that something was wrong, and Ka Pai hurriedly turned around and followed the crocodile up.

On the road, Lilia's vortex had slowed down to Udyr and Jess, and Lin Cheng turned around and chased after them.

Offensive and defensive momentum interchanged.

Udyr and Jess, who had already chased outside the blue square tower, ran back desperately.

The red square triangle grass sees the position of the alligator.

no!To be packed.

Aware of the danger, Jess, who had already leaned against the grass on the side road, went directly into the alcove card's field of vision.

Udyr from Cuzz in front hesitated for a moment, turned around and entered the alcove.

Seti is only half-healthy, and if their card vision can reach Seti in seconds, there is still a chance to comeback in this wave.

However, Lin Cheng was very steady, and didn't rush into the alcove right now.

"Wang Hao, you block the outside, I will be six soon."

A small soldier happened to be killed next to him, and Lin Cheng made up for another bloody soldier with one punch, so he was promoted to level six.

Lilia didn't dare to go into the alcove alone. After Lin Cheng upgraded, he didn't wait for the crocodile approaching, and decisively took the lead to explore the alcove.

The view of the alcove is easy to be blocked, and Lin Cheng got a booster shot from Jess as soon as he entered.

At the same time, Udyr in bear form slapped him while looking around the corner.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was quick, and before he was knocked unconscious, he had already made a big move R, which was amazing.

Sett slammed Udyr on his shoulders and smashed Jace behind him.

Using the unstoppable feature of the ultimate move to avoid the dizziness, Seti landed with a strong hand and split his head to pull the two of them together.

Lilia came in to make up for the damage.

The opposite side wants to work hard.

Sett raised up W with residual blood after two punches.

Thick shields make opponents desperate.

The white energy exploded.

The real damage in the center of the bang punch directly took away Jess.

Before Jess was killed, Cuzz, who was looking bad, had already switched to the turtle form and slipped out of the alcove.

However, Chaowei happened to wrap up and caught Udyr in the grass on the side road.

The crocodile's big move was already full of anger, and the red fury W knocked Udyr unconscious, and the three instantly suppressed Udyr's blood volume.

Although Kaka rushed over, it seemed that he was unable to rescue his teammates.

At this time, a lantern was thrown from under the red square tower.

Thresh appeared on the road just in time.

It happened that no one on KT's side had a lantern in their eyes, so Udyr took a tenacious step and picked up the lantern.

"Back! Rewind!"

The three of KT turned around immediately.

Card Flash throws a yellow card at Sett while Thresh prepares to hook.

Lin Cheng resolutely handed back the position of Shanla.

His blood volume was hooked by Thresh and then ignited, so he should lie down immediately.

Sett dodged away, and Thresh hooked the crocodile, which was almost full of blood, so naturally he couldn't fight, and the wave between the two sides ended.

"Wonderful! This wave of support from both sides is so fast! When Sett and Jess first exchanged blood, almost everyone who could support them came up, even Keria, who happened to be returning to the city, came over."

After Zeyuan described the collision scene, he couldn't help sighing, "Is this the support awareness of professional players? KT's support here is very decisive, and Keria's key rescue is also very important."

957: "Brother Li was planning to return to the line. I didn't expect Chaowei to interrupt the big move of the card and run up directly. This wave of crocodiles is very spiritual, otherwise Jess would also run away."

Zeyuan: "But here comes the problem. This Serti has two kills. Basically, KT's only advantage is in the top lane. Later, we will see what kind of effect Brother Orange can play in the field with the unique wind Seti."

"The Wind Sett! I'm looking forward to it. Well, this kind of outfit can only be seen in the fish frying game now."

"Let's see if brother Chengzi will fry fish happily, or if he will be beaten violently in reverse."

(End of this chapter)

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