Chapter 1002
In the far west, another universe is resisting the impact of the 38 troops of the 731 legion of the 912th universe. They have just experienced a large-scale battle, and they are also exhausted.

This is the 18th universe. Like their seventh universe, it is also a universe that focuses on self-protection. Although the two sides are divided on both sides, peace-loving civilizations often have some similarities, so 18 Universe and Universe 7 also have alliance agreements.

The two sides have helped each other, and they have developed together for millions of years.

"Bastard, we have only rested for a short time, and the new troops have not been replenished yet. Why are they here again like mad dogs?"

"Don't they all have family planning? Their casualty rate is more than twice that of ours. Why are there so many people?"

The warriors of universe 18 have not recovered from the last loss, and even their energy supplies have not kept up. After a few rounds of firepower, their energy stocks were directly declared exhausted.

"The energy of the No. 3 main gun is exhausted!"

"The energy of the No. 21 main gun is exhausted!"

"The No. 7 main gun has only three rounds remaining!"

One after another bad news came from the frontline battlefield. With the reduction of artillery fire coverage and density, more and more soldiers and beasts had broken through the fire blockade and came towards their defense line.

"How long will it take for support to come?" a captain said through gritted teeth.

"Other surrounding battle sequences have also been attacked, and now there is no force to help us. I am afraid we will have to mobilize manpower from other legions. At least two universe hours will be needed."

"It's too late, what about energy?"

"The same, they all need to be mobilized from the nearest legion. The largest nearby energy mine is occupied by other universes. Our only inventory was exhausted in the last battle."

"Bastard!" The captain threw away the beam cannon that had been emptied of energy in his hand, "Everyone, charge up with me, even if we die, we will die on the battlefield, we must not let them charge past our position! "

"Damn it, let's fight!"

The eyes of all the fighters in the 18 universes were filled with determination. At this time, everyone was already occupied by anger.

However, at this time, they had already rushed to the front of the position, and the 912 troops who were gaining momentum suddenly turned around and retreated behind them!

"Why did they withdraw?" The 18 universe fighters who were ready to fight them were holding up their weapons and looked confused.

"They withdrew, we won!" Although they don't know why, this is definitely a good thing for them. They have enough time to mobilize troops and supplies, and the next battle will not be so difficult.

"Win a fart! Our defense line was almost torn apart. There must be a reason for their sudden withdrawal!"

"What's going on, have you found out the reason?" In the command center of this battle sequence, a seventh-level life form looked at the enemy retreating like an ebbing tide, wondering in his heart.

"Captain, I have intercepted their news. Their 912 base city is under fierce attack. The second line of defense has already fallen. Now we are gathering all our forces to return to the defense!"

"There is such a thing?" The captain looked surprised. The alliance of universe 37 and universe 38 is a very strong force near them. Their military strength even exceeds the sum of the military strength of more than a dozen surrounding universes. They are the only ones who invade others. Several universes have the audacity to touch them.

Everyone hasn't even managed to gain a firm foothold here, so there is no extra strength to attack.

"Do you know which civilization is attacking?"

"Our intelligence network hasn't covered this far yet, so we don't know yet," the correspondent said, "But I also received news from several surrounding universes, and they said that the same situation happened on their side, and the other party was fighting with Mad Dog a minute ago Same, retreat in the next minute."

"Is there any other news?"

"Yes," the communicator said, "our allies closest to the place, their communicators intercepted a lot of information, saying that City 912 is frantically sending support requests to other nearby legions and base cities, and even found a large number of spaceships. Gather in the direction of the 912 base city."

"Oh?" The captain showed a pensive expression, "It seems that they have been hit quite hard now. If I remember correctly, there should be more than 912 standard troops in the 9000 base city, with a total number of more than [-] million, right? "

"Yes, Captain. Now they are tightening their forces and have recalled all the dispatched troops to the base city."

Suddenly, the correspondent received another message.

"Is there such a thing? Okay, I understand, I will report to the captain immediately!"

"Is there any new news?" The captain asked.

"Yes!" said the correspondent, "According to our map, the location of their 912 city is a hub, and several nearby base cities were built for better offensive, so they are a few distances away from us in the Allied universe." Very close, but farther away from the legions behind themselves."

"Well, that's true."

In fact, this kind of construction is very radical. Once in danger, the enemy's support will come faster than their own support.

Because at the beginning of the war, they did not consider the issue of defense, but only considered how to make the attack more violent.

"Now there are 7 civilizations around, a total of 12 teams have established a secret communication channel, and are discussing a very important matter."

"Kill the base city of 912?" The captain immediately responded.

The other party is so anxious now, it is obvious that their opponent is very powerful, and has even reached the point where they have to ask for help from outside. If they join forces in a few battle sequences, it is very likely that they can directly occupy the 912 base city!

In this way, when they resisted the 37th universe and the 38th universe coalition army, they undoubtedly said that the front line advanced a lot, and they could advance, attack, retreat, and defend, and they could even become a stronghold for their counterattack. This is of great significance to the entire battle of.

"Damn it, no matter which universe it is, today our general team is going to help the field, gather troops, leave the wounded soldiers, and other fifth-level and sixth-level life forms with combat effectiveness, bring all of us now Resources, let's go together!"

"All members of the 32nd battle order of the 922nd Universe 82 Legion are assembled!"

"All members of the 21nd battle order of the 283nd Universe 338 Legion are assembled!"

"All members of the 44nd battle order of the 1232nd Universe 30 Legion are assembled!"

On the battlefield of the seventh universe 192 battle sequence, the soldiers are tapping on the harvest this time on the battlefield. The equipment left by the enemies, even if it is wreckage, can be taken back and remelted, and it can also be turned into their own resources. Miss any opportunity to collect supplies.

"Hahaha, this time we have gained a lot," Sinos and Kadleel listened to the reports of the soldiers in their team, and their faces burst into laughter.

"Oh? It's the captain's message!" Sinos immediately connected the message, "Captain, I'm Sinos!"

"Sinos, what kind of plane are you doing?" The captain's angry voice came from the opposite side, "What did your people do?"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Sinos was confused.

"The whole northwest of Shanxi is in a mess. Don't you know what happened?" The captain roared, "The base city of 38 of the 731 Legion of the 912th universe is under fierce attack, and troops from several surrounding universes have spontaneously joined in. Siege battle!"

"What does this have to do with us?"

"People say that this war was provoked by a special operations force called the Flying Tigers in the No. 192 squad of our 4977 battle order. When did you secretly build a special forces without telling me?"

"Huh?" Sinos' hands were trembling.

Isn't the 4977 team their team?Zhang Mengyu said that he took advantage of the victory to chase after him, so he chased after him, did he really go straight to his old lair?
(End of this chapter)

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