This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 889 Full Attack Speed

Chapter 889 Full Attack Speed

Taking the two little girls back to the living room for breakfast, Lin Cheng found that there were only bacon and eggs in the sandwich that Xiaoying hadn't finished eating, and no green vegetables could be seen.

Xiaoying nervously stood beside Lin Cheng, trying to block the trash can with her small body, trying to prevent Lin Cheng from discovering the vegetables she had thrown in it.

Enxi also stood aside as a human wall, stammering and talking about him, trying to help his little partner cover up the evidence.

Lin Cheng almost died laughing.

He reached out and rubbed his two little heads, "Okay! Forget it this time, Xiaoying will eat more vegetables in the future."

"Yeah! Uncle is the best."

"That's right, uncle is the best."

The two girls immediately became happy and flattered Lin Cheng.

The three of them were having breakfast, and Xiao Tong, who had been dawdling, finally came out.

The moment Lin Cheng saw the little wife, he almost spit out the milk from his mouth.

Xiao Tong changed out of her pajamas and wore a thin light-colored T-shirt with hot pants. Under the hot pants, her slender legs were wrapped in white stockings.

Relatively speaking, fewer girls wear white silk stockings, because white makes the legs thicker and reveals the shape of the legs. Girls with good-looking legs must wear white silk stockings to gain points.

Xiao Tong's legs are a little on the thin side, and the white stockings are very suitable.

Pure yet sexy.

Seeing Lin Cheng's eyes, Xiao Tong made a special turn around.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

Lin Cheng rubbed his nose and couldn't bear to move his eyes away.

Sister Shuyan stacked critical strikes for me early in the morning, you can stack this for me with attack speed, right?
The two little girls were very supportive, yelling while stuffing food into their mouths.

"Looking good! Sister Hitomi is so beautiful."

"Xiaoying will also look as beautiful as sister Tong in the future."

Xiao Tong happily patted the two little heads, sat down and rummaged through the snacks, and asked Lin Cheng casually:
"Why don't you talk? Isn't it good-looking?"

"Uh~~~ It's pretty, but it's not appropriate to wear it like this today?"

"Anyway, if you don't wear it outside, the temperature at home is not cold even if you don't wear it."


Lin Cheng nodded, and said slyly: "Actually, you don't have to wear it, I don't mind."

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Tong rolled his eyes at him, picked up a piece of cheesecake and stuffed it into his mouth.

Passing the milk prepared next to the little wife, Lin Cheng was curious: "Hey! Are you really not going back for the Spring Festival this year?"

Originally, Lin Cheng's plan for the second half of the year was to wait for the epidemic to subside, and he would take his two wives home for the New Year and show his mother his daughter-in-law.

As a result, I didn't expect that the epidemic would not be alleviated at all, and now I still have to be quarantined when entering or leaving the country.

However, the middle of the LCK schedule is only more than ten days of the Spring Festival holiday. Lin Cheng really wants to go back and even the next round of the spring split will start before the quarantine is over.

Although KT can also temporarily transfer someone from the second team to help Lin Cheng for a few games temporarily, but as the captain, Lin Cheng does not think such a move is appropriate.

Just like Mr. Sun may delay the game because of returning home, but IG's captain Rookie will definitely not miss the game because of things like going home for the New Year.

This is the responsibility of being a captain.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's mother was very sad when she heard that her son would not come back this year.

Of course, my mother didn't feel sorry for him, but just felt sorry for not being able to see her daughter-in-law.

Lin Cheng still has this bit of compulsion.

Hearing Lin Cheng's question, Xiao Tong waved his hands nonchalantly, "I won't come back! I'll be suffocated to death after going back and forth for so long."

"Doesn't your family talk about it?"

"Yes, but what can be done about this situation?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Why don't you go back to celebrate the New Year? By the way, go to Sichuan and help me visit my mother."


Xiao Tong was taken aback.

"Let me tell you, my mother wants to see her daughter-in-law crazy, but sister Shuyan and I can't go back. Anyway, you have nothing to do when you go home for the New Year and help me take a look."

Originally it was just a casual suggestion, but Lin Cheng suddenly felt that it seemed a little plausible.

"Stop coming, your mother wants to read books, why did Sister Yan ask me to visit for you?"

"Hey! What my mother wants to see is my daughter-in-law, and you are my daughter-in-law too."

Lin Cheng hugged his little wife with a smile, and leaned forward shamelessly, wanting to give her a kiss.

Xiao Tong stretched out his hand to press his face, pouted in disgust: "Go to hell! You have a good idea."

She said so, but there was a moment of hesitation in her mind.

How about... help him?
After all, mother and child love each other deeply.

Hmm~~~ It's just a small favor among friends.

But is his mother getting along well?

If I can't cook well, will his mother dislike me?

yeah?What am I thinking?
I don't want to help him.

That's not my mother.

and many more!What's the matter with my mother?

let me be quiet.

Tomatoes, Bananas, Potatoes, Pig's Knuckles, Li Lei, Han Meimei, Midnight Ghost, Jedi King Kong vs. Godzilla·······

Inexplicably, all kinds of strange things quickly emerged in Xiao Tong's mind.

Not knowing the entanglement in the little wife's heart, Lin Cheng curled his lips indifferently after being rejected.

Looking down and seeing the little girl looking straight at him, Lin Cheng laughed.

"Sister Tong doesn't give uncle a kiss, but Enxi comes to give uncle a kiss."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng grabbed the little girl and kissed Mua on her chubby cheek.

Enxi twisted her body and giggled.

Seeing this, Xiao Tong, who had finished shutting down, simply kissed Xiaoying too.

The girl Xiaoying twitched all of a sudden, shrunk to the chair and sipped milk, burying her whole face in the cup.

Afterwards, Lin Cheng stopped molesting the little wife, and the two of them had a meal happily talking and laughing.

Hmm~~~ Lin Cheng occasionally couldn't help admiring his little wife's beautiful legs.

Don't get me wrong, he's seen too much pantyhose, he's just a little curious about the lace on the stockings.

That's it.

After breakfast, it was already half past ten. Originally, Lin Cheng said he would take the two little girls out to play, but considering that the weather outside was really not suitable for playing, he and Xiao Tong just stayed at home with the two girls to watch animations.

After eating takeaway at noon, the two little girls were arguing to play with the husky boy, so Lin Cheng could only send them to Xiaoying's house.

Entrusting the two girls to Xiaoying's mother to take care of them, Lin Cheng had nothing to do when he returned to the apartment, so he just watched TV in the living room with his little wife.

"Hey! Find a movie to watch? This variety show is not good."

"What are you looking at? Find the remote control for yourself."

"Okay! I'll find something exciting, let's watch it together."

Just as he handed over the remote control, Xiao Tong immediately became vigilant when he heard Lin Cheng's words.

"No! No porn movies allowed!"


Lin Cheng was speechless.

Is this the image of me in your heart?

Still, the proposal seemed attractive.

But after glancing at the young wife's beautiful white silk legs and the lace lace on the top of the socks under her thighs, Lin Cheng felt something was wrong.

Forget it.

The little wife's attack speed is full now, and I'm afraid Brother Cheng won't be able to hold on to something too exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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