Chapter 93

Kim Min Na: "It was the first time you played against an opponent like T1. Have you ever worried about the opponent Faker?"

"Faker? He's a great player, but I don't care too much about the other lanes because I trust my teammates in the mid lane."

After speaking, Lin Cheng suddenly remembered that Kuro is a famous patient with phobia, and quickly added: "I mean, even if Kuro can't beat Faker now, he won't be beaten, he can mix well."

In the lounge, Kuro, who was happily watching the interview on the screen with his teammates, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Why is this compulsion so wrong?What do you mean I'm so good at mixing?
Kim Min Na smiled: "Lin Cheng means that Kuro is a team mid laner?"

"That's right, that's what I meant."

Lin Cheng reacted, the professional host is different, obviously it means the same, and it sounds much better than Lin Cheng.

"Kuro is really a player who is very willing to pay for his teammates. In the second round, my Qinggangying start was really uncomfortable. If it wasn't for Kuro's second-level TP protector..."

Lin Cheng said carelessly again, "Well~~~ I mean keep it up, if it wasn't for Rambo's TP, I wouldn't be able to play on the road at all."


Jin Min Na leaned slightly and looked down at the hand card, but it was obvious that she was about to laugh out loud.

"It's too real! The game beats the opponent and interviews the output teammates."

"Brother Cheng is laughing to death, TP Bao Daddy accidentally leaked his words."

"Kuro: ??? Feeling offended."

"Sit and wait for KT's middle and upper grace to cut righteousness."

"The dignity of a bastard is to follow his father while he is determined not to be killed alone. Kuro did it for him."

"Kuro enchantress also single-handedly killed Cuzz's wine barrel, saying that the bastard is too much, 23333."

"The bastard kills the brush alone, there's nothing wrong with it."

"It's too much upstairs, one black and two black."

Kim Min Na: "Before the game, we saw Coach Hirai patted you on the shoulder and said something. Are you trying to comfort you not to be nervous? The team atmosphere seems to be good."

Lin Cheng explained: "The coach seems to be quite worried about me. He has always told me not to be afraid and play harder."

"It's true that Lin Cheng played very fiercely."

Lin Cheng nodded, "So, at the beginning of the game, I will kill the person on the opposite side."

"Good guy! I call it a good guy."

"Fuck! I don't even know if I should laugh if I say such arrogant words in a serious manner."

"The coach asked me to play harder? Well, I'll go up and kill the guy on the opposite side, 23333."

"It smells like a shy man."

"The one on the other side wanted to hit someone."

"Brother Cheng was a snarky king when he was in the live broadcast room of Qijiang. I didn't expect that he would still be the same when he came to the stage."

"The key is that he did it. I'd rather see the snarky talk being punched through, 23333."

"It's the factory manager who gets slapped in the face every time he speaks. I didn't expect my little brother to turn around."

Jin Minna: "In the first game, during the competition for the second canyon pioneer, KT was killed by Tariq first and then won a very exciting team battle. How did you communicate at that time?"


Lin Cheng: "We didn't communicate much, so I shouted 'don't sell me', and then went on."

Kim Min Na was happy, and it was the first time I heard that a professional player shouted 'Don't sell me' on the court.

"Then what do you think is the key to winning this team battle? Kalista's four kills are very beautiful, Seti's first kill misses Miss Fortune, and Zoe is also very exciting."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "I think the key is that the opponent is too pretentious, and I still flash, I don't know why the female gun on the opposite side dares to look at me, and he dares to make a big move in front of me, so I flash past. Kill him, we'll have a hard time fighting if the female gun doesn't die."

Kim Min Na: "We also saw how you played on the court today. Do you usually play games this way? It seems that you don't care about the threat of Cuzz players at all."

Lin Cheng: "I am a very aggressive person myself, and I watched the first game with the coach below. I have thoroughly studied the jungle thinking of T1, so I dare to press the line with confidence."

Kim Min Na: "Oh? Did you master your opponent's habits after just one game? Can you tell us your secret?"

"I have a friend who often studied his opponents when he was playing professionally, um~~~ Although he always doesn't understand, but I still learned a lot of things on the field when I chatted with him"

Lin Cheng explained earnestly: "It just so happens that his and Cuzz's playing styles are so similar. They both prefer the kind of jungler, so I can easily understand Cuzz's style of play by referring to that friend."

Kim Min Na: "It looks like a friend who often plays games together? Can you tell me who it is?"

Lin Cheng: "Clearlove."

"???Nima's, seven sauces can also appear in LCK's interviews?"

"This is so outrageous, I just said why the person in his mouth looks like the factory manager."

"I like to study opponents, but I still don't understand. Is this human?"

"Good guy! My factory manager has studied the opponent for so long, but he still doesn't understand it. Little brother can figure it out after just one game?"

"Muay Thai Warning!"

"The factory manager was killed, 23333."

"Don't say it, Qijiang and Cuzz are really similar, RANK strikes hard, and the arena is only a promise."

"Record the interview video and go to Qijiang to complain."

Jin Min Na: "As a newcomer to the arena, Lin Cheng showed us two different styles of top lane heroes today. Can I ask which hero you are best at?"

Lin Cheng made a very serious expression: "What I'm good at is actually Soraka. I am a very, very powerful hero. If the opponents in the back don't know how to target me, BAN Soraka is just fine."

Lin Cheng thought secretly: Go to BAN, you don't have to waste our BAN position by banning your nanny.

What a genius I am, I can put a smokescreen to confuse my opponents at this time.

Kim Min Na: "At the end of the interview, do you have anything to say to the fans who support you?"

"Although I don't know how many fans I have, please continue to support me if there are any. If you have time, you can leave a message on my SNS."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, and then added: "Of course, if you want to scold me, please go to KT's official SNS to scold, and don't leave a message on my personal social account."

Jin Min Na couldn't help but chuckle, this person was too real.

"I'm dying of laughter! You can support me, but you can't scold me."

"As expected of you! This smell is too strong."

"Xiu, if you want to brag about me, feel free to come. If you want to scold me, go to the club and scold me."

"KT official: What did the labor and management do wrong? Should they bear these?"

(End of this chapter)

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