Chapter 893 Family
When Lin Cheng went to pick up the little girl, he found that Xiaoying's house was in a mess, and Xiaoying and Husky Hanzi were being punished.

One person and one dog were thinking about their past in the hallway facing the wall, Xiaoying had a small porcelain bowl on her head, and Hanzai had a dog food bowl on her head.

"Don't move, the bowl will fall and you will look good."

Jiang Subin supervised behind with a straight face, while Enxi was holding her little hands pitifully trying to say a good word for her little friend.

"Auntie, can you forgive Xiaoying? Xiaoying won't do it next time."

It's a pity that it's useless. Xiaoying's mother has a lot of experience teaching her daughter and the dog, and she doesn't soften her heart at all.

It turned out that in the afternoon when Xiaoying's mother went out to buy something, the girl Xiaoying and Hanzai teamed up to demolish the house.

Fortunately, Enxi couldn't persuade her friends and didn't get along with her, that's why Lin Cheng saw this scene.

Lin Cheng originally planned to take the two girls back to have dinner together, but now he had no choice but to leave Xiaoying behind and take Enxi away.

The little girl still refused to leave, holding her little friend pitifully.

On the contrary, Xiaoying stretched out her hand to hold the bowl on top of her head stubbornly, and shouted at her mother, "Enxi, leave me alone, Xiaoying is not afraid! Mom can't scare me."

Jiang Subin sneered, "You're not afraid, are you? Then add another 5 minutes."

"Mom, you are lying."

Xiaoying was so angry that her pigtails were about to stand on end, she took down the small bowl on top of her head and was about to throw it on the ground.

Xiaoying's mother said calmly: "An extra 10 minutes will be added if the bowl falls on the floor."

Now Xiaoying didn't lose it, she felt ashamed if she didn't lose it, and she froze all of a sudden.

Lin Cheng almost died laughing, and pretended to beg Xiaoying for love.

The result was of course useless, he could only pat Xiaoying on the shoulder.

"Uncle has already done everything that should be done. Xiaoying needs to reform herself and strive to come out as soon as possible."

The brave Xiaoying nodded vigorously, put the bowl on her head again, and looked like a martyr: "Enxi, you go first, let's play together tomorrow."

Lin Cheng held back his laughter, and pulled the reluctant Enxi out the door.

As soon as the door was closed, there was a bang.

"Mom! The foolish bowl has dropped."


This little girl is very funny.

Lin Cheng held Enxi's little hand while walking back and kept comforting him, finally letting the little girl throw away her unnecessary worries.

After going back, I found that the living room had been tidied up, Xiaotong's quilt was also put away, and even the cushions on the floor went to nowhere.

Lin Cheng secretly laughed, Xiao Tong was making too much of a fuss.

But the little wife still closed the door in the bedroom and couldn't come out.

Lin Cheng and the little girl shouted at the top of their voices in the living room.

"Xiao Tong, come out quickly, let's discuss what to eat tonight? Order in advance so that we can start eating when Sister Shuyan and Sister Shiyan come back."

"What is sister Tong doing? Enxi is back."

Finally, Xiao Tong, unable to hide, came out.

Lin Cheng was observing the dinner menu in the living room, and the little girl was drooling at the various dishes on the screen.

Lin Cheng smiled and shook the tablet in his hand, "Come here! See what you want to eat, let's eat something good today."

"You can order whatever you want."

Now just seeing Lin Cheng and Xiaotong couldn't help being shy, and she casually replied and sat on the side, pretending to watch TV.

Anyway, just don't look at Lin Cheng's eyes.

Lin Cheng threw the tablet to the little girl, and flirted with Xiao Tong, who was still cheap, and looked at her legs under her hot pants:

"Hmm~~~ It still looks good with the stockings off."

"Go to hell."

Xiao Tong punched him angrily, but still didn't dare to meet his gaze.

What a thick-skinned Lin Cheng, after making jokes, Xiao Tong finally became less restrained.

After five o'clock, Han Shuyan came back.

"Huh? Why did the cushions get put away?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tong suddenly became nervous, and stammered: "Well, I washed the mat... After all, it's the Spring Festival soon."

Lin Cheng almost couldn't hold back at the side.

The little wife's guilty conscience is too cute.

Seeing Lin Cheng sniggering, Xiao Tong gritted his teeth angrily.

hateful!It's obviously this guy's fault, why does he still act like he has nothing to do with him?

Han Shuyan didn't think much about it, "Chinese New Year is coming soon, we should also prepare some New Year's goods, and Xiao Tong will go to the supermarket with me later?"

"What about me? I'm going too."

"Eunxi is going too."

Han Shuyan smiled and patted Enxi's little head, "All right, all right! Of course we have to prepare the New Year's goods together as a family."

The little girl grinned innocently, and Han Shuyan's heart melted at that cute look.

Hearing Han Shuyan's words, Xiao Tong felt a little uncomfortable.


Lin Cheng thought for a while: "That's right! I know there is a Chinese restaurant that sells sausages. Let's go buy some Cantonese sausages this year! You Cantonese seem to be used to eating sausages during the Chinese New Year, right?"

"Didn't you say that dogs don't eat Cantonese sausage?"

"Ouch! Isn't Brother Cheng letting you go?"

Lin Cheng smiled and put his arms around Xiao Tong's shoulders, "When you go back to Sichuan with Brother Cheng next year, you will have a chance to eat Sichuan-style sausage."

Being hugged in front of Han Shuyan, Xiao Tong suddenly tensed up and panicked.

This guy!

Sister Shuyan is still here.

Will Sister Shuyan think too much?

what should I do?
Give him a punch?
right!Give him a punch!
Xiao Tong clenched her fist belatedly, thinking about where to punch it.

In the end, Lin Cheng let go of Miss Xiao Tong before she could strike her hard, squatted down and put his arms around the little girl and asked about the New Year's gift that Enxi wanted.

After a while, Zheng Shiyan also left work.

The little girl threw herself into her mother's arms happily and told about the experience of watching Xiaoying demolish the house today. By the way, she also punched the bastard fist that Lin Cheng taught in the morning, which made everyone laugh.

The takeaway ordered in advance was just delivered, and a group of people sat around the living room and ate dinner noisily.

Because of the experience in the afternoon, the little wife was still a little shy, and ignored Lin Cheng's provocations at the table, and stayed by Han Shuyan's side all the time.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's treacherous eyes couldn't stop looking around.

I can't blame him, I can only say that Brother Cheng has a pair of eyes that are good at appreciating beauty.

Sister Shuyan is perfect for Lin Cheng in terms of appearance and figure, no matter how you look at it, you will never get tired of it.

Just had some exciting fun with my little wife in the afternoon, the carefree Xiao Tong suddenly became shy, but Lin Cheng couldn't help but want to tease her.

And Zheng Shiyan's dress also catches Lin Cheng's attention.

After she came back, Sister Shiyan had not changed out of her white professional attire. The charm of 36D was unstoppable. The slender legs under the hip-covering skirt were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, which looked elegant and charming.

Lin Cheng also secretly compared the beautiful legs of sister Shiyan and Xiao Tong. Relatively speaking, sister Shiyan's legs are not so thin, but they are very well-proportioned. Her height of 173 makes her long legs look extremely sexy.

"This year is very lively."

Thinking of spending New Year's Eve alone last year, Lin Cheng suddenly felt that this year seemed to be a good one.

Although I can't go home for the New Year, I won't be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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