Chapter 912
In this round, KT's lineup can pull frontally with double Poke in the middle and wild. Lin Cheng's Qing Gangying can not only lead the line from the side, but also follow his teammates to find opportunities to fight in groups. The game method is more flexible.

And DK's lineup is much simpler and rougher, and it's over just to open up the group and create opportunities for Samira to enter the field.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main line Resolute: Grasp of Indestructibility, Shield Slam, Skeleton Plating, Overgrowth, and the secondary line Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

Green Steel Shadow can bring the Conqueror to normal tank cornerstone runes, but it is more comfortable to play the Grip of the Undying with the barrel, otherwise the recovery will not be able to keep up with the consumption of the barrel.

While the game started to load, the players from both sides were communicating before the match.

Little Peanut: "How does Lin Cheng fight this round? Do you want me to come up and cover?"

Lin Cheng: "No need! I'll be more steady, you blue open and let the duo go to grab the line."

Entering the game, the two sides start the game in parallel river positions.

Beryl took advantage of the opportunity when the middle and wild sides greeted each other near the river, touched the red buff grass partition wall of the blue side in front of the bull's head, and inserted an eye into the buff pit.

Effort also had no intention of making a move to keep Tai Tan, and watched Tai Tan leave.

"There should be eyes here, you come here to gain experience, I will open the scanning row."

"Don't scan! Save it for now, we'll grab the line and go to the middle lane later to see if there is a chance."

Leaving Little Peanut alone, Lin Cheng went online with the little soldiers, and immediately the little A soldiers began to accumulate indestructible.

Qinggangying will definitely lose if he hits the wine barrel at the first level, Lin Cheng is going to see Brother Han's reaction first.

In fact, if many heroes can develop peacefully with the barrel in the early stage, it is acceptable, but the nausea of ​​the barrel is disgusting because he can repeatedly consume to interfere with the opponent's development.

The opponent's development is delayed, and many carry heroes are not equipped to form a team and are not as powerful as the barrel.

A toad doesn't bite, but he is disgusting.

The same is true for wine barrels.

After Brother Hanzi came up, the little soldier A also created the Immortal Grip, and Qing Gangying made a gesture to punch out the Immortal in his hand.

If Lin Cheng is allowed to A first to use the passive shield, this wave of blood barrels will definitely lose money, so Brother Hanzi learns the E skill for a second with the skills he still has, and turns around and runs away after hitting indestructible.

The Qinggang Shadow Skeleton coating blocked the damage of the immortal basic attack, but the damage received was not much.

Lin Cheng immediately learned W with a backhand, adjusted his tactics to sweep the outer edge and accurately scraped the retreating wine barrel, and then pressed Qinggang Ying forward while the wine barrel was slowed down.

Unlike the rune belt method of Lin Cheng's wine barrel in the previous round, Brother Hanzi's wine barrel in this round also has a bone coating.

However, the duration of the bone coating is only 1.5 seconds, and the damage reduction effect of the bone coating just disappears when Qing Gangying moves up and presses up to play indestructible.

Run away after the fight, Lin Cheng made a small profit in this wave of exchanges.

One of the skeletons of the two sides blocked Immortal's damage and the other was in vain. Lin Cheng's intentional backhand W and the recovery effect of Immortal's hit made Brother Hanzi's previous consumption almost negligible.

Moreover, the wine barrel attracted the hatred of the red soldiers in advance, and the W of Qinggangying would not attract the hatred of the soldiers. It was not until the final A that Lin Cheng could not be destroyed was turned around by the soldiers.

In a short confrontation, Lin Cheng actually had many details.

Jinx's grimace appeared above Qing Gangying's head.

Let's show your opponent's mentality first.

Of course, the online fault tolerance rate of the wine barrel is extremely high. Even if the details of this wave are not grasped, Brother Hanzi will soon be able to regain his blood volume through the happy hour.

Going on the road is like two women fighting, mainly pulling hair, it depends on who is stronger.

