This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 894 Dalin Chinatown

Chapter 894 Dalin Chinatown

After dinner, a group of people went out to buy new year's goods lively.

Since they wanted to buy sausages, everyone's destination today was Dalin Chinatown.

Affected by the epidemic, the flow of people in Dalin has also decreased a lot. People wearing masks don't look like they are here to buy New Year's goods, but rather like to visit the night market.

Many Chinese people live in Dalin, the Northeast and Shandong have the most people, and the streets are full of signs with various Chinese characters.

There are Yanbian specialties, the famous Lanzhou ramen, and the Chinese signboard that says authentic American California beef noodles.

There are also small storefronts with a minimalist decoration style that say purchasing cosmetics on the signboard, and the slogan on the door is simple and straightforward: Customs clearance is included, and the time limit is 7-10 days.

Coming here has a feeling of visiting the old streets of Chengdu. Lin Cheng feels that it has the same fireworks atmosphere as when he went to the market during the Chinese New Year when he was a child.

"This handmade dumpling looks really good, Auntie! Did you make it yourself?"

Han Shuyan tried to communicate with the boss at a booth, but unfortunately the boss couldn't understand Korean, so Xiao Tong quickly started to translate.

Except for Koreans, many Chinese here in Dalin do not understand Korean, and everyone communicates in Chinese or sign language.

"We are handmade Northeast dumplings, which are much better than your machine-made dumplings."

While Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong were filling the bag with dumplings, the stall owner was still trying to prove that there was a reason why her dumplings were more expensive than supermarkets.

Lin Cheng had a good chat with this enthusiastic aunt.

"Auntie, where are you from?"

"I'm from Liaoning."

"So coincidentally?"

"Hey! My fellow, are you from Liaoning too?"

"No, I'm from Sichuan."

"Haha! Boy, you are so interesting, do you have a girlfriend?"

Lin Cheng hugged the little girl happily, "Here! My daughter is already here."

"Is your child so old? Oh, yo! So cute."

The little girl was hugged in Lin Cheng's arms in a daze, her eyes were wide open and she didn't know what Lin Cheng was talking about.

"This guy is talking nonsense again. He said Enxi is his daughter."

Xiao Tong hurriedly filed a complaint, causing Lin Cheng to roll his eyes.

The little girl huddled in Lin Cheng's arms in embarrassment, her little hands tightly wrapped around Lin Cheng's neck, and she couldn't help but sneak a glance at her mother.

"Come down quickly and go by yourself."

The little girl quickly buried her head on Lin Cheng's neck, pretending not to hear her mother's words.

"Come down, mom will give you money to buy delicious food."

Hearing this, Enxi's heart was moved immediately, and she coyly asked Lin Cheng to put her down.

The aroma of various snacks on the street is mixed together, which is very tempting for children.

Zheng Shiyan took out a piece of 10,000 Korean won and stuffed it into the little girl's hand, "Hey! Buy anything you want, but it's only [-] yuan. Buy it yourself."


The little girl grabbed the banknotes tightly, and stared eagerly at the Bozai cake next door for a while.

The stall owner's aunt is still weighing the dumplings. The little girl grabbed the glass cabinet next door with her short legs, raised her head and said timidly:
"Eun Hee wants this."

The stall owner who sold Bozai Cake happened to be able to speak Korean, and said cheerfully, "This is 1000 yuan for two, how many do you want?"

Enxi turned around to look at her mother and Lin Cheng who were staring at her, counted carefully with her little finger, and then waved the banknotes in her hand.

"Five! Enxi wants five."

The stall owner quickly put five bowl cakes in a box and handed them over, and then returned the change.

The little girl first tiptoed to put the box of Bozai Cake next to the glass cabinet, took the 7500 won recovered by the stall owner with both hands, and counted carefully.

It's a pity that this girl is not good at counting, and she didn't know if she was right or not after counting for a long time.

She can't even add and subtract two-digit numbers, not to mention the face value of Korean won.

One 5000 banknote, two 1000 banknotes, and one 500 coin, the little girl froze and counted for quite a while.

Everyone watched Enxi count the money with suppressed smiles.

When she found out that she was being watched, the little girl felt embarrassed, put Qian Baobao's money into her pocket, and then clapped her hands.

"Enxi counted, it's right."

"Is it true? How much is ten thousand minus seven thousand five?"

"Ah~~~~ this... this..."

Hearing her mother's questioning, the little girl held her little hands and stammered.

Everyone couldn't hold back their laughter at last.

The little girl knew that she had made a joke, she pouted her mouth and stood on tiptoe to take back the box of Bozai Cake and handed it to Lin Cheng.

"Uncle, eat."

Lin Cheng rubbed Enxi's little head, took a bowl cake and took a bite.

"Wow! What Enxi buys is delicious."

The little girl grinned happily, and distributed the rest of the cakes to her sisters and mother one by one.

After experiencing the joy of spending money by herself, the little girl stretched her neck to observe the whole process, thinking about what to buy next time.

It's a pity that the remaining 7500 is too little. After finding out that a box of siu mai costs 6000, the little girl was too frightened to spend money recklessly.

I want to buy everything, but I just refuse to spend the money.

"Hey! There are durians here."

Xiao Tong asked about the taste of durian from a distance, and teased her sinisterly.

"Sister Shuyan, buy some durians and let Lin Cheng kneel down. This guy makes mistakes all the time."

Lin Cheng sneered twice, staring at the little wife's legs meaningfully.

"Successful! I'll show you how to open a durian with bare hands when I buy it back. How about you show me how to step on a durian with your feet?"

Noticing Lin Cheng's gaze, and remembering that this guy got that thing on her feet this afternoon, Xiao Tong became flustered all of a sudden.

hateful!This guy looks really wretched.

She didn't dare to provoke dissension anymore, and even couldn't help buckling her toes quietly in her shoes.

The price of fruit in South Korea is relatively high. Durian is hard to find in other places, but the price in Daelim is actually similar to that in China.

This is an amazing point, many high-priced fruits and vegetables are actually very cheap here.

However, everyone didn't like the taste of durian, so they didn't plan to prepare other New Year's goods except sausages and handmade dumplings.

Even so, when Lin Cheng returned to the city, his hands were still full of bags.

A part of it was cooked food for supper, braised pig's trotters, pork ribs, etc., and a whole pig's ear.

Lin Cheng likes to eat stewed pig ears, but Koreans don't eat them, so the price of pig ears in Korea is very low.

You can buy one stewed pig ear in Daelim Chinatown for 2000 won. If you change this price to domestic ones, you have to wonder if there is a problem with the pig ear.

In addition, it was all snacks bought for Enxi's little girl.

The little girl was so picky about the money that she refused to spend it, but she felt very distressed by Lin Cheng.

Later, Enxi would buy everything he looked at twice, and was going to take it back for the little girl to eat slowly.

However, Ms. Zheng Shiyan believes that Lin Cheng's doting on Enxi has caused troubles in her daughter's education.

Originally, she gave Enxi 10,000 yuan to let the little girl try to arrange it by herself, but Lin Cheng's behavior like this was a slap in the face to her.

On the way back, Zheng Shiyan talked a lot.

But she talked a lot, and she was always teaching Lin Cheng a lesson.

Lin Cheng didn't dare to go against the stern Zheng Shiyan, and obediently received the scolding with a low eyebrow.

Enxi took Lin Cheng by the corner of his clothes and followed him to receive criticism and education. This style of painting made Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong laugh so hard that their stomachs ached.

(End of this chapter)

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