This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 97 Friends, Isn't It Just For Fun?

Chapter 97 Friends, Isn't It Just For Fun?
"Sister Shuyan, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs." Lin Cheng didn't consider himself an outsider at all, and ordered food on the spot.

Han Shuyan opened the bag and looked at it, "I'm already making pasta, will the ribs be ready tomorrow? Just eat something today."

"Okay, okay, I like pasta the most."

Han Shuyan smiled, "Sit down for a while, and you'll be ready in no time."

Watching Han Shuyan get into the kitchen, Lin Cheng hummed a brisk tune, and Shi Shiran sat next to Xiao Tong.

"Hey! You watched the live broadcast of the game the day before yesterday, isn't Brother Cheng handsome? Do you want to take care of brother's club life?"

Xiao Tong, still resenting Lin Cheng's attitude just now, squinted at him and said nothing.

"Comrade Xiao, look at you again, aren't you? Who are we and who? Didn't we just tease you?"

Xiao Tong's expression softened, "It's no wonder you can't find a girlfriend. If you go on like this, you will even lose my friend. Girls like to listen to good things, don't you know?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Then ask again."

"You have to say it nicely."

Xiao Tong also wanted to know what compliments Lin Cheng could say, "I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss the beauty of Xiao Tong?"


Xiao Tong's expression turned pale, "Lin Cheng, go to hell."

She went from a little bit of anticipation to the tense look on her face, which made Lin Chengle upset, and laughed unabashedly next to her.

Today's happiness is here again.

Friends, isn't it just for fun?
"You sit on the ground, I want to lie down and watch TV."

Seeing Lin Cheng smiling, Xiao Tong became angrier the more she thought about it, she deliberately lay down and stretched her feet over to drive Lin Cheng away.

Lin Cheng didn't move, "Don't move, Brother Cheng is tired, let me watch TV quietly."

"Get up, I can't stretch my legs."

Xiao Tong stretched out his foot and put his foot on Lin Cheng's leg, but unfortunately the other party didn't move like a mountain.

Instead, Lin Cheng glared at her, "Hey! You're gone."


Xiao Tong subconsciously sat up and covered the hem of the woolen skirt, then reacted, "I was wearing leggings and you just left."

"Leggings? Aren't these stockings?"

Xiao Tong sneered: "I can't tell the difference between pants and socks, how dare you say that others are gone?"

"Blame me? What's the difference?"

Lin Cheng opened his mouth, "Who said that your girls' stockings are as thick as leggings now, and wearing leggings looks as good as wearing stockings, I'll be a ghost if I can tell the difference."

"Hey! You also think I look good in this way, don't you? Are my legs particularly beautiful?"

Seizing Lin Cheng's words, Xiao Tong became smug with joy.

"Where did I say..."

Seeing Xiao Tong squinting his eyes and wrinkling his nose, as if ready to come up at any time, Lin Cheng became cautious, "Okay, it's really pretty."

"Okay! Seeing as you are finally speaking, Sister Tong allows you to sit here for a while." Only then did Xiao Tong become satisfied.

"The epidemic has been so serious recently. Has your school notified you when the school will be postponed?"

Xiao Tong shook her head, "I don't know yet, I've been suffocated at home for the past few days, and the start of school is still a long way off."

"Let me tell you, no matter how boring you are, don't run out and hang around. If you get pneumonia yourself, it's fine, but don't drag down Sister Shuyan too."

Xiao Tong felt a little tired, "Hey! Am I your friend? Do you only care about Sister Shuyan?"

"That's why I don't worry about Sister Shuyan. She hates to join in the fun, but you are different. When I see two dogs in love, I want to go up and take a second look. How can I rest assured?"

Xiao Tong wanted to refute, but found that what Lin Cheng said didn't seem to be a big problem.

"Besides, why don't I care about you?"

Lin Cheng snorted, "I threw both boxes of masks for you to keep, do you know how scarce masks are now? This is my mother's intention, and now this stall is more precious than ordinary dowry, do you understand? ?"

Xiao Tong was immune to Lin Cheng's strange words, and waved his hand, "Okay, okay, I know, I won't go out and run around, I've been playing games at home these days."

"What rank?"

Xiao Tong sighed: "I will fall to the black iron soon, and there are exclamation marks."

"You are also a talent, and the brass can continue to fall." Lin Cheng gloated.

He had watched Xiao Tong play many times before, and it was not easy to kneel all the way even with one-handed operation in the Hanbok Brass Bureau.


But nothing is absolute. When the system judges that you do not belong to this rank, there is still a chance to fall.

Xiao Tong wrinkled his nose: "I actually played well, but I don't know what's going on recently. All the teammates I encountered are not strong, and the enemies on the opposite side are like gods."

Lin Cheng pouted, a typical teammate who can't beat a strange teammate. That fat man Nan Hegui looks like this. He has been struggling in the silver rank for a few years, so he didn't think that there is a problem with his own strength?
"Come on! You have to keep Brass's last stubbornness, at least you can't fall if you don't go up." Lin Cheng encouraged.

"But I haven't been able to win recently. Tell me how I can keep my rank. I heard that the red exclamation mark will lose my rank if I lose again."

Looking at Xiao Tong's frowning face, Lin Cheng held back his smile: "I'm sorry, Brother Cheng has no experience in relegation competitions, nor has he stayed in the scrap rank. You can find a solution yourself."

"I will definitely keep my rank and try to rush to silver."

Lin Cheng applauded: "Work harder. When you reach the master rank, we will be able to double-queue. If it really doesn't work, Brother Cheng can secretly help you play two games."

Xiao Tong was very stubborn, "I don't want your help, I can fight it myself."

At this time, Han Shuyan stuck her head out in the kitchen, "Acheng, it's time to eat."

"Come here." Lin Cheng ran over to help with the dishes.

Han Shuyan's pasta is bright in color, decorated with green celery, and mussels neatly arranged on the edge of the plate, which makes people very appetizing at first sight.

The three sat around the table, and Xiao Tong and Lin Cheng naturally praised Han Shuyan's craftsmanship without hesitation.

"By the way, I want to add ketchup, do you want it?"

"We don't want it, you can add it yourself."

Lin Cheng found out the bottle of ketchup and opened it, and found that it had bottomed out, so he turned the bottle upside down and shook it against his plate.

"It can't come out."

bang bang bang.

Lin Cheng held the bottle with his left hand, and patted the bottom of the bottle with his right palm.

"It still won't work, there are obviously so many more."

Xiao Tong sneered: "Can you do it with a little effort? Can't you even do this well?"

Lin Cheng became impatient, and took the bottle and shook it vigorously.

"Haha! I have it."

Lin Cheng turned his head and saw Xiao Tong was biting at the noodles and staring at him blankly, red ketchup was thrown on her clothes and face.

"Lin Cheng, I fought with you."

Xiao Tong, who had reacted, roared angrily and threw the plate.

"Why are you biting again? Sister Shuyan save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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