I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1001 Meeting here tonight

Chapter 1001 Meeting here tonight

"What it is?"

The soldiers on the first line of defense of Unit 912 looked at the blue giant that was approaching them. Their weapons could not cause any damage to it. Under the cover of the giant, the group of people from the seventh universe kept Pushing towards their line of defense.

"Is it a new type of defensive weapon?"

"No, that's the embodied energy. The people of the Seventh Universe are very good at studying the energy of the universe. This should be a secret martial art they invented."

"This blocks our beam cannon and particle cannon. This kind of energy intensity can only be achieved by at least a sixth-level peak life form. They are the fifth-level peak life forms. This is unscientific!"

"Wait, I heard the news from the surviving fighters in the base city of the 911 troops. It seems that what drove them back was a group of fifth-level life forms from the seventh universe. There were not many of them, only a few hundred, but each People have the ability to stop ten thousand with one, can't it be them?"

"It's impossible to have such a thing. A fifth-level fighter can kill tens of thousands of troops with sixth-level fighters? Are you talking about fairy tales?"

"Perhaps this is really some kind of black technology of the seventh universe. Many weapons and equipment can also simulate the energy of the universe, which is nothing unusual."

"Let's dispatch troops, they have passed through our fire blockade!"

Zhang Mengyu and the others moved very fast, and they were less than 1000 meters away from the first line of defense. If they continued to use thermal weapons at this time, the angle of attack would be very poor, and they might hurt their own people.

"Boss, their people have come out!"

"Most of the 12000 troops are fifth-level life forms, and there are more than 200 sixth-level life forms."

"No way, just this little person wants to block our attack? Isn't this bullshit?"

"Let me clean up the rubbish!" Liu Yiyun took the initiative to stand up.

"Captain, someone came out from behind that giant!" The troops from Universe 38 who came to meet him immediately spotted Liu Yiyun floating in mid-air, "It's their fifth-level peak life form."

"What does he want to do alone?"

"Look, he took out a wooden stick in his hand, what is that?"

"What stick, this is a magic wand! I'm speechless, a bunch of ignorant things!" Liu Yiyun cursed, but still began to recite the spell.

As the magic power in his body passed away, the sky was suddenly covered with a layer of thunderclouds, and a strong sulfur breath made all the soldiers feel hot and suffocating, as if a tower was about to erupt above their heads. volcano.

"Level [-] Forbidden Art, Meteor Fire Rain!"

A huge red magic circle appeared above the position, and countless flaming meteorites whizzed and smashed into the crowd rushing towards them. The power contained in each meteorite exceeded the full blow of an ordinary sixth-level life form. .

"What it is?"

"It's a meteorite!"



The entire battlefield was submerged in a cloud of fire meteorites, and of the tens of thousands of warriors from universe 38, only a dozen or so sixth-level life forms fled back behind their own defense line with their helmets and armor removed.

"They're a bunch of monsters! They're all monsters!"

"What kind of martial arts secret technique is that? One person can kill a team."

"It seems that the news brought back by Unit 911 is not wrong. There is indeed a special team in the Seventh Universe."

"I heard from the patrol team that the battles in the seventh universe are usually named after numbers. They seem to be called tigers."

"Flying Tiger Special Forces Team!"

"That's right!"

"What should I do?"

"We just hid in the position. The shields here can withstand the attacks of level 7 life forms. They can't get through it! Let's go to the back and ask for reinforcements!"

"Boom!" Liu Yiyun's meteor fire shower was still crazily smashing towards their position, but a blue light film directly blocked those fire meteors from the outside.

When the bolide hit the light film, it only splashed ripples, which didn't seem to be enough to destroy the defense system.

"Dean, they are hiding again." Liu Yiyun said.

"Shoot in and overturn their turtle shells first! I have plenty of pills here. If one person can't do it, then ten people, if one person can't do it, then there are 100 people. I still don't believe they have so much energy!"

"Brothers, work!"

"Come on, start demolition!"

"Earth Blast!"

"Samsara Eyes Open! Sky Obstacle Shocking Star!"

"Meteor fire rain! Ice roar!"

"Turtle School Qigong!"

Each attack is an impact close to the level of a seventh-level life body. Hundreds of attacks added together, the power even exceeds the energy of an ordinary seventh-level life body.

"Captain, they attack, and the energy per unit area has already exceeded the attack energy of a seventh-level life form. The energy of our defense system is rapidly depleting."

"How long can it last?"

"According to this consumption rate, up to 20 minutes."


"And it is even more likely that our defense system was directly destroyed by this energy, which has exceeded the upper limit of our maximum defense by 230%."

"What about support?"

"Support will arrive soon, our headquarters has sent 100 teams over, and it should arrive soon!"

"They're here!"

In the 912 base city in the rear, densely packed 38 space fighters in combat uniforms rushed out, millions of people, even tens of thousands of giant beasts opened the way in front, this kind of offensive is almost the same as the attack on Zhang Mengyu's 192 battle sequence position just now About the same size.

"Just this few people? It's not enough for us to masturbate for 10 minutes!" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Go to 10 people to fight, and the rest will continue to attack me!"

"Okay, Dean!"

"Destroy the fire lotus!"

"Woodun, the tree world is born!"

Just as those millions of soldiers rushed onto the battlefield, countless tough tree vines emerged from the ground under their feet, and these tree vines bound them tightly so that they could not move.

Not far away, a three-color fire lotus continued to magnify in their field of vision. They only felt a tingling pain that even the space would be burned, and then lost consciousness.

"Captain, our reinforcements... are gone!"

"It's gone? It's only been a few minutes for an army of more than 100 million people?"

"Crack!" Suddenly, there was a clear cracking sound, and the entire protective cover became densely cracked like shattered glass.

Under the desperate eyes of everyone, the entire defense system was shattered, and the fire meteors and meteorites all over the sky instantly completely submerged the first line of defense.

"Captain, the first line of defense has fallen."

"Call for reinforcements, 100 troops can't stop them at all, how many troops are there in our base city?"

"There are more than 9000 troops in total, and half of them have gone out to attack base cities in other universes."

"Not enough, in front of them, even if more than 9000 troops go together, it is impossible to hold on!! What about the general and the adjutant? We need seventh-level fighters to be able to stop them!"

"My lord general took all the adjutants to the 911 base city, and said that he wanted to focus on discussing the strange army that appeared in the seventh universe."

"What the fuck, that army is right in front of us now, call them back quickly, otherwise our 912 base city won't be able to hold on!"


"Let all the troops be dispatched, even if it takes human lives to fill it, we must persist until the general and adjutants come back!"

"Also, withdraw all the troops sent out!"

[Ding, congratulations to the dean for getting 1 shock point. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the dean for getting 1 shock point. 】

A perverted smile appeared on Zhang Mengyu's face, those enemies were finally scared out of their wits, and he could be regarded as starting to earn shock points.

"Dean, someone has come out again, this time at least ten times more troops than before!"

"That's interesting enough!" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "With the meal money, take down the 912 base city, and we'll have a banquet here at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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