Chapter 96

The title of Mr. Xuehua made Lin Cheng stunned for a moment, and finally came to his senses.

Two months ago, he gave the short-legged silly cat to this woman.

"It's you...Is that silly cat okay?"

"Snowflake is very good, I eat and sleep well every day, I will show you its pictures..."

The woman nodded quickly, reached out and took out her phone to show Lin Cheng the photo.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Forget it, since it's doing well, it's good that you adopted him, otherwise it probably won't survive this year."

"Even without me, Mr. Snowflake will take care of it, right?"

Lin Cheng did not speak, it was a default.

The blonde woman next to him pointed at the middle-aged man, "That..."

"Why? You still want to go to the police station with me to resolve the dispute?"

Lin Cheng glared at the middle-aged man. He didn't believe that a cult member who made trouble during a special period would dare to call 112 to call the police. If he was seriously investigated, it would definitely be more troublesome for the other side.

The man really didn't dare to shout at Lin Cheng, he wanted to say two harsh words when he got up, but after thinking about Lin Cheng's style, he wisely didn't speak, turned around and walked a few steps before he dared to scold in a low voice.

The woman couldn't understand, "It's like this now, why are these people not afraid of pneumonia at all? The most dangerous people are people like them."


Lin Cheng shook his head, "What we are worried about is pneumonia, and what they have is encephalitis, not on the same channel."


The blonde woman immediately made Lin Cheng's description amused, hugging her companion and laughing non-stop.

Lin Cheng glanced at the two of them, "The times are special now, you should pay more attention in the future, there will always be some strange people anyway."

"It's okay, I'm a black belt in Taekwondo."

The woman raised her hand and gestured, but then she remembered that her first reaction was to hide behind her companion when she encountered something, and she felt embarrassed again.

Lin Cheng didn't care either, "Okay, then I'll go first."

"By the way, Mr. Snowflake, don't you know your name?"

"Lin Cheng."

"You are chinese?"

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment. South Korea has the surname Lin. Lin Cheng pronounced his name in Korean. Few people can guess that he is Chinese without taking the initiative to explain.

"I heard you speak Chinese just now. I have been to China several times before."

The woman worked hard to make a mouth shape under the mask, "Wo, take, mud, hemp, 嘚!"


Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds, "Hmm~~~ Go back and practice again, it should be more standard."

After seeing Lin Cheng, she was about to leave without asking her name. The woman hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin Cheng, I'm Park Zhiyan."

Lin Cheng didn't care either, nodded and turned towards the supermarket.

The blonde woman poked at Park Zhiyan, "Hey! He doesn't seem to have heard your name at all? Weren't we quite popular in China before?"

Park Ji-yeon hugged her companion and looked aggrieved, "Woo~~~ Hyomin Oni, we're out of breath! It's only been a few years."

The blonde woman laughed and teased: "However, this Mr. Snowflake looks very handsome, even though he wears a mask."

Park Zhiyan smiled: "Oni, you have to pay attention to your age, they seem to be students of Seoul University."

"Yeah! Can you stop talking about this sad subject?"

As he was about to reach the door of the supermarket, Lin Cheng suddenly realized the name Park Zhiyan.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Manchester United star Park Ji-sung.

"I remembered, it's an artist, no wonder it's a bit familiar."

Lin Cheng himself is not very chasing stars, but the year before last, there was a sudden news on the domestic Internet: Enjing, whom Faker was thinking of, got married.

Lin Cheng was at a loss at the time, and after searching the Korean Internet for a long time, he could not see the news of Zhao Enjing's marriage.

After a closer look, good guy!The domestic self-media's ability to turn Li Gui into Li Kui is really not small. It is rumored that even he, a handsome boy in South Korea, almost believed him.

In fact, no one got married. At that time, Xian Enjing, a member of T-ara, took a group of wedding stills for filming. As a result, it was inexplicably changed by the domestic media, and went to harvest the popularity of the e-sports circle.

Brother Li was ridiculed by domestic audiences for a long time. "When Enjing got married, it was the day when the big devil slaughtered the Hanbok."

However, the tragic thing is that Zhao Enjing really married the Hallyu male god Su Zhixie last year. Since then, neither Li Ge won the championship nor her.

Let's pick up Erguotou, tons of tons...
Unexpectedly, Lin Cheng searched for keywords like Enjing during that time, and then the Korean website always recommends Xian Enjing's information to him.

Lin Cheng, intentionally or unintentionally, has an impression of T-ara, a combination that was once popular in China.

Don't say it, the songs of this group are really brainwashing.

Before that, Lin Cheng always thought that he only liked girls with thin, long and straight legs, but after seeing Xian Enjing, he suddenly discovered an astonishing fact:

It turns out that he is a very pure person. If his face is good-looking and his figure is top-notch, it doesn't matter if his legs are a little thicker...

Cough cough! ! !

Nobody is perfect.

Understandable, understandable.

During that time, as a teammate of the group, Park Zhiyan's slightly glamorous eyes also left a deep impression on Lin Cheng.

Of course, Lin Cheng didn't pay too much attention to these things in essence. Except for Sun Yezhen, he basically didn't like Han Xing for more than three months. Later, he gradually left these things behind.

Looking back, the two turned around and were ready to leave, so Lin Cheng didn't care anymore and took the temperature check honestly.

Ribs, Pork, Beef...  

After a large circle of shopping, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and Lin Cheng rushed back to the apartment with a large bag and a small bag.

"Wow! Lin Cheng, are you trying to exhaust us by buying so many things?"

Xiao Tong opened the door and was very dissatisfied with the ingredients that Lin Cheng couldn't hold in his hands. It wasn't Lin Cheng's cooking anyway.

Lin Cheng pouted, "Please don't use the word 'we' as if you can cook."

After speaking, Lin Cheng squeezed Xiao Tong away and looked at Han Shuyan with a pompous look: "Sister Shuyan, I miss you so much."

Han Shuyan took the thing in Lin Cheng's hand and smiled, "Come in, Ah Cheng."

"What about me and me? Did you miss me?" Xiao Tong poked Lin Cheng's arm.

"Just play."

"Thanks to me and Sister Shuyan watching the live broadcast to cheer you on, unscrupulous guy."

Xiao Tong raised her foot and stepped hard on Lin Cheng's instep, then sat down on the sofa angrily to watch TV.

Fortunately, Xiao Tong didn't wear shoes at home. If he came here in high heels, Lin Cheng was afraid that he would die on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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