This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 887 Reason or something is not as effective as violence

Chapter 887 Reason or something is not as effective as violence
Lin Cheng reasoned. Although the little girl agreed to go out, she still looked aggrieved by her parents' will.

Zheng Shiyan brought out her own breakfast from the kitchen, and said with a straight face:
"Stop talking nonsense! Go get dressed, I'll beat you up later."


Seeing her mother's expression, the little girl quickly turned around and trotted into the bedroom.

Lin Cheng sighed.

Sure enough, reason or something is not as effective as violence.

Even for a sensible child like Enxi, violence is more deterrent.

But sister Shiyan, you make me look dumb like this.

Therefore, Lin Cheng tried to explain: "Sister Shiyan, we should be more patient with our children, and don't frighten Enxi at every turn, Enxi is so obedient."


Zheng Shiyan hummed casually, and elegantly bit the fried egg she had prepared.

"Hey! Are you listening? Let me tell you, children are not mentally sound, we can use love to accommodate them, and the way of education can't be so simple and rude."


Seeing that she was still indifferent, Lin Cheng emphasized his tone: "What do you know? Ms. Zheng Shiyan, we have fundamental differences on how to deal with Enxi, and I have to tell you..."

Halfway through, Zheng Shiyan looked over with a blank expression.

You talk too much nonsense.

Lin Cheng saw these words from her face.

So, he shut up.

I am too stupid to ride a horse!

Trying to reason with a woman.

Thinking of something, Zheng Shiyan put the fried egg on her plate to Lin Cheng's mouth.

"Try the taste."


Lin Cheng didn't know why, so he took a bite.

"what about the taste?"


With Lin Cheng's approval, Zheng Shiyan nodded, lowered her head and settled for her breakfast seriously.

Lin Cheng was a little puzzled.

Did she mind so much just because she accidentally said that breakfast was fried eggs and bread again?

The little girl finally changed her clothes, and walked around in front of Lin Cheng twice when she came out.

It wasn't until Lin Cheng praised her little padded jacket that Enxi covered her mouth and laughed.

"Goodbye Mom."

"Sister Shiyan, let's go first, so we don't have to save breakfast for us."

After saying goodbye to Zheng Shiyan, Lin Cheng led Enxi out of the house.

After going down the apartment building, Lin Cheng couldn't help covering his collar.

Ten degrees below zero is no joke, it is very cold indeed.

Even though I wore a mask on my face, the cold wind in the morning still hit my face.

"Is Enxi cold?"

"not cold."

The child is full of energy. Although I was trying to use the excuse of the cold weather to make sure next time at home, the little girl is full of energy when I go out.

Taking small steps and bouncing around at Lin Cheng's feet, Enxi raised her chest and looked full of energy.

Seeing with his own eyes that little girl who was shy back then became lively little by little by his side, Lin Cheng felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

The two went to pick Xiaoying up, but the girl was also sleeping late. It was already half past nine when Lin Cheng brought the two little girls to the playground near the community.

When she arrived at the sports field, the first thing Xiaoying did was to check her Pokémon card book.

"Is my Pokémon card okay?"

"It's okay, just dropped it on the ground, it won't break."

Recently, this girl has become obsessed with collecting Pokémon cards. Yesterday, she got a new card that is said to be very precious, and keeps it in her card book with other cards. She is so precious that she has to take it with her even for morning exercises.

On the road just now, Xiaoying accidentally fell to the ground while waving the card book in desperation, the girl felt very distressed.

Lin Cheng's consolation did not reassure Xiaoying, she put the card book on the bench beside the sports field against the cold wind and carefully checked page by page.

There was obviously a wind blowing, but she stretched out her little hands and flipped through the pages of the card book, as if she was not afraid of the cold at all.

The status quo of stuck people.

Enxi pouted her little butt and looked curiously at the side.

Lin Cheng patted her on the head, "Doesn't Enxi also like Pikachu? Would you like to try collecting Pokémon cards too? It's actually very interesting to draw cards. Uncle still has old cards at home."

The little girl shook her head, expressing that she preferred Pikachu dolls to cards.

Lin Cheng's tone changed immediately, "Our Enxi is still promising, and Pokémon cards are really meaningless."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng still didn't forget to look down on Xiaoying girl who was concentrating on checking the card book.

"Xiaoying, have you checked yet? It's time for us to exercise."


After finally confirming that the card she got yesterday was safe, girl Xiaoying carefully put the card book into the protective case, while explaining to the two of them in a murmur.

"I'm going to cry if this new card doesn't work."

As if feeling that this description was not appropriate enough, Xiaoying added: "Really! I will pass out."

Lin Cheng nearly died laughing at this description.

You didn't faint from crying, I'm afraid you fainted from laughing first.

After Xiaoying put away the card book, Lin Cheng started the warm-up exercise with the two little girls.

At this point in time, there was no one on the sports field. It was a rubber turf the size of a basketball court. There were two football goals on each side, and two basketball hoops hung directly on the goals. It was a typical multi-purpose area.

Fortunately, although Korean aunts also like to join in the fun, they mostly get together to chat and worship, and there is no situation where square dances occupy the sports field.

In this way, there will be no notice posted at the door: This is a place for square dancing, and basketball and football are prohibited.

The two girls did a simple warm-up, and then began to jog in circles under Lin Cheng's supervision.

"Come on! Run five laps to warm up your body, Xiaoying will take the lead."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the girl Xiaoying hurriedly walked on her short legs, shouting and shouting, and Enxi tried her best to follow behind.

But after all, he is a child, and Xiaoying, the leader, started to be lazy after the first lap.

Originally, a lap around half of the basketball court was counted, but Xiaoying ran in a smaller and smaller circle at the beginning of the second lap, and finally ran around the small penalty area of ​​the basketball court.

"Uncle! We're done running!"

Looking at the red faces of the two girls, Lin Cheng didn't expose them, and clapped his hands to encourage them.

"It's great! Jiang Xiaoying and Zheng Enxi children, next uncle will teach you a set of Wang Baquan, look forward to it!"

After speaking, Lin Cheng began to gesture.

"Remember, boxing is fine for fitness, but don't box on the Internet when you grow up."

Although they didn't know what Lin Cheng's words meant, the two little girls still followed suit in a decent manner.

It is said to be Wang Baquan, but it is actually some basic boxing routines. Lin Cheng also practiced it while exercising.

When I was practicing boxing, some interesting things happened.

Lin Cheng was really good at fighting. All the boxing coaches in the gym were not enough for him to fight. In the end, the coaches said they were embarrassed to charge him for tuition.

But Lin Cheng fights so well purely because of his quick reflexes. As long as the opponent doesn't engage in sneak attacks, it is basically difficult to hit him. On the contrary, he can kill with his moves.

Lin Cheng even secretly resented that the cheating came too late, and suffered too much from not having the current reaction when he was a child.

If he was a child again, he would definitely lose all the medical insurance money his mother had prepared for him, and he wouldn't have to go back every time with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and let his mother tease him for being beaten to subsidize the family.

(End of this chapter)

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