This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 94 The Dawn Has Come

Chapter 94 The Dawn Has Come
After the interview, Lin Cheng politely bid farewell to Jin Min Na and hurried back to the lounge.

The teammates waited for Lin Cheng to make fun of his interview, and then everyone put on masks and rushed to the parking lot and drove back to the club.

Kang Dongxun joked that he should have celebrated Lin Cheng's first career victory, but now the situation is special and he will not go out for dinner.

So, a group of people went back to the training base and ate the dinner made by the aunt in the restaurant...there was no difference from usual.

Everyone was very happy, only Lin Cheng felt a little perfunctory.

After dinner, Lin Cheng went to the training room to watch the ongoing LCK game in the evening, and stopped by Dcinside, the largest online community in Korea, to take a look.

Netizens in this community are very active, a bit similar to Baidu Tieba in China. What's the matter with the e-sports circle? The first wave of waves is the e-sports section here.

There was a lot of quarrel here for months on end because of who was the greater Faker or Boxer.

Of course, this is also the gathering place of Korean net trolls, and the e-sports toilet is not exclusive to LPL.

While there are a large number of LCK fans gathered here, there are also countless black fans.

Not only domestic netizens like to use numbers such as 4396 and 2200 to ridicule players, but Korean netizens also do this.

080 is the nickname Kuroko gave to Chovy, making fun of his 0/8/0 record with Camille.

1557 was detained on T1's head because they lost to IG in just 15 minutes and 57 seconds at MSI last year.

612 is the exclusive title of the former SKT jungler Black King.

When Lin Cheng came up, he saw that a post that had previously criticized him was pushed to the homepage. A guy whose ID was 'KT OUT', who looked like a T1 fan, said before the game that Lin Cheng was a garbage top orderer, and he would be smashed when he played.

As a result, Lin Cheng slapped him hard with the facts, and KT fans who were still sparring with him before were digging graves with their hoes, asking him what he thought of Lin Cheng's performance today.

This guy's mouth is tough, saying that Lin Cheng is just bullying Canna and he has no experience. When he encounters the top order in the LCK, he will reveal the truth. If Lin Cheng can take advantage of Nuguri's hands, he will eat the table on the spot.

A group of KT fans jumped in, saying that the next time KT won, they would continue to dig graves and whip corpses to watch him eat the table.

Lin Cheng happily watched the interaction between the two parties, but he was not too angry.

Just questioning his strength, his performance on the field can easily smash these slanders, there is no need to get angry.

Of course, if this person dares to pretend to be blind and slander Lin Cheng's confident appearance, Lin Cheng is afraid that he will immediately put on the vest and ask for the lineup, and also let these Korean sunspots see the power of the keyboard master.

Filtering out these annoying interactive posts, Lin Cheng clicked on another hot article just released on the homepage.

"Dawn Has Come! KT found their sharpest arrow

Obviously, this 'arrow' refers to Lin Cheng.

The author of the article, a self-proclaimed KT fan, analyzed the changes of KT caused by Lin Cheng's participation in the game frame by frame.

It's not just that Lin Cheng himself has put pressure on the opponent's top laner, but because of Lin Cheng's strength, Bono in the jungle can make too many choices. Compared with the previous games, he has to be more proactive. Times caught Cuzz's movement to counter squat or invade the jungle.

Due to the huge advantage of Ueno, Faker couldn't figure out Bono's position. Even if he had the initiative on the line, he would not dare to move Lin Cheng easily, and Cuzz was even more afraid of taking the blame and not going on the road after being shown a wave. , resulting in a direct explosion on the road.

Lin Cheng's presence shifted KT's tactical focus to the upper half, which not only made Aiming's pressure much less, but obviously this is the way to play that is more in line with the current version.

In general, from the perspective of this game, KT's new top laner has brought far more than the strengthening of the top lane.

Of course, the author also said that this is Lin Cheng's first game after all, and his subsequent performance should be viewed slightly conservatively.

"Well~~~ this fan has something, I didn't expect that much."

Seeing this decent technical flow article, Lin Cheng was ready to give him a thumbs up, but suddenly found that at the end of the article, the author added:
My girlfriend is Chinese, she supports EDG, I support KT, we all have a bright future.

Seeing this, Lin Cheng silently moved the mouse that he was going to like.

Sorry, I can't upvote you anymore.

It's not that I have an opinion on you, it's just that my gut tells me: my future won't be as bright as EDG's.

Lin Cheng was stingy with one like, but other KT fans left messages to support him.

"Technical flow posts, support a wave."

"Haha! I also like EDG. Clearlove is my second favorite Chinese player, and of course Cheng is the first."

"We found a treasure! Cheng is really strong."

"Cheng is the top order we need most."

"Just rely on Cheng to overthrow T1, even if I catch him in the future, I won't spray him."

"Really, KT changed as soon as he played, I just can't believe this is the five-game losing streak KT."

"It's been two years! Last year, we were relegated all year, and this year we started losing streak. The ghost knows what we've been through."

"Cheng is really too fierce. If he had been there two years earlier, the champion of S8 would have been our KT."

"Dawn has come! Eight years of KT fans have unveiled their coffins!"

"I like the word 'arrow' that the author uses, it's so apt, and his style of play is sharp."

Looking at the following replies touting himself, Lin Cheng only felt at ease both physically and mentally.

"Oh! This brother is a bit too much. I only played one game. How can I compete with Smeb? But S8 lost to IG, and Smeb really has to take the blame."

"The word 'arrow' fits me quite well. As long as you blow yourselves up, we are good brothers."

"This girl said she wanted to give birth to a monkey for me, hehe, you have a good eye, um~~~ I'll look at the data... Damn! It's a man."

After discovering the cruel truth, Lin Cheng suddenly became dull.

What you see on the Internet is not necessarily true, just like a man can pretend to be a girl, these people who blow him may start spraying him one day.

After all, he has only played one game, and even fans who like him may defect at any time.

After adjusting his emotions, Lin Cheng silently opened the game and started RANK alone.

This time, he no longer chose Seti. After all, Seti is not difficult to operate. Lin Cheng's strong ability to handle details and distance control makes his Seti almost flawless. It is enough to play a few times to maintain the feel.

For professional players, hero pool depth is sometimes more important.

In the three games in a row, Lin Cheng used functional heroes like Aoun and Shane, and it was a difficult game to win.

These heroes, Lin Cheng, don't usually play much, but now as a professional player, they must master them.

Although the current version is mostly a tool player, there are still big-core ADs like Aphelios after all. Once Aiming gets Aphelios, Lin Cheng must not blindly pursue his own lane.

Although Kuro can also use the first-hand single Aoun, but Lin Cheng can't say that he doesn't practice at all.

If KT's Aoun is selected and others know that he is the mid laner, then it can only be said that there is a problem with Lin Cheng's top laner.

(End of this chapter)

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