886 next time

After the interview was over, Lin Cheng went to the video game room to have fun with his teammates for a while, and they broke up after having their last meal before the New Year at the base.

The next day, Lin Cheng woke up being teased by his girlfriend.

In a daze, he only felt itchy on the tip of his nose, closed his eyes and rubbed his nose, and after a while, the itchy and crispy feeling came again.

Reluctantly opening her eyes, she saw Han Shuyan squatting beside the bed with a smile on her face. She kept brushing the tip of Lin Cheng's nose with the tip of her hair.

"Lazy pig, get up quickly! It's agreed that today you will take Enxi and Xiaoying to exercise in the morning."

Lin Cheng struggled to check his phone, "But it's only eight o'clock, it's still early, let me sleep for another two hours."

"Don't sleep anymore, you have to set a good example for Enxi."

Han Shuyan reached out and pinched Lin Cheng's nose, making Lin Cheng unable to breathe.

Forced to leave the comfort zone, Lin Cheng kicked off the quilt fiercely, and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms regardless of his girlfriend's exclamation, and whispered viciously in her ear:
"Stop trying to pick on your boyfriend in the morning, you'll pay for it."

"Ah Cheng~~~ Can you let go of my sister?"

Han Shuyan twisted her body and felt Lin Cheng's restlessness, and looked up at him pitifully.

"Just last night... don't mess up your clothes, my sister has to go to work."

Hearing his girlfriend's pitiful and coquettish tone, Lin Cheng couldn't hold back even more.

Don't blame him for not being up to date, it's because Sister Shuyan is too attractive.

The images of last night flashed in my mind.

She bit her lip and looked away shyly, frowning. Now that she thinks about it, Lin Cheng immediately feels that her crit is full.

Fortunately, Sister Shuyan wasn't wearing stockings this time, otherwise the attack speed would be full and Lin Cheng ordered to run away on the spot.

Lin Cheng leaned over to her hair, and said treacherously: "Sister Shuyan, don't go to work today, okay?"

"What are you talking about? This year's situation is special. There is a lot of work to be done in the two days before the holiday. How can I be lazy at this time?"

Han Shuyan rolled his eyes at him angrily, raised her head and kissed his cheek, "Be good! Let go of my sister, you go and ask Enxi to get up and exercise. The little girl has learned to sleep in like you during the recent holiday. "

Lin Cheng was also easy to coax, after being rewarded with a kiss, he still muttered reluctantly and got up.

"Hey! I also got up late today, so I can handle breakfast by myself. Don't forget Xiaotong, she is still sleeping, I guess she stayed up late last night."

Han Shuyan rewarded her boyfriend with another kiss, and hurried out.

The work of the General Affairs Office is like this. When you are free, you are really free, and you are really busy when you are in special circumstances.

After Lin Cheng took a long time to wash up, he ran to the opposite side and prepared to take the good baby Enxi to go out for exercise.

"Sister Shiyan, where's Enxi?"

"Still sleeping."

Zheng Shiyan is currently making breakfast in the kitchen in her pajamas with her long hair coiled up, Lin Cheng leaned over to take a look.

"Hey! Fried eggs and toast again?"

The tone was slightly disappointed.

Zheng Shiyan paused, "Actually, I occasionally make other breakfasts. Do you have soup in the morning?"

"Forget it."

Lin Cheng just mentioned it casually, and waved his hands indifferently, "I'm going to wake Enxi up! Don't prepare breakfast for us. I will take Enxi to eat delicious food after exercising on an empty stomach."

Zheng Shiyan was about to turn over the fried egg, and the shovel in her hand was slightly exerted.

Delicious... Enxi said that the best food is made by her mother.

In the bedroom, Enxi's little girl was still sleeping soundly wrapped in a quilt, half of her face was covered by the quilt, the little ball was extremely cute.

"Little lazy pig, wake up!"

Lin Cheng pushed Enxi's small body, and the little girl opened her eyes in a daze.


Nunuuo replied, the little girl opened her eyes and looked at Lin Cheng, still a little dazed.

When her little head came back to her senses, she stretched out her little hand and rubbed her eyes again.

"It's uncle."

Lin Cheng rubbed her little head, "Hurry up and get up! We agreed to do morning exercises with Xiaoying today, you two little girls are getting lazy during the holidays."

Enxi covered her small face with the quilt in embarrassment, and retorted in a low voice, "No! Enxi has not become lazy."

"Little lazy pig, did you still say no? Did you have any?"

"Giggle...no no no."

Lin Cheng smiled and lowered his head to touch Enxi's small forehead, making the little girl twist her body and giggle non-stop.

After playing around for a while, Enxi finally got out of bed awkwardly with her small body.

As a result, she quickly shrank back.

It still feels comfortable in the bed.

This scene made Lin Cheng want to laugh.

So real!

Lin Cheng seemed to see himself when he was lying in bed.



The little girl lifted the corner of the quilt beside her and patted the inside of the quilt.

"Uncle, do you want to sleep for a while?"

Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing.

When the little girl came to wake him up, he coaxed Enxi like this.

Lifting the quilt, the little girl would get in and sleep late with him, often needing Sister Shiyan or Sister Shuyan to urge her again.

The little girl was afraid that Lin Cheng would dislike the coldness of the bed, so she stretched out her short hand to measure the bed next to her.

"Mom's quilt is still hot inside, and it's still fragrant."


Lin Cheng deliberately asked back. Seeing the little girl nodding vigorously, Lin Cheng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"What are you thinking about with your little head? Get up quickly!"

This little girl actually thought that Lin Cheng would drill into her mother's bed!
Lin Cheng expressed injustice.

How can Brother Cheng be so wretched?


I'm not obscene at all.

Seeing the little girl struggling to get up, Lin Cheng walked out of the bedroom and took a look at the scenery outside, only to find that the glass door of the balcony was frozen, and he opened the door after a little effort.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Lin Cheng's nose almost froze off.

It’s so cold!

He took out his phone and checked the temperature.

It was minus ten degrees outside.

Gan!This is no joke.

It was warm inside.

The little girl has already come out, wearing her pajamas and stepping on the floor with her bare feet, looking up at Lin Cheng eagerly.

"Hurry up and get dressed, ready to go out and exercise."

The little girl lay down on the sofa and lowered her head reluctantly, "But it's so cold outside."

"We made an appointment with Xiaoying yesterday! The morning exercise is to overcome such small difficulties."

Enxi raised her head and smiled flatteringly, wriggling her little finger and said, "Just don't go today, okay? Enxi will definitely go to exercise tomorrow."

Lin Cheng wanted to laugh.

Is procrastination showing a trend of younger age?
Such a young girl has learned to be sure next time.

Sure enough, this is something engraved in human genes.

"Eunxi, uncle will tell you..."

Lin Cheng squatted down and patiently explained the truth to Enxi.

Seeing one big and one small discussing in style in the living room, Zheng Shiyan in the kitchen couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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