Chapter 890 Later
Seeing Lin Cheng's hesitation for a moment, Xiao Tong was even more sure that Lin Cheng, an old woman, wanted to watch 19 banned movies.

Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's inattention, she quickly snatched the remote control back.

"I'm not going to watch the movie anymore, just find a station and watch it."

"Okay, okay, just be happy."

Lin Cheng was too lazy to fight for the remote control with his little wife, and lay on the sofa watching Xiao Tong keep changing channels, bored.

Xiao Tong sat cross-legged on the mat on the floor, rummaging through the channels one by one.

Finally, she found a channel dedicated to replaying variety shows and stopped, and it happened to be playing a show that Jiyan participated in before.

"Hey! Do you want to watch this?"


"Yeah? You've already accepted other people's dowry, so don't you care about it?"

Lin Cheng stuck out his head with a smile, and leaned in front of Xiao Tong, "What's the matter? Are you jealous?"

"I'll eat you big-headed ghost."

Xiao Tong rolled his eyes and gave Lin Cheng a heartwarming punch.

Lin Cheng leaned out halfway from the sofa, and when he saw the little wife Fen fist approaching, he subconsciously tried to hide, but he couldn't control his center of gravity, and rolled off the sofa with a bang.

Seeing Lin Cheng baring his teeth, Xiao Tong laughed happily.

"Let you sit all day long, you deserve it!"

Lin Cheng crawled back to the sofa while rubbing his buttocks, and said with a smile: "It's okay! If I can make you laugh, I'm willing to fall a few more times."

Xiao Tong pouted, a little bit unable to stand him.

This guy teased her suddenly out of nowhere, Xiao Tong was a little embarrassed.

"You guys are really... you can tell Sister Shuyan about this."

Lin Cheng pretended to think, "Well~~~ What you said is also reasonable, I will tell Sister Shuyan again later."

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Tong picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it over.

"Yeah? You even eat sister Shuyan's jealousy?"

"You fart! No."

"Look, hurry up."

Lin Cheng giggled, this unscrupulous look was really a bit embarrassing.

Xiao Tong was short of breath.

With a cold snort, she turned her head to look at the screen and ignored Lin Cheng.

Being left out by his concubine, Lin Cheng felt very bored, so he could only honestly follow the variety shows on TV.

In fact, the show premiered two months ago, and Zhiyan also posted a message on social platforms that Lin Cheng was in Shanghai to participate in the World Championship.

Although he hypocritically stated on INS that he had watched the show with special support, in fact he didn't watch it at all.

Just to make it up this time, at least the cloud audience must be qualified.

Lin Cheng previously claimed on his INS that he had watched the show over and over again, and praised the show's interesting behavior. It was almost like LPL viewers who had never watched the game blindly followed the rhythm on the Internet.

Hmm~~~ As opposed to Sister Shuigui, can Brother Cheng also call himself Brother Crown?

No, isn't Guan Zeyuan ecstatic?
On the show, Lin Cheng also discovered an old acquaintance. The host Jin Minna, who resigned from LCK last year, happened to join the host lineup of this variety show.

At the beginning of the show, Zhiyan laughed and felt that she was the youngest of the team, the only [-]th generation, and gave her sisters a critical blow.

Xiao Tong is also cheerful, and it is very interesting to watch.

"It's so cute! Miss Jiyeon is usually so cute?"

"Cute? How many years older than you, isn't that an appropriate description?"

"What does being cute have to do with age? You're such a boring guy."

Compared to being cute, Lin Cheng thinks that Zhiyan is more aptly described as a silly, that is, a good-looking silly.

Lin Cheng never figured out why Zhiyan, who was so sexy on stage, would be so naive in private?

At the beginning, Lin Cheng, who lost to the collapse in the double row, approached her to quarrel, but in the end, Zhiyan's silly laughter was distracted, and finally the two of them laughed together inexplicably.

The program actually recorded the daily life and work life of the guests. Zhiyan and the three sisters of the same team starred in the work schedule part.

In the part of life, I invited my friend IU to play. The friendship between the two was forged in a show ten years ago.

What's funny is that when the program team introduced the friendship between the two, it was all pictures of Ji Yeon bullying IU.

Because Jiyan is not weak in Taekwondo, IU can't resist and has been bullied all the time. In the end, she only left a ruthless sentence without confidence:

Because I am kind, you will be safe and sound.

And Jiyeon cursed IU for not growing tall ten years ago, but IU really didn't grow taller afterwards.

As a fan of IU, Xiao Tong was very happy watching the show.

On the other hand, Lin Cheng wasn't very focused, he kept twisting and turning on the sofa, watching TV and then turned his head to admire his little wife's beautiful white silk legs for a while.

Feeling the guy's restless gaze, Xiao Tong put the pillow on his lap.

"Watch TV! Don't move around like a maggot."

"What does it mean to be like a maggot???"

Lin Cheng felt that he had been insulted.

My shame will linger unless you remove the pillow.

"Okay! I'm too lazy to talk about you. If you have nothing to do, go make me a cup of iced coffee."

"It's not good to drink ice water when it's so cold, how about I warm it up for you?"

"No! I want to drink ice."

"Is your aunt not here? This is no joke."

"Go to hell!"

After another pillow, Lin Cheng quickly surrendered, got up and ran to help make coffee.

Coffee making is also simple. Just throw the coffee capsules into the coffee machine and you can operate it with one click. Although the taste is not as good as freshly ground coffee, it is still much better than instant coffee.

Lin Cheng brought the coffee over, sat on the floor and watched Xiao Tong take a small sip of the coffee.

"Hiss~~~ refreshing."

"Is it good to drink? Give me a whole sip too."

Lin Cheng himself doesn't know how to drink iced coffee in winter, but he wants to try it when he sees Xiao Tong.

"I have to drink it myself."

"No, I just want to drink from your glass."

Lin Cheng was shameless, although Xiao Tong couldn't help complaining, he still handed over the cup.

In the past, she might still be disgusted, but now there are many more intimate behaviors, and Xiao Tong doesn't bother to mind this guy using his own cup.

After Lin Cheng took a sip, his facial features couldn't help but wrinkle into balls.

The bitter iced coffee goes from the mouth all the way to the stomach, it is so cold that it is transparent.

"It's so cold! Is this thing for people to drink?"

"You don't understand, drinking iced coffee in winter is twice as refreshing."

"Hey! You can still be self-willed while you are young, but when you get older, you should be obedient and drink hot coffee."


Xiao Tong couldn't stand him a little bit, "Why are you getting older? You guys speak well."

"Forget it! In the future... Maybe you will kick me after you have played enough, and I will not be able to control you at that time."

"Who is going to kick you? Really..."

Xiao Tong was furious and reached out to hit Lin Cheng.

The corner of Lin Cheng's mouth raised, and he hugged Xiao Tong's shoulder with a smile.

"Hey! We agreed, don't kick Brother Cheng."

After a pause, Lin Cheng hurriedly added: "Of course, it won't work if you kill Brother Cheng."

(End of this chapter)

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