As the bot lane KT duo didn't need to help in the jungle, Mr. Dai and Little Reaper exchanged thoughtful strategies for grabbing lanes.

"Stand first, control the line and control the line, and strive for the second wave to advance the tower."

Kai'Sa turned in the Q skill first when she came up. After Samira and Titan came to the line, there were only three long-range minions left on the red side, while the three melee minions on the blue side still had nearly half of their HP.

After all, the deterrent power of the first-level bull head is not strong, and Samira wants to consume as much blood as possible from the blue square line under the cover of the titan.

Effort is very thieves, Niutou learned W at the first level, rushed out from the grass on the side road and pushed Samira away.

The Titan who stayed in the front didn't want to exchange blood with the two of them alone, so he withdrew after A hit the bull's head.

And Mr. Dai just clicked on the Titan with a basic attack, and didn't mean to hand in the Q skill.

At this time, handing in Q will inevitably push the line.

Anyway, the action of the duo is to slow down the speed of the opponent's line clearing, but they don't want to push the first wave of lines forward.

Generally speaking, the big gap in the formation of pawn lines in the bottom lane will be at least after the arrival of the third wave of pawns, but the operation of the KT duo led to this situation:
When the second wave of pawns from the bottom lane arrived, although the position of the pawn line only moved a little towards the red side, there were still four small pawns left in the first wave of the blue side.

There are ten blue minions on the field, and only six red minions.

The red duo has pulled the line back ahead of time.

If this situation does not retreat, it is a crime. If the bull's head grabs the second top, they will definitely not be able to beat it.

The KT duo quickly pushed the line, and after sending the pawn line into the tower, the two got into the river.

"Ka'Sa and Alistar disappeared, pay attention."

The red team quickly pinged the signal.

Generally speaking, on the field, the blue square bot lane duo has an advantage in pushing the line in the early stage, and then there is a high probability that they will go to the jungle to do vision to find the opponent's jungler's movement.

And in this round, the red side has been brushed up because Udyr is blue, and the red side does not need to let the assistant give up experience support to go to the wild area.

So Beryl and Ghost can't do more than remind their teammates.

But in fact, after Kai'Sa and Niutou left the bottom lane, they went straight from the river to the middle lane, and Niutou started scanning.

Jun Ri: "What is this? A two-person team's second-level catch? I think Brother Cheng's second-level catch is already outrageous. There are still second-level catches from the bottom lane?"

Rita: "There's no view of the river, DK doesn't know the location of Kai'Sa and Bull's Head... and Leopard Girl didn't go directly to the bottom lane after clearing the blue zone. This is a four-person catch."

When the duo rushed to the middle road, the pawn line was in the middle, Kai'Sa touched the grass in the river, and the bull's head went around the narrow intersection on the side of the red square tower.

Xu Xiu was already very careful, after getting the information of the duo MISS, Hau Tiao has been standing in the upper half of the area.

Udyr has already started brushing F6, Xu Xiu with Canyon beside him feels very relieved.

Zoe tried to use the E skill first but was blocked by the minions.

Xu Xiu felt relieved.

Zoe is gone, the danger is gone!

Suddenly, I saw the guy with the bell-ringing cow skin rushing out from the side.

Wind up to speed yourself up, turn around and retreat in the direction of F6.

Xu Xiu was also very sober, and didn't burrow into the grass in the river because of the bull's head pressing on the side and rear.

Little Peanut's Leopard Girl has already arrived from the river.

But it was Clockwork who was about to get into the intersection next to F6, Effort decisively flashed his hand at the red side's long-range minion WQ.

The clockwork limit distance was knocked into the air.

Leopard Girl took a bid from far away, switched her form and rushed forward.

Kai'Sa W, who ran out of the grass in the river, tracked down the enemy in the void.

Zoe Flying Star smashed out.

In desperation, the remaining blood of the clockwork flashed and slammed its head against the wall, and was killed by Zoe with a passive level A.

The bullhead stood on the clockwork corpse and rang the bell.

Let's eat!

(End of this chapter)

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