This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 880 Brother Teddy, I Still Want to Help You

Chapter 880 Brother Teddy, I Still Want to Help You
After this wave, Lin Cheng earned another 300 yuan, and more importantly, the first big move of the card was wasted.

The middle lane can't suppress the crocodile's pawn line, and it is difficult to move without a card with a big move.

After the confrontation on the road, Peanut went out and went straight to the lower half to activate Xiaolong.

Lilia's attack on Xiaolong is actually very hurt, but the crocodile in the middle lane of KT happens to have the power, so cards without ultimate moves can't get through.

And Lin Cheng's Seti didn't show up on the road, so this little dragon T1 decisively chose to let go.

A few seconds after the reminder that Xiaolong was killed, Thresh, who pushed Keria in the bottom lane, ran to the river under the cover of Udyr next to him, and re-did the vision that was removed by Lilia.

Before Thresh returned to the line, he knocked down the candied fruit in the river.

Teddy's Xayah just ran out of blue. When Thresh returned to the lane, Xayah completely pushed the pawn line out of the blue square tower, and then he ran to the river to eat fruit.

Udyr has been evacuated from the river, and Teddy happily enjoys all the candied fruits by himself.

However, when Xia finished eating the fruit and returned to the line, she was caught by KT's people.

Lilia from Little Peanut came back from the jungle.

Kai'Sa used a W to search for enemies in the void, and happened to find Xia who was about to return to the line after eating the fruit in the grass in the river.

Lilia jumped out of the triangle grass.

The KT duo forced their position from the line.

Thresh threw out the lantern to the rescue.

But because the position was too far away, the lantern fell by the corner wall of the river.

Picking up lanterns has been a unique problem for AD since ancient times.

Xia first took two steps towards the lantern, and found that the position of the lantern was very dangerous for her teammate, and Riel on the opposite side was closer to the lantern than herself.

Teddy couldn't pick up the lantern directly even at a distance, Teddy hesitated, and chose to turn around and re-enter the triangle grass.

Teddy tried to flash up the wall from the river.

But Effort is decisive.

Riel rode the iron skill on the horse, directly sprinted and picked Xia behind him with a flash, and at the same time, the E skill released the binding between herself and Kai'Sa.

Xia happened to be picked between Riel and Kai'Sa, and was stunned by Riel's E skill.

Xia was controlled by Reel, and Lilia and Kai'Sa rushed up and knocked her down instantly before she could hand over her flash.

What's funny is that when Effort flashed up to control Teddy, he still yelled in the voice:
"Yo ho! Brother Chengchen! I still want to give you support."

Lin Cheng didn't hold back and almost laughed out loud.

From whom did the little assistant learn this yin and yang eccentricity?
How much resentment does this guy have?
This is your dear relative and friend from last year, so why don't you just raise your hand if they don't guarantee their starters?

The barrage of Chinese streams has been posted one after another. Taishanghuang is an actor, learn from Brother Zaozi not to pick up lanterns.

In fact, Teddy's operation is not a big problem. He will still be arrested if he fails to hand in the flash point of the lantern. After hesitating, Baige at least saves the double call.

The problem with this wave of Teddy is that he shouldn't run away from the support and go to the river to eat a fruit plate, just eat one or two fruits.

The teammate in the bottom lane played a kill, and Lin Cheng's Seti played more and more fiercely on top.

Due to the route of the strong wind, the noon quiver and pickaxe provided a considerable amount of attack in the early stage, and Jess would lose a lot of HP after being dragged by Seti with two punches.

There was an obvious gap in equipment between the two sides. If it wasn't for Sett's lack of flashes, Jess would have had an accident on the road.

Because of the upper-middle line advantage, Peanut took the lead in activating the 8-minute refresh vanguard under the cover of his teammates.

The red side didn't mean to come over to take a look, and let the pioneer go by default.

However, Brother Li still has a lot of experience, because the crocodile covers the teammate's vanguard card and completely obtained the right to push the line in the middle. After pushing the line card, he directly leans down.

At the moment when the warning of the death of the vanguard sounded, the card on the back of the red buff on the blue side activated the big move.

Due to the teammate's vanguard in the upper half, the KT duo deliberately chose to release the line. At this time, a large wave of soldiers was pushed in.

The cards fall into the blue square tower.

Riel wants to control the placement of the card with Iron Control.

But Keria was right next to him, and Thresh's E skill brushed Riel down in the air.

The card lands and the yellow card is dealt.

Brother Li's thinking was very clear, and he didn't care about the purified Kai'Sa.

Reel was stunned, and Thresh, who stepped back and pulled out of the tower, caught the hook just in time.

The three people in T1 had so much control, Riel couldn't move and was hooked by Xia again.

Effort also knew that he couldn't resist, so he showed a poro licking expression on the spot.

Brother Teddy, I still want to give you support.

Riel died suddenly under her own tower.

Zeyuan: "The big card move! The yellow card is for Riel, I know Riel didn't flash."

957: "Finally, the card's big move has found its rhythm. This hero doesn't need any operations, but it's very important to see the big picture."

Zeyuan sighed: "This is experience! Brother Li's card really has nothing to say about the situation. In fact, if it wasn't for the first wave of crocodile flashing E to interrupt the teleportation of fate, the card's first big move In fact, Sett has suffered a lot."

However, this wave is not over yet.

Just as the cards flew down, Chaowei's crocodile in the middle immediately leaned up after eating the line.

"Drizzer went down, Wang Hao came up to release the vanguard."

"I'm here, you can get a tower if you drive people away."

"The opposite field dares to defend and surpass, I have a big move."

In this wave of KT, the three upper middle and wild brothers are ready to avenge the small support, but T1 has no intention of defending the top lane.

The cards flew down, the opponent's jungler had just taken the vanguard, and Canna had already shrunk into the autistic grass under Cuzz's command.

You can say that Cuzz's operation is sometimes timid with spicy eyes, but the experience is indeed sufficient. When the crocodile in the middle is walking up, he knows that he can't defend the tower.

The three of KT crazily dismantled the tower.

The red side was also very decisive, and the card that was about to return to the middle lane turned back to the down lane.

They made an exchange.

Kai'Sa was driven away, and the plating of the blue Fangxia tower was also eaten madly.

"There are too many soldiers in the bottom lane, Zhixun went back to the middle lane to force Drizzt back."

The crocodile resolutely gave up the plan to continue sharing Tapi, turned around and ran to the middle.

But Cuzz's Udyr made up the line in time, and the card did not return to defense.

The pioneer above knocked down the first blood tower, and Lin Cheng and Xiao Huasheng didn't have time to defend the lower tower on the other side of the map, so they just continued to lead the pioneer towards the second tower.

Udyr, who finished filling the line in the middle, leaned over, and Jess finally defended the second tower that was installed by the pioneer.

And because there were too many red phalanx lines entering the tower just now, the blue phalanx tower, whose blood volume was not enough, was also pulled out by T1.

This wave of KT is not considered profitable.

Her support died once, and Kai'Sa lost a lot of soldiers.

It is equivalent to a wave of swaps between the two sides, and both Jess and Kai'Sa have become sacrificed points by the team.

Brother Li's big move and the subsequent decisive decision made KT's first vanguard not able to play a good offensive rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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