This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 913 Losing the right to lie down and win

Chapter 913 Losing the right to lie down and win

Jun Ri: "Chaowei first hit the bubble and threw it on Xiaobing. Then KT has no chance in this wave. Clockwork's position is very careful...Hey! Bull head W Xiaobing Q flash! Cool! Effort is in really good form today .”

Rita: "This is too decisive. Udyr can't save Udyr by playing F6 next to him. Showmaker also turned in a flash of death. KT really caught this mid laner."

Playback is given.

Clockwork's position was actually really careful, but the flash of the bull's head W and the small soldier Q was too sudden, and there was no chance for Xu Xiu to think for a moment.

After all, not everyone can immediately tell that the opponent's next step will be a Q flash when they see the minion on the bull's head.

And the LCK director was also very good. After Effort gave the first-person view, he gave the camera to the victim player.

Xu Xiu shivered in front of the camera, then slumped against the back of the chair as if discouraged, her eyes were full of blankness, and the dark circles under her eyes looked extraordinarily heavy under the lights of the training room.

The whole person exudes a decadent breath.

Jun Ri laughed out loud: "It's numb! Xu Xiu is completely numb! Last year, I met KT Chengzi from the top lane to catch him. This year, KT's bottom lane also came to catch him, so let's leave it alone. I can't make it through, right? It's too ridiculous to catch the second-level duo."

Rita: "Hmm~~~ The victim is clockwork again! Brother Cheng seems to have caught the super ghost of Showmaker in the World Championship. Unexpectedly, Brother Cheng didn't come today, but his four teammates came."

"Tsk tsk! Xu Xiu is too miserable."

"On Xiumei's thousand ways to die."

"Long time to see you, the first time I saw 3 minutes in the middle road four packs one."

"Xu Xiu: What XX thing? Can't afford it?"

"Promise me, stop playing with clockwork, okay?"

"This cow head skin ringing the bell is too classic, haha."

"Although I rang the bell, I didn't eat at all, so I will refund the money!"

Seeing his teammate's long-planned sneak attack succeed, Lin Cheng shouted Nice on the road.

This kind of scene is actually very rare to see in the training game. The main reason is that Mr. Dai and Xiao Reaper have too much advantage in the pawn line. The handling of the first-level KT duo is the root of this wave of success.

The teammates made a lot of trouble, and Lin Cheng also took the opportunity to make a fuss when he was promoted to the third level on the road.

Knowing that the barrel's E skill was on CD, Lin Cheng directly hooked and kicked it, and AQ cast an adaptive shield.

Brother Hanzi drank and turned around.

Qinggang Ying crossed the line to catch up, and the second-stage Q hit real damage and immediately turned around to make up troops.

The wine barrel turned around and took a step, and the cooled E skill meat bomb impact was activated.

Qing Gangying's shield has disappeared, and it has been replaced by the barrel's turn.

But there was a distance of two bodies between the two sides, and Lin Cheng just turned sideways to get out of the path of the meat bullet.

The barrel E was empty, and he threw a predictive Q behind Qinggang Ying with his backhand, which exploded in seconds.

However, Brother Hanzi's Q prediction is a bit too much.

Lin Cheng stopped to replenish soldiers, and the bucket rolled past Qing Gangying's feet.

The rolling barrel was blown empty.

Brother Hanzi was a little embarrassed, showing Jinx's grimace.

Lin Cheng also made a grimace, and at the same time, he did not forget to adjust the W tactic to sweep the shot. He accurately scraped the wine barrel on the outer edge, and then chased after him for an indestructible fight.

The blood volume of the wine barrel was directly suppressed.

Jun Ri: "What... what is this? Brother Han, this wine barrel smells too strong! Is this the alcohol content of the wine barrel that DK grabbed? This W is drunk after one sip? Khan Brother Zi's subsequent operations are simply eye-catching."

Rita: "Ms. Ma is not live broadcasting right now? This operation is inexplicably familiar."

"Fuck! Show me how stupid I am!"

"Wine barrel: If you dare to commit an offense, you will be fed back (hmph)."

"Golden Wheel has landed in a different place! Fortunately, I haven't reached level six, otherwise the ultimate move will be useless."

"Brother Hanzi is indeed our good friend. When he saw the Chinese on the opposite side, he acted."

"Is there such a possibility that it's not the wine barrel that serves the food, but that Brother Cheng is taking his place?"

"I blamed Niutou wrongly. It turned out that Everett was ringing the bell for Brother Hanzi."

This time, Lin Cheng lowered the blood volume of the barrel, and his own blood volume was still very healthy. Even though Canyon knew that Leopard Girl was not in the upper half, he had no idea about Qinggangying.

But just after Udyr returned to the city after beating the upper river crab, the super-powerful Zoe suddenly handed over TP under the tower in the middle road, and fell to the red triangle grass on the upper road.

This is Lin Cheng's eye position after the leopard girl brushed it down, and because he knew Little Peanut's wild route, Brother Han didn't look here.

Therefore, the red side didn't know that Zoe handed in a T under the tower for the first time.

Qing Gangying happened to fight with the wine barrel again.

Qinggang Ying W started to slow down, and when he went up to activate the precise etiquette, he kicked.

Because of the embarrassing operation in the previous wave, Brother Hanzi's blood volume has not returned to a healthy level at this time, and he ran away after hitting the barrel E skill.

Lin Cheng pressed his position and drove the wine barrel out of the line.

The pawn line was originally in the middle, and when Zoe TP landed on the ground when the wine barrel was fast entering the tower, he directly threw bubbles from inside the triangle.

Bubbles pass through the corner wall of the channel and fall onto the barrel head.

Brother Han didn't dare to flash in front of Zoe, and the wine barrel fell asleep by the tower.

Zoe Flying Star smashed down.

Qinggangying [-]nd Duan E kicked up, landed a jio and took the head.

At the same time, Lin Cheng showed Jian Ji's expression of waving a fluorescent stick.

Jun Ri: "Brother Hanzi! The wine barrel hit Qinggangying! The top order on the fifth ban! Another chance!"

Rita: "I don't think it's the wine barrel's fault. The main reason is that KT caught four people just now and Zoe took the lead in TP. Moreover, Chaowei didn't go home and directly came up to T. DK didn't take any precautions."

Jun Ri: "But after all, Brother Hanzi's change of blood just now was too rough. Maybe if this wave is not caught, the next meal will be fine, but it happens that the change of blood just now became a foreshadowing."

Lin Cheng was very happy in the voice over the linkage between the middle and the previous.

"You played well, Zheng Zhixun! This is how you want to play!"

Feeling the love from Zhonglu, Lin Cheng burst into tears.

It can be said that it was very common for Kuro to TP early to help the top lane to gain an advantage last year, but Chaowei did not do so much in the early stage.

Chaowei is very cautious about the use of the first TP, and prefers to use the first TP to supplement the line.

This point is fundamentally different from Kuro's idea that even if he doesn't develop, he still needs to raise his big daddy on the road.

In this round, the rhythm started to radiate from the bottom lane duo to the middle lane, and then used TP in the middle lane to help Qing Gangying win the kill in the top lane. In just 4 minutes, all KT players joined the promotion of the early rhythm.

Compared to many times before, when Lin Cheng single-handedly broke through the top lane, although he was not the main attacker in front of this round, who wouldn't like the feeling of lying down and being taken advantage of by his teammates?

"Come on, brothers! You carry this round, let me lie down too."

Lin Cheng turned into an atmosphere group. In the last round, he was crazy about every meat and wine barrel, but this round he wanted to be salty fish.

"But you have already lost the right to lie down and win."

Peanut reminded: "You took the head of Gragas just now, you must carry in this round!"

Lin Cheng: "Really? Is it too late for me to send the head out now?"

(End of this chapter)

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